2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I agree with his 1st paragraph: anger is his ticket to the White House, and based on the highlights it doesn't look like it was talked about a lot by the Dems. But to call this convetion petty and his solutions detailed is epic fact-less trolling...which has got him this far :nervous:

He's her comfort-Barry. Much contentment.

I agree with his 1st paragraph: anger is his ticket to the White House, and based on the highlights it doesn't look like it was talked about a lot by the Dems. But to call this convetion petty and his solutions detailed is epic fact-less trolling...which has got him this far :nervous:

Especially after shouting 'lock her up' a million times just a week earlier. Suck it, you homegrown demagogue.
Trump would be good for the rich but why would poor and middle class people vote for him? They're given an option to get a version of national health and now they want to vote for someone that'll take that away and make them poorer. Unbelievably stupid.
The Democrats are not perfect but for ordinary Americans they're a much better choice.
Trump would be good for the rich but why would poor and middle class people vote for him? They're given an option to get a version of national health and now they want to vote for someone that'll take that away and make them poorer. Unbelievably stupid.
The Democrats are not perfect but for ordinary Americans they're a much better choice.

Listen to/read Thomas Frank's articles on the divorce of the Dems from the white working class.
Trump would be good for the rich but why would poor and middle class people vote for him? They're given an option to get a version of national health and now they want to vote for someone that'll take that away and make them poorer. Unbelievably stupid.
The Democrats are not perfect but for ordinary Americans they're a much better choice.

Why would the poor and the middle class vote for the Ayan Rand loving, tax break giving, trickle down republicans?

The right tries to confuse and divide the masses by pandering to the religious & nationalistic sentiment to sway people away from a re-distributive government which is beneficial to them. They lie and invoke fear. Fear of other religions, fear of immigrants, fear of globalization to show them a picture which is way way worse than the actual reality. They project that the other side is after their guns, their beliefs, their conservatism, their way of life.

In these tough economic times, Trump has simply hit the right a chord with his divisive message. The more outrageous his statements, the more his popularity has risen. His whole campaign is based on channeling people's anger towards the establishment. He never elaborates on how he is going to bring back the 'good times', but he tells ordinary people what they want to hear without holding back or being politically correct. They do not want to hear that those factories are never coming back and the onus is also on them to prepare for a more technologically advanced world. The same jobs that were available in the past are not going to be available now. What he promises is to bring a back a time that we have left far behind in the past.
Trust me, the rich would rather have Hillary be President than Trump. Ignorant populist mobs don't speak for Wall St.

Not sure about that, unless you think the only rich people are in Wall St. Trump's tax plan seems to significantly benefit the high-income taxpayers who would recieve the biggest tax cut in terms of dollars and %.


I think the reason why Wall St may favour Hillary is because you know what you will get with her and having someone stable at the head of table is always better for the economy. It's no surprise the Economist considers Trump winning the US election as a danger to the global economy back in April (6th highest reason overall, ahead of Brexit). Wall St clearly wouldn't want a volatile time in the market.
Not sure about that, unless you think the only rich people are in Wall St. Trump's tax plan seems to significantly benefit the high-income taxpayers who would recieve the biggest tax cut in terms of dollars and %.


I think the reason why Wall St may favour Hillary is because you know what you will get with her and having someone stable at the head of table is always better for the economy. It's no surprise the Economist considers Trump winning the US election as a danger to the global economy back in April (6th highest reason overall, ahead of Brexit). Wall St clearly wouldn't want a volatile time in the market.

I'd like to think that Wall St. would be first and foremost interested in financial regulation not in tax cuts for the rich.
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