2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It doesn't have to be the government and in this case it transcends the government as its an attempt to influence the US elections.

Why not? Surely the Dems are a private organization.

The democrats crying wolf about big bad Russia is obfuscation. Even if Russia were behind it, surely the truth should have some influence on the election, no matter where it originates.*

*in this case, their own internal emails and Hillary's private server. The irony is delicious.
Why not? Surely the Dems are a private organization.

The democrats crying wolf about big bad Russia is obfuscation. Even if Russia were behind it, surely the truth should have some influence on the election, no matter where it originates.*

*in this case, their own internal emails and Hillary's private server. The irony is delicious.

The DNC is a private organization but the ramifications of hacking it obviously affect the US government, US policy, NATO, Russia policy etc. In that sense it is much bigger than if the Russians would've hacked the White House or Defense Dept.
Yet he oversaw the longest economic expansion in recent time and social attitudes progressed fairly well from the 80s cesspool of 'traditional family value', left office with 60%+ approval rating and high point of racial harmony, a far cry from the Willie Horton campaign GHWB ran. Clinton is no angel and he most certainly did whatever it took to attain power, but he used it more wisely than most who've held that office. You don't need to think a man the beacon of morality to acknowledge his intellect, charisma or cunning, all of which Clinton has in abundance. Winston Churchill starved millions of Indians knowingly and the world still sing his praise nowadays.

Clinton has a very dark side to himself. There are well known accounts of him liking to spend time in graveyards and obsessing that he'd die young just like his father. Didn't stop him from having a life most mortals can only dream of.

Approval don't mean much, well not to me anyway(It's already been pointed out people are willing to dismiss negatives when it comes to Bill). Using power wisely now that's a longer debate but I would argue against that, just quickly

.The bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Shifa_pharmaceutical_factory)reasoning reasoning being he needed to look tough(We've heard this one before)

.The economic issue would came back to shit it's pants all over us in 2008.

.Social issue had very little to do with Clinton, as an example - In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that defined federal marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

As for the comparisons to Winton Churchill(Can't believe we are doing this), I image defeating the Nazi(With help from the Americans and the Soviets)has something to do with positive lasting image of the man.

Clinton is more or less the democratic Reagan. He is getting glorified as some kind of demi-god and everything that doesn´t fit the agenda is getting ignored.
Didn't stop him from having a life most mortals can only dream of.
I guess so, sadly.
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The DNC is a private organization but the ramifications of hacking it obviously affect the US government, US policy, NATO, Russia policy etc. In that sense it is much bigger than if the Russians would've hacked the White House or Defense Dept.

Hmm, seems to me they have serious cyber security issues at the enterprise level. I'd question whether any of them are fit to govern the country based on this.
I think it should also matter than he is asking them to hack for emails that go back to her time as Secretary of State... If they hack those, then they've hacked the emails of a US Cabinet member and would have been encouraged to do so by Trump.
What I find funny is that the Republicans spent 72 hours ridiculing and laughing at the Dems for claiming that Russia is trying to influence the election, and then their nominee comes out and basically asks the Russians to help him win the election.
I think it should also matter than he is asking them to hack for emails that go back to her time as Secretary of State... If they hack those, then they've hacked the emails of a US Cabinet member and would have been encouraged to do so by Trump.

Private server, though. Any hacks would be due to the fact that Hillary broke the rules.
Seems as per tweets(struggling to embed on phone) trump also said he would look at recognising crimea as russian territory while lifting sanctions. And also that it would be great if russia and usa get along.

Looking from afar trump presidency would be fascinating at a geo political level even though lot absurd. :lol:
If Trump becomes president he will do two things:

1. Give fat contracts to companies that belong to his family.

2. Destroy the republican party, so that Cruz does not become president after him.
Semantics. It still is a presidential candidate calling for a rival country to hack the emails of an fellow American citizen. Doubt it'd fly well under any angle.
Indeed. At least it shouldn't sit well with folks. Those voting for Trump are probably proud of him.
Private server, though. Any hacks would be due to the fact that Hillary broke the rules.
And the DNC set themselves up in a private hotel in 1972. That doesn't make what Nixon sent his plumbers to do okay.

Regardless of where Hillary's emails are located, encoraging another nation to hack them, knowing that they'll contain info from her time as SecState is a serious issue.
This was sent to me - any thoughts on it?

Connect the following 7 dots. Do you see a pattern?

1. Trump's debt load has grown dramatically over the last year, from $350 million to $630 million. At the same time, he’s been blackballed by all major US banks.

2. Post-bankruptcy, Trump has become highly reliant on money from Russia -- most of which has over the years become increasingly concentrated among oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin.

3. Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager and top advisor, spent most of the last decade as top campaign and communications advisor to Viktor Yanukovych, the pro-Russian Ukrainian Prime Minister and then President whose ouster in 2014 led to the on-going crisis and proxy war in Ukraine. Yanukovych was and remains a close ally of Putin.

4. Trump's foreign policy advisor on Russia and Europe is Carter Page, a man whose entire professional career has revolved around investments in Russia and who has deep and continuing financial and employment ties to Gazprom, which, in turn, is part of Putin’s financial empire.

5. Over the course of the last year, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media behind Trump.

6. The Trump Camp was totally indifferent to the Republican Party platform, with one exception: They changed the party platform to eliminate assistance to Ukraine against Russian military operations in eastern Ukraine. Not incidentally, this is the single most important issue to Putin.

7. Trump is also suggesting the US and thus NATO might not come to the defense of NATO member states in the Baltics in the case of a Russian invasion -- another important issue to Putin.
Democrats must be really desperate to connect trump with Russia lately, also can they prove he has any connection with Russia? You see we all know Clinton foundation has connections with the Arab world, you know the ones were women has no rights and gays are prosecuted.
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What?! This is all getting too senseless. I'm going to live on a ranch in Australia.
I know you are used to spiders but did you ever saw the size of spiders in Australia?
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