2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The emails themselves are small potatoes compared to the Russian angle where you have another country attempting to influence the outcome of the US elections by tacitly promoting their candidate of choice by attempting to embarrass his opposition. That's the real story here and its far bigger than a few hacks at the DNC chatting about how to promote Hillary over Bernie. That will be soon forgotten, but what won't is Putin attempting to influence who becomes US President.

Yeah because the US would never try to influence the elections of sovereign countries.
At least I've now found a positive aspect in Trump winning the whole thing because it'll be hilarious to see Raoul implode after Putin took a page out of Americas book of foreign politics and successfully undermines the US election in such fashion.

Oh and now I've seen that trump quote. "Our press will probably nightly reward you for this." The guys who're writing his speeches and handling his twitter account are geniuses.:lol:
He had quite the reputation, and I don't mean Monica Lewinsky. He's the sort of person that owns the room the second he walks into it. It's rather rare to have that sort of charisma.
Or Gennifer Flowers or the allegations made by Juanita Broaddick. I don't get the level of admiration for a guy who could easily to viewed as a complete monster.
Pence said some sensible stuff regarding the hacking and then Trump doubled down afterwards.

Seems like they aren't coordinated at all.
A lot of terrible people have terrific charisma. It doesn't mean you like them by admitting it.
Oh yeah I didn't mean that you admired him(Sorry if it came across like that). Just watching his speech yesterday(Well parts of it as I really can't stand the guy)and you had someone like Elizabeth Warren who's grinning from check to check as Bill gave his speech, expected someone like her to have some self awareness.
Oh yeah I didn't mean that you admired him(Sorry if it came across like that). Just watching his speech yesterday(Well parts of it as I really can't stand the guy)and you had someone like Elizabeth Warren who's grinning from check to check as Bill gave his speech, expected someone like her to have some self awareness.

I would not doubt this about any US Politician.
Oh yeah I didn't mean that you admired him(Sorry if it came across like that). Just watching his speech yesterday(Well parts of it as I really can't stand the guy)and you had someone like Elizabeth Warren who's grinning from check to check as Bill gave his speech, expected someone like her to have some self awareness.
That's the Slick Willy charm
That's the Slick Willy charm

When Clinton first ran for the presidency in '92, I remember reading a profile in a British newspaper. They talked to people, including women, who'd known him when he was a student at Oxford, and none of them recalled him as devastatingly attractive or cutting a swathe through the ranks of female fellow students.

I suspect that, like many on the political left, his supposed charisma is simply the pull of fame and power. Why would a very attractive man marry Hillary Clinton?
When Clinton first ran for the presidency in '92, I remember reading a profile in a British newspaper. They talked to people, including women, who'd known him when he was a student at Oxford, and none of them recalled him as devastatingly attractive or cutting a swathe through the ranks of female fellow students.

I suspect that, like many on the political left, his supposed charisma is simply the pull of fame and power. Why would a very attractive man marry Hillary Clinton?

It's a bit daft to suggest that it's a trait of political left when the right adores an actor turned President and wanks off to his wife checking with astrologers as a mark of love.
Slick Willie is acknowledged to be extremely personable and charismatic even by those who hate him rabidly on the right. Newt Gingrich met with him daily to discuss policies at length during the impeachment process.

But sure, it's all because of 'fame' and 'power' :rolleyes:.
It's a bit daft to suggest that it's a trait of political left when the right adores an actor turned President and wanks off to his wife checking with astrologers as a mark of love.

Sorry. Bit of prejudice creeping in there. But it's been my experience that the political left are noticeably cold, and human warmth is an indispensable part of genuine personal attraction. One of JFK's women tellingly said of him: 'He gave off more light than heat'
When Clinton first ran for the presidency in '92, I remember reading a profile in a British newspaper. They talked to people, including women, who'd known him when he was a student at Oxford, and none of them recalled him as devastatingly attractive or cutting a swathe through the ranks of female fellow students.

I suspect that, like many on the political left, his supposed charisma is simply the pull of fame and power. Why would a very attractive man marry Hillary Clinton?

What a shallow comment from you.
Slick Willie is acknowledged to be extremely personable and charismatic even by those who hate him rabidly on the right. Newt Gingrich met with him daily to discuss policies at length during the impeachment process.

But sure, it's all because of 'fame' and 'power' :rolleyes:.
I suggest you have a look at the case of Ricky Ray Rector and Bill's involvement in it.
Sorry. Bit of prejudice creeping in there. But it's been my experience that the political left are noticeably cold, and human warmth is an indispensable part of genuine personal attraction. One of JFK's women tellingly said of him: 'He gave off more light than heat'

Those scoring higher on disgust/threat indexes are more likely to score lower on empathy and vote conservative, whereas those scoring higher on maximising equality and minimising harm are more likely to score higher in empathy and be left wing.

Edit: I prefer the old days of being called a bleeding-heart naive idiot ;)
No one ever said he's a Boy Scout. It's not what being discussed.

Triangulation, racial dog whistling and the execution of this man were shameful, yes.

And it was all for power right ? There's no other reasoning to it.

As for the boy scout comment, come on you where saying the women in the audience where going weak at the knees during his speech, also what been discussed is how much of cnut Bill Clinton is, I know this because I derailed the thread.

And sorry if I come across as some high horse cnut, just that watching the celebration of that man speech last night really put me in a bad mood. During the democratic primary there's been at times criticism of the Clinton's record(not enough in my view) - mainly the 1994 crime bill and ties to wall street yet there was no mention of the Ricky Ray Rector case and the racism be hide it or Bill's history and potentially crimes against women. T

It's so frustrating watching a man get praise by people who if they took a few minutes out of their lives to google him would be utterly disgusted.
And it was all for power right ? There's no other reasoning to it.

As for the boy scout comment, come on you where saying the women in the audience where going weak at the knees during his speech, also what been discussed is how much of cnut Bill Clinton is, I know this because I derailed the thread.

And sorry if I come across as some high horse cnut, just that watching the celebration of that man speech last night really put me in a bad mood. During the democratic primary there's been at times criticism of the Clinton's record(not enough in my view) - mainly the 1994 crime bill and ties to wall street yet there was no mention of the Ricky Ray Rector case and the racism be hide it or Bill's history and potentially crimes against women. T

It's so frustrating watching a man get praise by people who if they took a few minutes out of their lives to google him would be utterly disgusted.

Clinton is more or less the democratic Reagan. He is getting glorified as some kind of demi-god and everything that doesn´t fit the agenda is getting ignored.
People on the fence will care though. Encouraging a foreign government to engage in criminal activity against your own government is basically treason.

It wouldn't be a national security issue if a certain someone didn't feel that the rules of a particular office didn't apply to them. As such, I think the treason angle is a bit much.
Wonder if today's speeches go after trump and the Russian agent stuff?

Also awaiting what barrack Obama comes up with.
Yeah because the US would never try to influence the elections of sovereign countries.
At least I've now found a positive aspect in Trump winning the whole thing because it'll be hilarious to see Raoul implode after Putin took a page out of Americas book of foreign politics and successfully undermines the US election in such fashion.

Oh and now I've seen that trump quote. "Our press will probably nightly reward you for this." The guys who're writing his speeches and handling his twitter account are geniuses.:lol:

I'm sure they have in the past. I'm talking purely from the perspective of another country attempting to influence the US elections and the ramifications of one of the candidates inviting Russia to engage in cyber-espionage on his own country to advance his own political interests. That is at a minimum disqualifying and probably borderline treason.
It wouldn't be a national security issue if a certain someone didn't feel that the rules of a particular office didn't apply to them. As such, I think the treason angle is a bit much.

That's a completely different issue. This is about a hack of the DNC, not Hillary's private home server.
And it was all for power right ? There's no other reasoning to it.

Politicians want power. It still doesn't have anything to do with what Will said, that Clinton's charisma is only a mirage due to his office.

As for the boy scout comment, come on you where saying the women in the audience where going weak at the knees during his speech, also what been discussed is how much of cnut Bill Clinton is, I know this because I derailed the thread.

It was a crude joke, knowing his reputation. And I don't think we were discussing his cvntishness or lack thereof, more so his charisma and public skills.

And sorry if I come across as some high horse cnut, just that watching the celebration of that man speech last night really put me in a bad mood. During the democratic primary there's been at times criticism of the Clinton's record(not enough in my view) - mainly the 1994 crime bill and ties to wall street yet there was no mention of the Ricky Ray Rector case and the racism be hide it or Bill's history and potentially crimes against women

Yet he oversaw the longest economic expansion in recent time and social attitudes progressed fairly well from the 80s cesspool of 'traditional family value', left office with 60%+ approval rating and high point of racial harmony, a far cry from the Willie Horton campaign GHWB ran. Clinton is no angel and he most certainly did whatever it took to attain power, but he used it more wisely than most who've held that office. You don't need to think a man the beacon of morality to acknowledge his intellect, charisma or cunning, all of which Clinton has in abundance. Winston Churchill starved millions of Indians knowingly and the world still sing his praise nowadays.

Clinton has a very dark side to himself. There are well known accounts of him liking to spend time in graveyards and obsessing that he'd die young just like his father. Didn't stop him from having a life most mortals can only dream of.
I'm sure they have in the past. I'm talking purely from the perspective of another country attempting to influence the US elections and the ramifications of one of the candidates inviting Russia to engage in cyber-espionage on his own country to advance his own political interests. That is at a minimum disqualifying and probably borderline treason.

So now adding to the "no matter who wins they will be in the pockets of the filthy rich" we can add that no matter who wins they are beholden to foreign interests. What a time to be alive.
I thought he was obviously talking about those 30,000 deleted e-mails from her personal system.

Yes, but if he had half a brain he'd say "I hope the FBI still finds those emails". But he's up there, enjoying himself too much and thinking too little, and subs in Russia for FBI. If he'd been talking about Pokemon the sentence before he might've said that instead, such is the thoughtfulness of the man.
I thought he was obviously talking about those 30,000 deleted e-mails from her personal system.

Yes he was, but that's not what the entire Russian hacking scandal is about. Trump is just inventing a scenario about Hillary's emails for the Russians to divulge without any information to substantiate whether or not her server was even compromised
Why are people surprised that Trump's love for Putin is not hurting him with right wingers? Fox has bigged up Putin the same on a number of occasions in their effort to belittle Obama.
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