2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Sarah Silverman coming soon :drool:

I'm sure she'll say something shocking.

I would. Repeatedly.

Got it! The power of The Google.

Nah that's not it. It may have come from a super pac. It basically had Trump mocking the disabled reporter juxtaposed against images of George Washington, Lincoln, Reagan etc (as in, "what have we become").
I don't understand the type of people who visit a DNC or RNC. Why spend all day listening to propaganda from these random people??
Why not ? Are all Republicans supposed to magically fall in line with Trump - who is basically not a Republican himself ? Its the Bush/Rubio/Cruz's of the world who represent the traditional conservative platform.

Let's reverse the situation - why is Bernie heeling and why are third party candidates viewed as a vote for Trump around here?
Just so we are intellectually consistent.
Let's reverse the situation - why is Bernie heeling and why are third party candidates viewed as a vote for Trump around here?
Just so we are intellectually consistent.

Not sure what you mean ? This was about Ana Navarro, who is a Republican.
For this convention I'm mostly looking forward to Bill Clinton speaking, he killed it last time with an utterly masterful speech. If you get the chance check it out, there is no one who is on his level of charisma. I'm 100% convinced he would win extremely easy if he ran.

Why not ? Are all Republicans supposed to magically fall in line with Trump - who is basically not a Republican himself ? Its the Bush/Rubio/Cruz's of the world who represent the traditional conservative platform.

It's exactly those cnuts who've impeded the feck out of Obama's last 8 years. Trump's no prize but I don't get the sudden pining for modern conservatives, they've done nothing but block and disrupt.
FFS these Hillary supporters have zero substance, it's basically "she fights for us" and "I'm with her" and "diversity". At least Sarah Silverman mentioned Citizens United, healthcare, education.
Not sure what you mean ? This was about Ana Navarro, who is a Republican.

So, Ana Navarro is a self-respecting Republican because she talks over every pundit on CNN about Trump, and she's not voting for the republican candidate for president.
Bernie supporters or other self-respecting Democrats who might not vote for her are losers and handing Trump the presidency.

We either let dissidents from both parties speak out against the presidential candidates, or we don't excoriate either.
Let's reverse the situation - why is Bernie heeling and why are third party candidates viewed as a vote for Trump around here?
Just so we are intellectually consistent.

Can you rephrase? Genuinely interested in answering.
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