2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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he could endorse a candidate with a more similar view of politics maybe? There are plenty independents candidates that could do with the endorsement of Bernie, candidates that think like him.

if he does that, then you know the man is a man of hos word, a man of honor.

But instead, he goes back to the very origin of the problem, and supports a shitty candidate from the old Bipartisan politic system that is corrupted as feck.

There's a reason he is endorsing Hillary - because without his support Trump will be the next President. There is no such thing as a legitimate third party option in this race that wouldn't result in either Hillary or Trump getting elected. Policy wise, Bernie and Hillary are pretty much in sync if you compare their platforms to Trump's.
Analysing demographics is bad?

IIRC you are a Bernie supporter. You think if there was a hack into the Sanders campaign email servers you wouldn't see emails like this?

Yes, I'm a Bernie supporter and now I'll be supporting Jill Stein. She is the best candidate in the race right now. And no, I do not think that the Sanders campaign is like DWS and the Clinton campaign. The primaries were never fair and the DNC and the Clinton campaign worked together throughout to make Clinton the nominee. Hillary hiring DWS to work for her campaign after resigning as the DNC chair just proves this.

Now, DWS is not even going to speak at the DNC to avoid being booed.
he could endorse a candidate with a more similar view of politics maybe? There are plenty independents candidates that could do with the endorsement of Bernie, candidates that think like him.

if he does that, then you know the man is a man of hos word, a man of honor.

But instead, he goes back to the very origin of the problem, and supports a shitty candidate from the old Bipartisan politic system that is corrupted as feck.

edit. Hillary and Drumpf are equally bad..

he said at the very beginning of the process that he´d endorse the winner, so no point in going back on his word. Of course he has to endorse her now.
It is quite funny to see democrats getting nervous. Now they try to shame and scare monger everyone into voting for Clinton. Maybe, just maybe they should have thought about that before electing one of the most corrupt and disgusting politicians of their party. It would still be easy to win over the left wing crowd, if Clinton would promises credibly (:lol:) to commit to certain standards of good and transparent government. Obviously she can´t do that, so she has to hope that enough people are willing to vote against Trump. It is a gamble. If that doesn´t pay off, she is responsible for Trump. Not the people who didn´t vote for her.
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Yes, I'm a Bernie supporter and now I'll be supporting Jill Stein. She is the best candidate in the race right now. And no, I do not think that the Sanders campaign is like DWS and the Clinton campaign. The primaries were never fair and the DNC and the Clinton campaign worked together throughout to make Clinton the nominee. Hillary hiring DWS to work for her campaign after resigning as the DNC chair just proves this.

Now, DWS is not even going to speak at the DNC to avoid being booed.

Good riddance. She was a distraction.
he could endorse a candidate with a more similar view of politics maybe? There are plenty independents candidates that could do with the endorsement of Bernie, candidates that think like him.

if he does that, then you know the man is a man of hos word, a man of honor.

But instead, he goes back to the very origin of the problem, and supports a shitty candidate from the old Bipartisan politic system that is corrupted as feck.

edit. Hillary and Drumpf are equally bad..

He didnt run as third party though. He ran as a democrat and said at the start that he would support the democrat candidate.

And hillary is way closer to his agenda than drumpf. Also its too polarized and dangerous for him to take a risk. The stakes are too high.

I understand what you are saying at one level but then what will that even achieve except trump presidency and his Choice of judges? Also then it looks like him going back on his word as well.
he said at the very beginning of the process that he´d endorse the winner, so no point in going back on his word. Of course he has to endorse her now.
It is quite funny to see democrats getting nervous. Now they try to shame and scare monger everyone into voting for Clinton. Maybe, just maybe they should have thought about that before electing one of the most corrupt and disgusting politicians of their party. It would still be easy to win over the left wing crowd, if Clinton would promises credibly (:lol:) to commit to certain standards of good and transparent government. Obviously she can´t do that, so she has to hope that enough people are willing to vote against Trump. It is a gamble. If that doesn´t pay off, she is responsible for Trump. Not the people who didn´t vote for her.

Yep. It should have been a slam dunk.
The Dem convention not going too smoothly here. Boos when either clinton or kaine are mentioned it seems.
@Mrs Smoker
Did the AMA happen? I wandered into the cuckfree zone, took a bath, saw no sign of the AMA, and wandered out, and am showering as we speak.
When is Bernie speaking?
I saw the last 2 guys, this seems too boring to see any more of.
I think he's between Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren..towards the very end.
The LA Times says the big speeches will start 9pm eastern with Sen. Booker, then FLOTUS, then leading to Warren.

Bernie spoke once already today. Is he supposed to speak again tonight then?
The LA Times says the big speeches will start 9pm eastern with Sen. Booker, then FLOTUS, then leading to Warren.

Bernie spoke once already today. Is he supposed to speak again tonight then?

He has a major speaking role tonight. The earlier speech was just a rally outside the convention center.
Chomsky gets it. Excellent. All the Bernie Bots who are throwing their toys out and threatening to vote for Jill Stein need to read that.

He's been consistent on that forever. I know he has more disdain for Hillary than Obama, and his logic is based on war deaths by Republicans, so I was wondering what it would be this time...till Trump became their nominee :lol:
I think Chomsky called him an existential threat to mankind.
Why have they written trumps name on so many fecking posters, you'd expect the organisers to know a thing or two about not giving the publicity monster even more publicity.
Chomsky gets it. Excellent. All the Bernie Bots who are throwing their toys out and threatening to vote for Jill Stein need to read that.
Chomsky has taken the most common sense position I've seen him take in years. He knows the fundamental difference between voting for a centrist in Clinton and the far right in the Trump ticket. Tea Party cannot be aloud to run anything of any significance. If the Democratic candidate were Ronald McDonald, he'd be well worth voting for when the alternative is regressive far right nonsense.

Sanders isn't even far left enough for Chomsky, but he knows that politics is about compromise and common sense.
Chomsky has taken the most common sense position I've seen him take in years. He knows the fundamental difference between voting for a centrist in Clinton and the far right in the Trump ticket. Tea Party cannot be aloud to run anything of any significance. If the Democratic candidate were Ronald McDonald, he'd be well worth voting for when the alternative is regressive far right nonsense.

Sanders isn't even far left enough for Chomsky, but he knows that politics is about compromise and common sense.

He advocated voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012 (and I'm pretty sure for Kerry, etc.) This is his position. Of course, in between elections he said Obama has committed war crimes by the letter of the law :)

The Spanish speaking will be massive, as he'll be on all the Spanish channels doing interviews about how dangerous Trump is, which will just push up Hillary's Latino numbers even further. That could be critical in places like Florida, Arizona, NM, and Nevada. The Trump people must be truly bricking it.

From a Florida Republican following Kaine's speech:

She's not a Republican, she's the anti-trump rabid dog on CNN. They usually got 5-6 panelists all talking over each other, but she takes the cupcake.
He advocated voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012 (and I'm pretty sure for Kerry, etc.) This is his position. Of course, in between elections he said Obama has committed war crimes by the letter of the law :)
Yes, but what I mean is, he votes based on practicality rather than sentiment which is admirable and sensible.

He has a case with Obama. Not sure I agree with him, but he can be rather persuasive.
He advocated voting for Obama in 2008 and 2012 (and I'm pretty sure for Kerry, etc.) This is his position. Of course, in between elections he said Obama has committed war crimes by the letter of the law :)


That 2% of consistent Clinton supporters that are going for Trump deserves further study :lol:
That 2% of consistent Clinton supporters that are going for Trump deserves further study :lol:
There should be an "I have no clue what the feck you're asking me" option on these things. That's like the small % of UKIP members who were polled that said they'd be voting remain!
There should be an "I have no clue what the feck you're asking me" option on these things. That's like the small % of UKIP members who were polled that said they'd be voting remain!
There is always a small percentage of people who like to feck with pollsters, or anyone asking them questions in general really.
She's not a Republican, she's the anti-trump rabid dog on CNN. They usually got 5-6 panelists all talking over each other, but she takes the cupcake.

She's a Bush/Rubio south Florida Republican. It's quite understable that a self-respecting Republican doesn't like a demagogic charlatan like Trump.
Really think Trump will win this thing.

He needed a perfect storm to win the nomination and he got it. I reckon he needs a perfect storm to win the general and so far things are just falling into place.

The stars just seemed aligned for him.
Yes, I'm a Bernie supporter and now I'll be supporting Jill Stein. She is the best candidate in the race right now. And no, I do not think that the Sanders campaign is like DWS and the Clinton campaign. The primaries were never fair and the DNC and the Clinton campaign worked together throughout to make Clinton the nominee. Hillary hiring DWS to work for her campaign after resigning as the DNC chair just proves this.

Now, DWS is not even going to speak at the DNC to avoid being booed.

I really cannot understand this way of thinking.

Jill Stein has zero possibilities of being elected. But even in the imaginary universe where she is elected, she has zero possibilities of getting any legislation through.

On the other hand, there is a big chance that Trump will be elected and make the like of a few million people more miserable that it is now...

The whole thing seems to me a repeat of the 2000 elections. If the 3% that voted for Nader had voted for Gore, Bush would have never been elected and we wouldn't have the Iraq war. Millions have suffered because of the Bush presidency.

Yes, in life we often chose the lesser of two evils! It's not perfect, but that's life!

But I guess people never learn...
Really think Trump will win this thing.

He needed a perfect storm to win the nomination and he got it. I reckon he needs a perfect storm to win the general and so far things are just falling into place.

The stars just seemed aligned for him.

It's exactly the same as Britain leaving the EU. Everyone was scared of it, all the talk was about how it can't happen and everyone was so cock sure it wouldn't happen, then it did. I can see so many similarities with this scenario. I think he will win too. My mind HOPES he can't win, it constantly does the maths with voting demographics and the like, but my heart is saying he has already won. This email bullshit just makes me more certain.

Feck it, I nearly died in February, I'm booking a holiday to visit my mate in Thailand. If the world is fecked, I want to watch it from a bar where women are firing ping pong balls at me from their snatch at the same time.
Sanders could change this hugely in favour of Clinton tonight. I think he'll give a ringing endorsement.
What exactly does voting for a third party candidate accomplish other than Trump becoming the next president?

I think it's just a way out for those who wanna go and vote for someone. Just like people who annul their votes or boycott elections all together, and go home with a clear conscious, when actually they did affect the outcome.

Point is , anyone who resort to such futile options is helping Trump become the president. Period.

I know how terrible it would feel for you to vote for Clinton, but think about the whole country, and the world as well!! After all, socialists are collectivists who think about the group, right? ;)
This Latino segment probably not going down well since the artifice of their strategy was laid bare. Still, better than Trump.
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