2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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FFS these Hillary supporters have zero substance, it's basically "she fights for us" and "I'm with her" and "diversity". At least Sarah Silverman mentioned Citizens United, healthcare, education.
It's a shame but personality sells more than policy (the sole reason Trump is still around).
They shouldn't mention Trump's name, should have coined a moniker for him, a caricature. Like Cheetohead or Drumpf. Something.
They should just ignore him for the most part in my opinion. Highlight the positives, the policy, the people. Then draw the contrast, but they shouldn't go overboard.
So, Ana Navarro is a self-respecting Republican because she talks over every pundit on CNN about Trump, and she's not voting for the republican candidate for president.
Bernie supporters or other self-respecting Democrats who might not vote for her are losers and handing Trump the presidency.

We either let dissidents from both parties speak out against the presidential candidates, or we don't excoriate either.

I still don't see any relation between the two. She's one person, whereas the Bernie fans are 44 percent of the Dem voting base.
Serious question, why was HRC the chosen candidate heading into the primary? Surely there had to be a handful of highly qualified, highly liked Dems out there?

Biden should have run, but maybe he simply didn't want to run after serving as VP for eight years.
Serious question, why was HRC the chosen candidate heading into the primary? Surely there had to be a handful of highly qualified, highly liked Dems out there?

Biden should have run, but maybe he simply didn't want to run after serving as VP for eight years.

She was by default because she was gazumped by Obama in 08. That, and the Clinton cabal are extremely powerful in the Dem party. Bill is still viewed as the defacto Godfather.
Serious question, why was HRC the chosen candidate heading into the primary? Surely there had to be a handful of highly qualified, highly liked Dems out there?

Biden should have run, but maybe he simply didn't want to run after serving as VP for eight years.
I think Joe knows he's reached his political peak. He's 73 years old right now. Has just run out of time.
FFS these Hillary supporters have zero substance, it's basically "she fights for us" and "I'm with her" and "diversity". At least Sarah Silverman mentioned Citizens United, healthcare, education.

It's just as bad as the Republicans last week, instead of fear mongering and hatred it's instead vapid soundbites and slogans. Has to the most depressing election in my life time.
Serious question, why was HRC the chosen candidate heading into the primary? Surely there had to be a handful of highly qualified, highly liked Dems out there?

Biden should have run, but maybe he simply didn't want to run after serving as VP for eight years.

She's the establishment choice because all her life has been spent making the correct connections to place herself there. In simple words, masterful networking by Hilary, a lot of it by piggybacking from her Husband's success.

She was supposed to win in 2008, but Obama got in the way. The Obama/Clinton primary race turned very vicious once Hilary realized she could lose. Obama basically have a her a second chance by appointing her and giving her the chance build an even stronger reputation.
It's amazing how utterly patriotic American politicians are/have to be. Obviously the Republican nut types go without saying, but even guys like Booker here are patriotic to a level that'd probably be ridiculed and seen as absurd in many countries.
It's amazing how utterly patriotic American politicians are/have to be. Obviously the Republican nut types go without saying, but even guys like Booker here are patriotic to a level that'd probably be ridiculed and seen as absurd in many countries.
America is a republic, though. The patriotism will always be higher.
America is a republic, though. The patriotism will always be higher.

True, but there'd be plenty of republic countries out there where the level of patriotism displayed in America would be (and is) largely ridiculed. All comes across as quite corny and silly, but that's the culture I suppose.
Holy shit I'm about to barf at this patriotism lovefest. Any other country and the hard right would be saying these lines. We will rise. Invincible.
Holy shit I'm about to barf at this patriotism lovefest. Any other country and the hard right would be saying these lines. We will rise. Invincible.

Yeah, I know, it's pretty ridiculous when you think that this is the more moderate, sensible of the two main parties.:lol: Very good speech admittedly, but one that could only ever work in an American election. Imagine someone like Tony Blair or George Osborne delivering a speech like that!
I have little sympathy for people stupid enough to pay for these for-profit 'universities'. The public schooling that's available is a far better option.
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