2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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yeah he was good, although thought he was gonna break out the "I have a dream" at one point
Election followers , pretty general question here but all things considered what kind of likelihood are we looking at for trump becoming president ? I've not really followed things because I just can't take him seriously at all.
Election followers , pretty general question here but all things considered what kind of likelihood are we looking at for trump becoming president ? I've not really followed things because I just can't take him seriously at all.

Odds have Hillary favourite at about 1.5, Trump is 2.75

I personally think Trump is a good bet at those odds, although I'd never bet on the cnut
Election followers , pretty general question here but all things considered what kind of likelihood are we looking at for trump becoming president ? I've not really followed things because I just can't take him seriously at all.
It's closer than you would ever want it to be
It's closer than you would ever want it to be

I got into a conversation the other day with a trump enthusiast who seems to think that Hilary will end up conceding the election because trump has used a lot of his cash to dig up some dirt that would make her position as a candidate untenable .
I got into a conversation the other day with a trump enthusiast who seems to think that Hilary will end up conceding the election because trump has used a lot of his cash to dig up some dirt that would make her position as a candidate untenable .
Hypothetically, if that happened, could Sanders step in?
Yeah, in pure entertainment terms the GOP convention is unbeatable. The worst speakers were the best.
Election followers , pretty general question here but all things considered what kind of likelihood are we looking at for trump becoming president ? I've not really followed things because I just can't take him seriously at all.

Ask in about two weeks after the dust settles following the conventions.
Election followers , pretty general question here but all things considered what kind of likelihood are we looking at for trump becoming president ? I've not really followed things because I just can't take him seriously at all.

Time to take him seriously I'm afraid.
They should be on within two hours. The 9pm slot is considered prime time in the US, so the top speakers should be on then.
Also worth keeping an eye on the NY Times - http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html - and Princeton Election Consortium - http://election.princeton.edu/

Both are a bit more confident of a Clinton win.

I feel like a lot of analysis kinda almost goes out the window at this stage. Clinton realistically should win, and Trump should fade as the election comes closer...but he's showing no signs of doing so thus far. Part of the man's pitch (a large part...) is capitalising upon the fears of others, and with all the current global attacks in major cities, he's going to be able to keep that up. I think Clinton will just emerge as winner in the end, but after the year we've had a Trump win honestly wouldn't surprise me at all.
There is always a small percentage of people who like to feck with pollsters, or anyone asking them questions in general really.
Reminds me... Years ago some UK TV crew did a kind of straw poll in the streets of NYC asking people if they could ever vote for someone who was openly heterosexual. Most said no.
Has anyone noticed that since March-ish (Dem debates in Florida and NY), there has been no public discussion on policy at all by either party*? Trump effect, or convenient for Hillary?

*platforms are the kinds of things followed by junkies.
There is always a small percentage of people who like to feck with pollsters, or anyone asking them questions in general really.

Yep. Saw one of those donation/poll commercials a few minutes ago (on CNN) that featured Gowdy as Comey questions and the options were 1) Clinton should be in jail (summary), or 2) Clinton deserves special treatment (summary). Because the two options are phrased the way they are to elicit an emotional response, I considered calling in and choosing option 2. Because, like athletes, politicians are better people and deserve better treatment (cough*Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride*cough).
She's a Bush/Rubio south Florida Republican. It's quite understable that a self-respecting Republican doesn't like a demagogic charlatan like Trump.

A self-respecting Republican wouldn't be as bitter as she is. Bush/Rubio lost, move on.
Also I find it interesting that HRC is attacking Trump for scary tactics and doom-mongering.

Her whole bloody campaign now is scary tactics and doom-mongering -- look at Trump, we can't elect him, vote for me.

She's such a weak, flawed candidate!

This is like watching City play Liverpool. I can't root for either.
I'm fairly certain Trump is sitting in his lair mocking this disabled woman on stage.

Speaking of, the DNC rolls out persons with real problems and real obstacles overcome, the RNC rolls out fearmongers and crying mom's blaming a politician for deaths. One is a carnival on steriods, the other is a week long working seminar.
A self-respecting Republican wouldn't be as bitter as she is. Bush/Rubio lost, move on.

Why not ? Are all Republicans supposed to magically fall in line with Trump - who is basically not a Republican himself ? Its the Bush/Rubio/Cruz's of the world who represent the traditional conservative platform.
Also I find it interesting that HRC is attacking Trump for scary tactics and doom-mongering.

Her whole bloody campaign now is scary tactics and doom-mongering -- look at Trump, we can't elect him, vote for me.

She's such a weak, flawed candidate!

This is like watching City play Liverpool. I can't root for either.
It's more like watching Real Madrid play Satan, 9 of his favourite demons, and the root of all evil, Donald Trump.
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