2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He's also clueless on foreign policy. When asked about it, he says he gets his ideas from news shows on TV.

Exactly! But I have realised why this does not matter to those who vote for him. Those who vote for him haven't got a fecking clue either. They see Obama as a massive failure overseas, and they are also the same people who continuously bang on about America being THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! thinking that America should dominate everyone, run everything and control everything and tell everyone else what to do, and if they don't agree then they should bomb the shit out of them and liberate them. These are the same people who have no problem in pissing off anywhere else in the world because of sheer arrogance, ignorance and a completely false perception and understanding of global politics and America's place in it.

These people are literally blind to anything except the Stars and Stripes flag, hence the continual need to chant U S A at every single given opportunity. It's really embarrassing, and I bet as many people cringe when they hear that chant as those that cheer and repeat it. I think 99% of the rest of the world cringe or laugh at that chant, especially at Political rallies. It just shows the mind-set and ignorance of people. There is nothing wrong with loving your country, but the constant need to shout about it is insane. It's the same as all the flags outside peoples houses, do people forget where they are and feel a need to be constantly reminded? It's menthol. However joking aside this is all part of the bigger problem and that is that the majority of those people actually think and believe that their country is superior to everyone else and because of that they must enforce their ideals and views on everyone else. Of course the irony there being that many of them have some of the lowest I.Q. scores in the Western world.

I'm sure as many if not more are absolutely lovely and beautiful people, most really wouldn't want to hurt a fly, but it's just something in Americas culture and it's always going to be there. It's part of what actually makes America great (ugh) but it's also part of why America sucks and is resented overseas. Quite how you would ever be able to sort this out is insanely difficult to comprehend, humility isn't easy to teach, especially when the opposite is so staunchly ingrained in to your upbringing. But all this is exactly why many people will blindly vote for Trump and not care less about anything else. They see it a good v evil as clear as day, Socialism (even though it isn't) is the devil, and Patriotism and the Constitution is the light, so anyone trying to say otherwise is the enemy. That is the real battle you guys are fighting, it's not just as simple as Trump v Clinton.
Exactly! But I have realised why this does not matter to those who vote for him. Those who vote for him haven't got a fecking clue either. They see Obama as a massive failure overseas, and they are also the same people who continuously bang on about America being THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD! thinking that America should dominate everyone, run everything and control everything and tell everyone else what to do, and if they don't agree then they should bomb the shit out of them and liberate them. These are the same people who have no problem in pissing off anywhere else in the world because of sheer arrogance, ignorance and a completely false perception and understanding of global politics and America's place in it.

These people are literally blind to anything except the Stars and Stripes flag, hence the continual need to chant U S A at every single given opportunity. It's really embarrassing, and I bet as many people cringe when they hear that chant as those that cheer and repeat it. I think 99% of the rest of the world cringe or laugh at that chant, especially at Political rallies. It just shows the mind-set and ignorance of people. There is nothing wrong with loving your country, but the constant need to shout about it is insane. It's the same as all the flags outside peoples houses, do people forget where they are and feel a need to be constantly reminded? It's menthol. However joking aside this is all part of the bigger problem and that is that the majority of those people actually think and believe that their country is superior to everyone else and because of that they must enforce their ideals and views on everyone else. Of course the irony there being that many of them have some of the lowest I.Q. scores in the Western world.

I'm sure as many if not more are absolutely lovely and beautiful people, most really wouldn't want to hurt a fly, but it's just something in Americas culture and it's always going to be there. It's part of what actually makes America great (ugh) but it's also part of why America sucks and is resented overseas. Quite how you would ever be able to sort this out is insanely difficult to comprehend, humility isn't easy to teach, especially when the opposite is so staunchly ingrained in to your upbringing. But all this is exactly why many people will blindly vote for Trump and not care less about anything else. They see it a good v evil as clear as day, Socialism (even though it isn't) is the devil, and Patriotism and the Constitution is the light, so anyone trying to say otherwise is the enemy. That is the real battle you guys are fighting, it's not just as simple as Trump v Clinton.

are you talking about Trump or Clinton ? :lol: Clinton still believes in democratic regime change. It is literately impossible to be more deluded than that.
I'd say that's a vocal minority of Bernie supporters who are still living in delusional lala land where they think being mischievous at the convention will result in Bernie getting the nomination. If you watch the entire thing, at the end you can hear Sanders' wife explaining that to him. After this week, I think a massive chunk of Bernie supporters will see the light in terms of Trump.

There's a certain irony in him being booed by his own delegates, isn't it?

Most leftist movements that managed to obtain power had an authoritarian element underneath. His own admission of not wanting to be a leader undermine his clout over the same people he should be leading.
US government email servers are regularly hacked by Russia, China and North Korea. It's known fact that both State and the Pentagon have been subjected to cyber attacks multiple times and some succeeded.

Your suggestion helps with public perception, not so much for practical purposes.

That's a baby with the bathwater argument. You don't think the FBI and other agencies can arrange for more secure comms and storage than the DNC and RNC with just private contractors?
Cannot embed this tweet regarding the DNC leaks for some reason so I'll just post the link here.


The DNC and DWS in particular are just disgraceful. Mocking Bernie, his faith, Hispanic people and gay people as well. Now the DNC are blaming the leaks on Russian hackers. On top of it all, DWS resigns as DNC chair and is immediately hired by Hillary into her campaign. Hand in glove.
Cannot embed this tweet regarding the DNC leaks for some reason so I'll just post the link here.


The DNC and DWS in particular are just disgraceful. Mocking Bernie, his faith, Hispanic people and gay people as well. Now the DNC are blaming the leaks on Russian hackers. On top of it all, DWS resigns as DNC chair and is immediately hired by Hillary into her campaign. Hand in glove.

Probably because its not a tweet - its a twitter web page of mostly memes.
That's a baby with the bathwater argument. You don't think the FBI and other agencies can arrange for more secure comms and storage than the DNC and RNC with just private contractors?

I think they can certainly try, problem is anonymity is sometimes a better defense than sophistication. Clinton's two bit home brew server was safe the whole time, while State's got hacked multiple times. The trouble with government servers is that adversary know they are there, hence its easier for them to pinpoint and wear down.

Wouldn't hurt to try, I just don't think it'd be effective. Techies progress exponentially, while bureaucracy is always cumbersome.
Cannot embed this tweet regarding the DNC leaks for some reason so I'll just post the link here.


The DNC and DWS in particular are just disgraceful. Mocking Bernie, his faith, Hispanic people and gay people as well. Now the DNC are blaming the leaks on
Russian hackers. On top of it all, DWS resigns as DNC chair and is immediately hired by Hillary into her campaign. Hand in glove.

That was someone saying no homo IIRC. If that's where the bar is set...
I think they can certainly try, problem is anonymity is sometimes a better defense than sophistication. Clinton's two bit home brew server was safe the whole time, while State's got hacked multiple times. The troubles with government servers is that adversary know they are there, hence its easier for them to pinpoint and wear down.

Wouldn't hurt to try, I just don't think it'd be effective. Techies progress exponentially, while bureaucracy is always cumbersome.

Gotcha, good point. Can you imagine the meetings in spy shops around the world after the server was revealed? "You mean we spent $50m in the past 10 years trying to hack the US State Dept., and meanwhile there was an unsecured server in NY we could've hacked in 5 minutes?!"
Yeah but the Republicans are clutching at straws and managing to grab hold of a few. The Dems aren't exactly helping themselves at the moment either.

I'd expect the DNC to write in PC-approved language at all times! Even if it makes reports 10x longer, and 1/10 as objective.
Gotcha, good point. Can you imagine the meetings in spy shops around the world after the server was revealed? "You mean we spent $50m in the past 10 years trying to hack the US State Dept., and meanwhile there was an unsecured server in NY we could've hacked in 5 minutes?!"

Now imagine the Clinton's campaign spinning it into a Machiavellian master stroke :lol:
No, not that one. There was an email about 'bad gays' and 'good gays' regarding probability of gay people voting for the Dems

Can't say I'm surprised about the content of the emails. If the Russians hacked the RNC (fat chance) they would probably show similar content. The fact is people in small groups talk very differently than people who give public speeches. This doesn't just include people in politics, it includes everyone. Even regular citizens probably wouldn't want their personal emails hacked and published as nearly every human alive probably has content that might embarrass them. The important question is whether Bernie supporters are ok with Trump becoming President and whether they are willing to set aside this distraction and do something about it while there's still time.
Can't say I'm surprised about the content of the emails. If the Russians hacked the RNC (fat chance) they would probably show similar content. The fact is people in small groups talk very differently than people who give public speeches. This doesn't just include people in politics, it includes everyone. Even regular citizens probably wouldn't want their personal emails hacked and published as nearly every human alive probably has content that might embarrass them. The important question is whether Bernie supporters are ok with Trump becoming President and whether they are willing to set aside this distraction and do something about it while there's still time.

Yes, other than the ones setting up stuff with journalists and the one suggesting an anti-atheist attack, the rest seemed like normal political chatter from pro-Hillary people talking in private. Is it problematic that the DNC is unanimously pro-Hillary? Yes. Was it the difference between her winning and losing? No.
The important question is whether Bernie supporters are ok with Trump becoming President or whether they are willing to do something about it while there's still time.

And that is the burning question isn't it? It's really simple, do they want to cut off their collective noses to spite their faces? Or do they really want to see the world burn?

I would think it will be a mix of both, it just depends on how many on each side. I'd hope not too many fancy seeing the world burn.
Yes, other than the ones setting up stuff with journalists and the one suggesting an anti-atheist attack, the rest seemed like normal political chatter from pro-Hillary people talking in private. Is it problematic that the DNC is unanimously pro-Hillary? Yes. Was it the difference between her winning and losing? No.

It is definitely a problem and the DNC chairwoman has effectively been sacked over it. Time to get on with the rest of the election and prevent Trump from continuing to snowball his demagogue train towards victory in November. The future of the world is literally at stake, so time to put the petty Bernie Bros bickering aside and deal with the important matters.
To be honest that leaked email looks pretty bad, but reality is consumer analysis is a big part of life in general.

Damn the left can be such morons at times. Did they just not see the drivel in the RNC last week, is that what they want in power in November?
I think dems probably need Sanders to go after Trump savagely at this point and need him to draw a clear line as to why clinton is far better for his agenda than trump. Trump is trying his best almost each day right now to win over some of his supporters by showing how they were wronged.

Particularly could work with anti establishment young crowd who hate clinton.
I think Sanders should stay away and go home...

Why support Hillary when she represents everything he wants to change?

that's the classical political move Bernie... can't win against them, so ill join them...

feck THAT!

I'm loosing a fair bit of respect for the man. He should stand up for his believes till the end. Disappointed really.
DWS was instantly promoted to Clinton's Campaign Chair after being forced out of the DNC for rigging the primaries for Clinton. (It's a bone-headed move from HRC to be honest)

Can't vote for Trump, or Hillary.
I think Sanders should stay away and go home...

Why support Hillary when she represents everything he wants to change?

that's the classical political move Bernie... can't win against them, so ill join them...

feck THAT!

I'm loosing a fair bit of respect for the man. He should stand up for his believes till the end. Disappointed really.

He had maintained from the start (last April) that he would endorse the Dem nominee. He has also said that he has no intention of letting a Republican into the WH, and when Trump became the nominee that was amplified. If he had better luck, he could have beaten her. As it is, he went up against one of the most heavily favoured nominees and reached 45% of the vote. His youth vote %age means there is a potential for a future progressive movement. In fact, you can see his future strategy very clearly here: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2997841-End-Game-2016.html
(someone left this memo lying around and a journalist found it)

His endorsement has come at a price for her - the party platform has now got a higher min wage, tuition-free state college for most people, stuff about campaign finance reform (both pointless like overturning Citizens United and useful like matching funds for small donors). He failed with universal healthcare and TPP. Given his vote %age, that seems about right. And as the memo shows he is planning to use his new-found clout to elect a handful more left Democrats to the House. That is perfect from a long-term chagne point of view.
I think Sanders should stay away and go home...

Why support Hillary when she represents everything he wants to change?

that's the classical political move Bernie... can't win against them, so ill join them...

feck THAT!

I'm loosing a fair bit of respect for the man. He should stand up for his believes till the end. Disappointed really.

Erm he fought till the end against all odds and lost.

Infact he is being sensible now and getting whatever he can with his leverage from the least worse by a distance of the 2 choices. For eg. Some part on her agenda, Dws resignation, superdelegates etc....

What does he get by sitting at home and sulking while watching his anti thesis in trump elected? There never is a vacuum.
I think Sanders should stay away and go home...

Why support Hillary when she represents everything he wants to change?

that's the classical political move Bernie... can't win against them, so ill join them...

feck THAT!

I'm loosing a fair bit of respect for the man. He should stand up for his believes till the end. Disappointed really.

That's really not the question before us - its about Hillary v Trump and the latter will be infinitely worse. Can't stress this enough - the future of the world is literally at stake here.
Erm he fought till the end against all odds and lost.

Infact he is being sensible now and getting whatever he can with his leverage from the least worse by a distance of the 2 choices. For eg. Some part on her agenda, Dws resignation, superdelegates etc....

What does he get by sitting at home and sulking while watching his anti thesis in trump elected?

he could endorse a candidate with a more similar view of politics maybe? There are plenty independents candidates that could do with the endorsement of Bernie, candidates that think like him.

if he does that, then you know the man is a man of hos word, a man of honor.

But instead, he goes back to the very origin of the problem, and supports a shitty candidate from the old Bipartisan politic system that is corrupted as feck.

edit. Hillary and Drumpf are equally bad..
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