2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He had 2 years with democrat majority in the congress

Yes, he fecked up be attempting to be bipartisan with the Republicans early on. They used that to waste time until they won the congress back then proceeded to spend the following 6 years to block all of his policies.
The majority was filibuster-proof for about 40 days, I think.
This is the political equivalent of Gerrard slipping...

You are asking for balanced political analysis or do you want Americano to answer?

:lol: just wanted to see the reponse

Steven Gerrard (before slippping): "this does not slip!"

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (before turning her convention into a dumpster fire): we will "be united going into Philadelphia, unlike here in Cleveland"

Is DWS going? The fact that Bernie Sanders has already endorsed Clinton suggests that the Dems are united. Well as much as you can get in a very diverse party.
Is DWS going? The fact that Bernie Sanders has already endorsed Clinton suggests that the Dems are united. Well as much as you can get in a very diverse party.

Bernie Bros are already marching down Broad Street in Philadelphia in response to this. Just because their candidate sold them out to the Clinton machine does not mean unity.

Party in crisis, right? Everybody went crazy over a couple lines in Mrs. Trump's speech and when Ted Cruz got booed. This is a complete trainwreck by comparison, the entire DNC leadership just imploded the day before the convention. The leader of the DNC was fired for corruption.

And the Democrats are trying to blame this all on "the Russians". Because Putin loves Trump so he sent some of his boys to get dirt on Wasserman :) Their creative thinking knows no limits.
Bernie Bros are already marching down Broad Street in Philadelphia in response to this. Just because their candidate sold them out to the Clinton machine does not mean unity.

Party in crisis, right? Everybody went crazy over a couple lines in Mrs. Trump's speech and when Ted Cruz got booed. This is a complete trainwreck by comparison, the entire DNC leadership just imploded the day before the convention. The leader of the DNC was fired for corruption.

And the Democrats are trying to blame this all on "the Russians". Because Putin loves Trump so he sent some of his boys to get dirt on Wasserman :) Their creative thinking knows no limits.
Putin knows if Trump becomes President the USA is fecked.
Bernie Bros are already marching down Broad Street in Philadelphia in response to this. Just because their candidate sold them out to the Clinton machine does not mean unity.

Party in crisis, right? Everybody went crazy over a couple lines in Mrs. Trump's speech and when Ted Cruz got booed. This is a complete trainwreck by comparison, the entire DNC leadership just imploded the day before the convention. The leader of the DNC was fired for corruption.

And the Democrats are trying to blame this all on "the Russians". Because Putin loves Trump so he sent some of his boys to get dirt on Wasserman :) Their creative thinking knows no limits.

Protests were always going to happen as the major problem with the left is that it gets quite hysterical at times.

Wasn't DWS resigning pretty much always been on the cards? I really don't understand the big deal here, would be massively different if the figureheads were at each other's throat.
So lets say they find an email from Clinton to one of these feckers and they are all found conspiring against Sanders. Will that disqualify her?
So lets say they find an email from Clinton to one of these feckers and they are all found conspiring against Sanders. Will that disqualify her?

Do you actually need an email from Hillary to know that all of this was done on her behalf, at the instruction of Barry and The Clintons?

Even if they prove that she authorized it, she would never face consequences. Barry would just pardon her. Plus the FBI and the attorney general have already pledged their banners to House Clinton.
Do you actually need an email from Hillary to know that all of this was done on her behalf, at the instruction of Barry and The Clintons?

Even if they prove that she authorized it, she would never face consequences. Barry would just pardon her. Plus the FBI and the attorney general have already pledged their banners to House Clinton.

First of her name, Queen of Chappaqua...
Do you actually need an email from Hillary to know that all of this was done on her behalf, at the instruction of Barry and The Clintons?

Even if they prove that she authorized it, she would never face consequences. Barry would just pardon her. Plus the FBI and the attorney general have already pledged their banners to House Clinton.

Pardon? My word. This is an internal party affair. I don't see a criminal angle to this.

And, good riddance to DWS. Almost exactly a year too late, but still.
Putin hates me! The Russians are helping Trump! :lol:


Hillary Clinton's campaign manager is alleging that Russian hackers are leaking Democratic National Committee emails critical of Bernie Sanders in an effort to help Donald Trump win the election in November.

It comes on the heels of "changes to the Republican platform to make it more pro-Russian," Robby Mook told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" Sunday.

The report is spot on. Putin's disdain for Hillary is well known. He thinks she tried to undercut his "election" in 2012. The two hacking groups cited in the report are alleged to have links to the FSB. Very interesting that the emails were published this week. Its not rocket science really.

I've heard that repeated quite liberally in the "echo chamber" of the press and Trump opposition. I think it is an unfair characterization of Trump and his supporters. First, the fear. There is none. What does exist is DISSATISFACTION. When I speak with people at my barber shop, my church, my YMCA, that is what I hear. House is worth less money now then when it was bought. Same salary now as 2009. Good jobs hard to find. More money for less health care. The key issues are economic and Trump = money in the minds of the people.

The "racism". Or the homophobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, the panoply of phantom phobias and isms. These spurious and baseless smears come back to something I said earlier: the Democrats have found a devious way to appeal to the hearts and intellect of some people. They'll try to convince you that you are some sort of elite, special being just for agreeing with them. Apple markets the same way. It works well and many have bought into it. Call someone else a racist to feel better about yourself. Accuse someone else of Islamophobia to make yourself look better. I'm not a racist, even though someone earlier in the thread attacked me with some video trying to label me as such. It's sad that this is how some Democrats would treat others. Their raging "anti-Trumpism" is the real bigotry here, borne out in the violent protests and irrational behavior committed in its name (Elizabeth Warren, anyone?).

Even though you support Hillary, I don't think that makes you a soulless and corrupt sellout who would trade the future of the country for a few more years of "power". Your party has let you down and not given you a great choice. That's not your fault. We're kind of in the same boat.

So it wasn't enough to falsely label Trump and his followers racist homophobic Islamophobes? Now they want to add "friends of Russia" to the list? It's comical.

Clinton can't prove any of these bizarre Russian allegations, and they know it. That's why they made them. It's a crazy Hail Mary to try to get people to ignore another flaming pile of Clinton Corruption. Hillary was guaranteed to be the nominee, but that wasn't enough, she had to deal from the bottom of the deck. That's the only way she knows. She ordered the code red.

Kind of funny how Bernie suddenly cares about Clinton's email.
I really couldn't understand the last few posts by Americano because the Trump-Putin (any dictator actually) love-in is well documented.
But then I remembered this:

Media outlets such as Fox News and MSNBC have a negative impact on people’s current events knowledge while NPR and Sunday morning political talk shows are the most informative sources of news, according to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s newest PublicMind survey.

Researchers asked 1,185 random nationwide respondents what news sources they had consumed in the past week and then asked them questions about events in the U.S. and abroad.

On average, people correctly answered 1.6 of 5 questions about domestic affairs.

Because the aim of the study was to isolate the effects of each type of news source, they then controlled for variables such as other news sources, partisanship, education and other demographic factors.

They found that someone who watched only Fox News would be expected to answer 1.04 domestic questions correctly compared to 1.22 for those who watched no news at all. Those watching only "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" answered 1.42 questions correctly and people who only listened to NPR or only watched Sunday morning political talk shows answered 1.51 questions correctly.
So it wasn't enough to falsely label Trump and his followers racist homophobic Islamophobes? Now they want to add "friends of Russia" to the list? It's comical.

Clinton can't prove any of these bizarre Russian allegations, and they know it. That's why they made them. It's a crazy Hail Mary to try to get people to ignore another flaming pile of Clinton Corruption. Hillary was guaranteed to be the nominee, but that wasn't enough, she had to deal from the bottom of the deck. That's the only way she knows. She ordered the code red.

Kind of funny how Bernie suddenly cares about Clinton's email.

This should go along way to quashing this.

The problem is with the system, not the candidates.
Sure, but come on. The irony is strong with this one. It is just hilarious when Clinton supporters are pointing fingers at anyone when it comes to taking money from shady people. It just shows that in the current political system, most active voters are just tribal pricks, who lack any self-awareness.
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Sure, but come on. The irony is strong with this one. It is just hilarious when Clinton supporters are pointing fingers at anyone when it comes to taking money from shady people. It just shows that in the current political system, most active voters are just tribal pricks, that lack any self-awareness.

Taking money from shady people is ok so long as there isn't quid pro quo.
Sure, but come on. The irony is strong with this one. It is just hilarious when Clinton supporters are pointing fingers at anyone when it comes to taking money from shady people. It just shows that in the current political system, most active voters are just tribal pricks, that lack any self-awareness.

Hey take that back.
"Clinton supporter" :mad:

I can criticise Trump for his public admiration of authoritarian dictators and purge-style campaigns, without having to repeat how dirty Clinton's money is in the same post.
Taking money from shady people is ok so long as there isn't quid pro quo.
yeah, but Clinton was quite cosy with all the Arabic governments. Records weapon deals and open door policy. Obviously you can never proof anything but the case is about 10000 stronger than this stuff against trump.

Hey take that back.
"Clinton supporter" :mad:

I can criticise Trump for his public admiration of authoritarian dictators and purge-style campaigns, without having to repeat how dirty Clinton's money is in the same post.

I have no problem with anyone who supports clinton because she is the lesser of two evil. I also think that you are a quite sensible poster and it is true that you can criticize Trump without talking about Clinton.
My point is that most people treat political elections like sports without really knowing it. They have picked one team, never question it and end up defending everything the own team does, while the other side is always evil. The double standards in politics are frightening and sadly that doesn´t just apply to one side of the political spectrum. There is enough literature that explores this.
If the majority of people would be remotely sensible we´d never end up with Trump or Clinton as the candidates. These candidates represent society a lot better than most people realize. What you deserve is what you get.
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DWS is now part of the Clinton campaign.

I'm calling it. This campaign has been shameless, and the Clinton people are furiously looking for more nails to hammer into their own coffin. Trump's getting this one. A much needed wake-up call.
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