2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Not bashing the guy, just expressing the progressive/young liberals 'view on him.

Lizzy and Bernie best start to camp out in college campuses in battleground states.
No worries man. I'm just hoping that the narrative that is put out about the guy by the campaign is that while he is personally more moderate, he is willing to adopt more progressive views in the face of evidence.

And yes, they should. I really don't want youth votes wasted on a 3rd party. I'm much more aligned with Stein, but can't see a vote for her doing any good in the grand scheme of things.
Not one for tokenism but 4 Caucasians on ticket for what is now a very diverse country is very meh.

Sort of hard to make the case for homogeneity when the current President is black and the next one will likely be a woman.

Women make up slightly over half the population and have never had a female President. How's that for diversity....until now.
any names you can put forth in place of the four?
Julian Castro, Tom Perez and Cory Booker the main ones on the Dem side.

Obviously for the GOP, it's all about Herman Cain.
Julian Castro, Tom Perez and Cory Booker the main ones on the Dem side.

Obviously for the GOP, it's all about Herman Cain.

Names but really nothing better - her job is to win.

Kaine - swing state , appeals to some republicans not up for the trumpster. gov is a dem and would appoint another dem

well they are names but...............

Castro had a faux pas earlier and is not as important as Kaine who is more qualified.

Perez - latino in name only , well educated could have been but really a "white guy"

Booker - is more important to hold his present job - the dems don't need him yet and fatty would get to appoint a new person to his seat. a republican.

GOP - :lol:
Names but really nothing better - her job is to win.

Kaine - swing state , appeals to some republicans not up for the trumpster. gov is a dem and would appoint another dem

well they are names but...............

Castro had a faux pas earlier and is not as important as Kaine who is more qualified.

Perez - latino in name only , well educated could have been but really a "white guy"

Booker - is more important to hold his present job - the dems don't need him yet and fatty would get to appoint a new person to his seat. a republican.

GOP - :lol:
Yeah I agree, I've long said Kaine was the best option.
Yeah I agree, I've long said Kaine was the best option.

that's the thing - the dems are setting up for winning back the senate - the republicans need to do damage control for the rest of the year.
that's the thing - the dems are setting up for winning back the senate - the republicans need to do damage control for the rest of the year.

If we are talking about long term Senate prospect, Warren is still a safer pick than Kaine, despite the Republican governor.

VA is trending blue, but a Senate seat there in an off year election (2018) is still very vulnerable.
If we are talking about long term Senate prospect, Warren is still a safer pick than Kaine, despite the Republican governor.

VA is trending blue, but a Senate seat there in an off year election (2018) is still very vulnerable.

she's better off the ticket TBH - she can be the bulldog - and again it's about the senate.
No worries man. I'm just hoping that the narrative that is put out about the guy by the campaign is that while he is personally more moderate, he is willing to adopt more progressive views in the face of evidence.

And yes, they should. I really don't want youth votes wasted on a 3rd party. I'm much more aligned with Stein, but can't see a vote for her doing any good in the grand scheme of things.

You're in SC, you have 4 different ways to waste your vote.
For the confirmed winner or 3 confirmed losers. If I was an American college student in a non setting state, I would be voting stein without hesitation.
If we are talking about long term Senate prospect, Warren is still a safer pick than Kaine, despite the Republican governor.

VA is trending blue, but a Senate seat there in an off year election (2018) is still very vulnerable.

If that were true she would've chosen Warren. There are however other factors centering on the Clinton campaign's internal analytix of where she currently stands with various voting constituencies. More than anything, she needs to improve her numbers with white, blue collar males as well as carry VA, which will make it more difficult for Trump to reach 270. Peeling off part of his constituency (blue collar whites) will completely undercut whatever coalition he's trying to build and allow her to keep a 5-10 point lead nationally.
Kaine isn't anti abortion, but his pro-choice credentials are somewhat spotty. The ACLU gave him a 76% ratings on women's health. He's been a proponent for abstinence education in public schools(introduced under his governorship in 2005, repealed in 2007), parental consent laws, making women watch doc/hear all other options before going through with the abortion, etc...

Not something especially damaging, but definitely won't play well with the progressive wing.

Samantha Bee's show had a laser like focus on abortion restrictions including the documentary bullshit. Nowhere has she mentioned Hillary's offer of a constitutional amendment that dilutes even PP v Casey (let alone Roe v Wade). Will be interesting to see if she touches this topic at all.
If that were true she would've chosen Warren. There are however other factors centering on the Clinton campaign's internal analytix of where she currently stands with various voting constituencies. More than anything, she needs to improve her numbers with white, blue collar males as well as carry VA, which will make it more difficult for Trump to reach 270. Peeling off part of his constituency (blue collar whites) will completely undercut whatever coalition he's trying to build and allow her to keep a 5-10 point lead nationally.

I think this is a no harm done pick. Of course VA is important, and historically VP tend to boost their state by 2-3 points, so it's a sensible pick, but Kaine is hard to attack, which is the main thing. He also has a record and reputation for bipartisanship, which should make her life easier in office, as opposed to Warren's fire and brimstone approach.

she's better off the ticket TBH - she can be the bulldog - and again it's about the senate.

I agree she's better placed in the Senate, but also a bit sad since I see VP as the only viable path for her to become president, if ever.

On the senate thing, it's all about what you prefer. Picking Kaine opens a seat the Republicans will be favoured to get come 2018, whereas MA has a special election required for Senate vacancy, which Dems are favoured to retain. Albeit, if Dems narrowly win back the Senate this year 51-49 or 50-50, it's probably worth losing Kaine's seat to have majority for first 2 years to jam through SC justices.

Samantha Bee's show had a laser like focus on abortion restrictions including the documentary bullshit. Nowhere has she mentioned Hillary's offer of a constitutional amendment that dilutes even PP v Casey (let alone Roe v Wade). Will be interesting to see if she touches this topic at all.

I believe she's a Clinton's supporter.
To be fair, 'Americano' is Italian, isn't it?

Considering the proximity, and the US actually is part of the Americas, one would assume "Americano" is referring to those illegals, rapists, and thugs south of the border, not the "Americanos" known for their mafias in the U.S. Besides, do you think Italians would be a good role model for "Americano" of the masculine kicksass Trump model of team "our?"

But maybe you´re right, Trump does seem to have multiple connections with the "Americano" Italian mob of the East Coast. The keep-America-safe and law-and-order crowd of right wing Trump voters must really support him for that, as must the evangelical right just adore him for his multiple marriages, promiscuous sex life history and all his sinful casino money making operation. A real team player for team "our." With a gold digging model immigrant third wife to boot. Go team "our!"
I agree she's better placed in the Senate, but also a bit sad since I see VP as the only viable path for her to become president, if ever.

On the senate thing, it's all about what you prefer. Picking Kaine opens a seat the Republicans will be favoured to get come 2018, whereas MA has a special election required for Senate vacancy, which Dems are favoured to retain. Albeit, if Dems narrowly win back the Senate this year 51-49 or 50-50, it's probably worth losing Kaine's seat to have majority for first 2 years to jam through SC justices.

Last VP was GB 1. - it's almost become a dead end job.

2 yrs is a long time in politics.

she can be the attack dog going after trumpsters. she can do it without connections to the campaign.
I think this is a no harm done pick. Of course VA is important, and historically VP tend to boost their state by 2-3 points, so it's a sensible pick, but Kaine is hard to attack, which is the main thing. He also has a record and reputation for bipartisanship, which should make her life easier in office, as opposed to Warren's fire and brimstone approach.

I agree she's better placed in the Senate, but also a bit sad since I see VP as the only viable path for her to become president, if ever.

On the senate thing, it's all about what you prefer. Picking Kaine opens a seat the Republicans will be favoured to get come 2018, whereas MA has a special election required for Senate vacancy, which Dems are favoured to retain. Albeit, if Dems narrowly win back the Senate this year 51-49 or 50-50, it's probably worth losing Kaine's seat to have majority for first 2 years to jam through SC justices.

I believe she's a Clinton's supporter.

She isn't ambiguous about her pick for president but being a supporter doesn't mean you wear blinders. Jon Stewart wasn't just a supporter, he wad invited to the WH multiple times, yet when scandals broke he was quick to devote long segments. More than that, he also showed nicely how much hope and change were buried in 2012 compared to 2008.
She isn't ambiguous about her pick for president but being a supporter doesn't mean you wear blinders. Jon Stewart wasn't just a supporter, he wad invited to the WH multiple times, yet when scandals broke he was quick to devote long segments. More than that, he also showed nicely how much hope and change were buried in 2012 compared to 2008.

You kinda want to put the blinders on for elections.

Jon's coverage of every presidential elections had been heavily anti-Rep. He avoided talking about Dems in negative terms as much as he could get away with. In office, however, it's a different story.
Why would you want him back in here to WUM? Oh, not to worry, the other one is here now.

Grin, I don't think he's a WUM. If you listen to Fox News a lot of GOP voters really do believe some of that stuff and they have their beliefs reinforced everyday on Fox by the likes of Hannity etc.
Grin, I don't think he's a WUM. If you listen to Fox News a lot of GOP voters really do believe some of that stuff and they have their beliefs reinforced everyday on Fox by the likes of Hannity etc.

He was posting deliberately inflammatory posts to get a reaction. He got warned for one of them.
He was posting deliberately inflammatory posts to get a reaction. He got warned for one of them.

I do apologize for crossing the line - I don't want to break the forum rules or cause anybody undue distress, and I don't mind saying that publicly. I actually like you guys, even if we have different views. There are some very funny & clever people on here and I enjoy the back and forth, even if my style of humor doesn't always go down too well. I thought maybe it was better to just step back.

I'm not afraid to show my support for Donald Trump, the Republican party, or conservative ideals. At least on this forum, it's a challenge to take those viewpoints given the sheer number of people opposing, and the freedom they enjoy to lampoon what I believe in, freely comparing Trump to Hitler for example. I hope you can respect that. I'll take more care with the words I choose but my convictions and my vote will not change. Let's make America great again.
I'm expecting a significant post-convention bounce for Hillary.

I fully anticipate that the convention will be short on name-calling and very long on policy, solutions, and generally appearing to be the adults who are qualified to run things.
I'm expecting a significant post-convention bounce for Hillary.

I fully anticipate that the convention will be short on name-calling and very long on policy, solutions, and generally appearing to be the adults who are qualified to run things.

I think so as well - she will get about 3-5 points after the convention has been fully digested.
she's playing it well , she needs to reel bill in - stay on point - don't feck it up.
the bounce will be about 3-5% like raoul stated.
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