2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Kaine is pro NAFTA and TPP. It'll be funny to see him flip flopping on this issue now.

Hillary's appointees have blocked anti-TPP language being added to the CND platform while her campaign officially maintains that she opposes it. They don't flip-flop from one to the other, the literally hold both positions at the same time.
Can anyone explain in a couple of sentences why there is so much hate against Hillary?

I don't think that many people care that much about the e-mails or Libya, so what is this about?

Jesus could be on the DNC ticket and the right base would hate the man. On a side note, the Jesus of biblical fame is shown to be an extreme progressive.
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Just curious, what do you mean by "our"? What makes you part of "our" and not him. And you mention that he doesn´t have "our intrepid spirit." My god, how much more of an intrepid spirit can you have than make it all the way from single mothered child to Harvard and then on to the presidency of the United States and be elected twice at such a young age agains all odds? And being the first African American to do this. How do the "our" outclass Obama in "intrepid spirit" in his unbelievable rise to the presidency of the United States? You must have some pretty unbelievably intrepid people on your "our" team.

Sorry, but this just sounds like such an amazing statement from you. Even the "Americano" part of your name comes off like you're trying to sound latino. Doesn´t sound very "our" to me in the Trumpian United States American sense. What a bizarre comment. Although it does make it understandable how you would be a Trump enthusiast.

To be fair, 'Americano' is Italian, isn't it?
A blonde Trump supporting nutter on Anderson Cooper 360 is saying the Kaine pick is great for Trumpets. Because, basically, he's not black (Booker) or Hispanic (think she said Perez).
A blonde Trump supporting nutter on Anderson Cooper 360 is saying the Kaine pick is great for Trumpets. Because, basically, he's not black (Booker) or Hispanic (think she said Perez).
If only she had another famous black person to campaign for her.
Just watched the Trump acceptance speech. I know he's just 10, but Trump's youngest kid looks nailed on to be a smug cnut doesn't he?
Is he any good? What's his one trick pony policy?

He's a Senator from Virginia and also a former Governor of Virginia, which is a critical state for Hillary if she wants to win. He also speaks Spanish which will be a massive bonus for her in Florida (another critical state). If she wins both Virginia and Florida it would make it nearly impossible for Trump to win.
She was never going to pick a progressive person as her running mate to get Bernie supporters on board. She's picked Kaine who is anti abortion and pro Nafta, TPP. Don't think she's going to get the progressive vote now.
She was never going to pick a progressive person as her running mate to get Bernie supporters on board. She's picked Kaine who is anti abortion and pro Nafta, TPP. Don't think she's going to get the progressive vote now.
That's misleading.
She was never going to pick a progressive person as her running mate to get Bernie supporters on board. She's picked Kaine who is anti abortion and pro Nafta, TPP. Don't think she's going to get the progressive vote now.
That's a bit of a simplistic description of Kaine's views on abortion.

He is personally against abortion as a Catholic, but is a supporter of Roe v. Wade and has received perfect scores from Planned Parenthood as a senator.
She was never going to pick a progressive person as her running mate to get Bernie supporters on board. She's picked Kaine who is anti abortion and pro Nafta, TPP. Don't think she's going to get the progressive vote now.

She already has the progressive vote by way of support from Sanders and Warren, so there was no need to pick a progressive VP. Kaine is rock solid and checks all the important boxes .
VP impact on the ticket is overrated, including Palin's, but Kaine is very popular in VA so that probably lock it up.

Don't think it's a do no harm pick from a Senate perspective, however. That seat will be very vulnerable come 2018.

This is benign, I mean sure we could get on a moral high horse about how hypocritical it is during the primary to criticise Bernie's slippery Jewishness/atheism to Baptists while in the general criticising Trump's anti-Muslim stuff-- but it's standard politics.
And I expect Hillary to quote a bit of scripture because she actually believes in that stuff and can expose Trump.
Obama in 8 years didn't
Thats only because the Congress didnt fecking let him do anything. Trump is just an lunatic idiot and wont get things done. And people thinking Hillary has experience and will find a way to get things done as talking out of their asses as well. They will find a way to undercut Hillary also. I fear for the future of this country - we have two of the worst candidates running for office in a long time and it comes just a time when everything regarding the future hangs in the balance.
Hillary has already been totally delegitimised by the republicans. If she wins, the congress will obstruct her just as much as they have Obama. There's no such thing as a loyal opposition anymore.
Shows how fickle the NRA is.

Kaine is a gun owner himself but supports increased background checks, the no fly list ban on gun purchases, closing the gun show loophole, and a ban on magazines carrying over 10 rounds.

For that, the NRA gave him single digits.

Yes, and i doubt he would've received VP consideration if he was in any way divergent from Hillary's views on guns. It also shows that the bit about him being 'anti-abortion' is complete nonsense.
Kaine isn't anti abortion, but his pro-choice credentials are somewhat spotty. The ACLU gave him a 76% ratings on women's health. He's been a proponent for abstinence education in public schools(introduced under his governorship in 2005, repealed in 2007), parental consent laws, making women watch doc/hear all other options before going through with the abortion, etc...

Not something especially damaging, but definitely won't play well with the progressive wing.
Kaine isn't anti abortion, but his pro-choice credentials are somewhat spotty. The ACLU gave him a 76% ratings on women's health. He's been a proponent for abstinence education in public schools(introduced under his governorship in 2005, repealed in 2007), parental consent laws, making women watch doc/hear all other options before going through with the abortion, etc...

Not something especially damaging, but definitely won't play well with the progressive wing.
He isn't locked into his views though and is willing to change due to statistics. He cut funding for abstinence only school programs because it was proven that comprehensive sex education was more effective.

He seems to be pretty sensible in balancing his own personal beliefs as a Catholic with his duty to govern based on secular principles.
He isn't locked into his views though and is willing to change due to statistics. He cut funding for abstinence only school programs because it was proven that comprehensive sex education was more effective.

He seems to be pretty sensible in balancing his own personal beliefs as a Catholic with his duty to govern based on secular principles.

Not bashing the guy, just expressing the progressive/young liberals 'view on him.

Lizzy and Bernie best start to camp out in college campuses in battleground states.
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