2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Who is he and what would be the rationale behind appointing him (which important state/demographic could he help to win over?)

He's the former governor of Virginia and current Senator there. He's also a well known Clinton ally and would almost certainly land her VA, and if she wins, she wouldn't have to worry about the current governor (who is a Dem) appointing a GOP senator to replace Kaine, which would help the Dems potentially get the Senate back - which would be massive in terms of getting things done.
Who is he and what would be the rationale behind appointing him (which important state/demographic could he help to win over?)

Former Mayor of Richmond, Governor of Virginia, DNC Chair and current VA Senator. Affable, served on the Senate Armed Committee, fluent in Spanish (did missionary work in Dominician Republic for 2 years).

Basically the safest, most boring of picks.
Most think there is a good chance that he can win.

Hillary isn't exactly too far ahead in the polls.

Yeah he has a great chance. Michael Moore reckons Trump will win as things stand. He thinks Trump will make up the Romney deficit by winning the Rust Belt states - Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio who are all frustrated economically. Genuinely quite worrying.

A lot depends on how the DNC goes, 4 days of Democratic advertising may see the polls shift but you want it to be higher than 4-7 points given the margin of error.
There is growing sentiment that it may be Booker since he was previously not considered a leading candidate, which seems to have changed here recently.

Booker is a bit of an empty suit. Less so than Castro, but not really substantive.

He's more energetic than Kaine though, granted. A wet cardboard is more energetic than Kaine.
Booker is a bit of an empty suit. Less so than Castro, but not really substantive.

He's more energetic than Kaine though, granted. A wet cardboard is more energetic than Kaine.

For the Clinton's its all about whether or not someone is in the orbit of their cabal. Booker has been intensely brown nosing for Hillary all campaign, so its likely he will get strong consideration. The Christie as Gov factor may sink him though.
For the Clinton's its all about whether or not someone is in the orbit of their cabal. Booker has been intensely brown nosing for Hillary all campaign, so its likely he will get strong consideration. The Christie as Gov factor may sink him though.
Could they also shy away from nominating an African-American? Trump has zero pull with this demographic, while Clinton seems to be fairly popular anyway.
Could they also shy away from nominating an African-American? Trump has zero pull with this demographic, while Clinton seems to be fairly popular anyway.

I see Booker as more of an energetic attack dog than someone who could buy her black votes, which she pretty much already has locked up. If she can keep the Obama voter coalition together, get the progressive wing with Bernie and Warren's support, and also reach out to "moderate" Dems who previously flocked to Bill's elections in the 90s, then that will pretty much cut off all paths to Trump winning, as there simply wouldn't be enough voters left for him to become President.
I see Booker as more of an energetic attack dog than someone who could buy her black votes, which she pretty much already has locked up. If she can keep the Obama voter coalition together, get the progressive wing with Bernie and Warren's support, and also reach out to "moderate" Dems who previously flocked to Bill's elections in the 90s, then that will pretty much cut off all paths to Trump winning, as there simply wouldn't be enough voters left for him to become President.
Let's hope you're right.
Drumpf's giving a speech at the moment saying it was the most love filled convention of all time. No hate, just love and that the Republican Party is now more unified than it has ever been. He's also just said he's going to win New York and when that happens, it's over!
She's ahead by anywhere from 4-7 points but her lead is dwindling due to the email thing.

It's not all that far fetched that Trump wins. One thing that took me by surprise in recent polls is that Trump is doing better amongst independents than Hillary. Not a good sign.

We (Bernie supporters) have been beating that drum (about independent support) since last November :lol:
She's ahead by anywhere from 4-7 points but her lead is dwindling due to the email thing.

It's not all that far fetched that Trump wins. One thing that took me by surprise in recent polls is that Trump is doing better amongst independents than Hillary. Not a good sign.

Thing is if there are just general polls, they mean nothing. What we have to look at is how both candidates are doing State by State. Popular vote is nice, but all that counts is can you get the needed electoral college votes. Last one I saw (some weeks ago) still had Hillary comfortably ahead in the EC.

A few days ago CNN had this breakdown of the EC


If she hangs onto the leaning democrat (assuming all solid dem states stay that way). She is almost to 270. Winning say Florida and Virginia would put her over the top.
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She's ahead by anywhere from 4-7 points but her lead is dwindling due to the email thing.

It's not all that far fetched that Trump wins. One thing that took me by surprise in recent polls is that Trump is doing better amongst independents than Hillary. Not a good sign.
If memory serves me correctly Romney did better than Obama among independents.

Also, here's an interactive electoral college map. http://www.270towin.com/maps/clinton-trump-electoral-map
For fecks sake, he keeps drifting off on different tangents and unlike a smart stand up comic he isn't going back to finish what he was saying. So frustrating and annoying. Yet again banging on about he is going to get a lot of Bernie's votes. Unbelievable.
Thing is if there are just general polls, they mean nothing. What we have to look at is how both candidates are doing State by State. Popular vote is nice, but all that counts is can you get the needed electoral college votes. Last one I saw (some weeks ago) still had Hillary comfortably ahead in the EC.

Popular vote usually means a win the EC. 2000 while fresh in the memory is still an anomaly in historical terms.

If Trump pulls ahead in the national polls more than likely you will see a shift in the swing state polls towards him as well.
Popular vote usually means a win the EC. 2000 while fresh in the memory is still an anomaly in historical terms.

If Trump pulls ahead in the national polls more than likely you will see a shift in the swing state polls towards him as well.

True, but even a close popular vote could result in a EC landslide. So the popular vote polls can be misleading in terms of how close things will really turn out.
Booker is a quality option for Hillary - he actually has executive experience from his time as Mayor of Newark as well as governance experience in the Senate. Very bright, articulate guy who can speak extemporaneously on policy issues at the drop of a dime. Oxford, Stanford, Yale Law School. Quality choice if she goes down that route and certainly no more an "empty suit" than Obama was a decade ago.
No one is saying a Rhodes scholar and J.D at Yale Law is a poser, but Booker's body of work as a politician/public servant is more mirage than miracle. Compare to that of Perez, there's no contest. He's no Obama.
Trump just trashed Cruz - I don't want his endorsement, brought up his Dad's faux association with the JFK assassination again. lol
Booker is a quality option for Hillary - he actually has executive experience from his time as Mayor of Newark as well as governance experience in the Senate. Very bright, articulate guy who can speak extemporaneously on policy issues at the drop of a dime. Oxford, Stanford, Yale Law School. Quality choice if she goes down that route and certainly no more an "empty suit" than Obama was a decade ago.
I seem to remember him doing excellent work in balancing the budget as Mayor of Newark.
I seem to remember him doing excellent work in balancing the budget as Mayor of Newark.

I lived in Parsippany NJ for the majority of his term, often going to Newark on business visits. He definitely had good years, but he also has a mixed profile because people think he's all show and talk. I think he has done some great things, and you can only do as much when you are a Mayor. But he's honest, talks well and has shown promise.
I wouldn't call Cory Booker an "empty suit". He's a young politician with plenty of space to fill on his slate. So far you can't fault his record. Great mayor of Newark who helped to turn the city around (I mean, you can only polish a turd so much). He's a junior in the Senate; impact there comes with time. Hasn't made many missteps so far though.

As to why Hillary would select him? Not sure. He's black, but running against Trump is almost guaranteed to give Hillary the black vote. He's also more of the elitist type. Not the person you want on your side in Pennsylvania (cf the Obama-Biden combo).
"He's no Obama" - Well argued indeed.

Ok, if you have time to spare.

Here's a Politico feature from this year.


Here's an article back in 2013


And here's a WaPo article on his crowning achievement of getting Zuckerberg to invest 100m in Newark public schools.


Certainly impressive.

Booker is a celebrity politician. Not a bad thing in and of itself, Warren is one as well, with her prominent social media following and C-SPAN lectures, but the difference is the latter sees her celebrity as a means to an end, to leverage support for her policies, whereas Booker's is more that of a personality cult as padding for his aspirations. The future of the Democratic Party may well be him and/or Julian Castro, since they are much more media savvy, well spoken and photogenic, but it doesn't make them great people.

I'd also recommend watching Booker's interview on Real Time and Castro's on TDS with Jon Stewart. Under a bit of pressure, they do the Marcobot better than Rubio.
I just read the transcript of Trump´s speech. If he is able to stick to this message he can win the general election. I don´t think that “playing it safe” would be a good idea for Clinton.
I just read the transcript of Trump´s speech. If he is able to stick to this message he can win the general election. I don´t think that “playing it safe” would be a good idea for Clinton.

The one from last night? I don't think he was really saying anything new or all that interesting compared to what he's already said, although I suppose he doesn't need to switch it up as such.
Trump just trashed Cruz - I don't want his endorsement, brought up his Dad's faux association with the JFK assassination again. lol

That'll be a good way to alienate the vote of the religious mentalist types who probably backed Cruz.
That'll be a good way to alienate the vote of the religious mentalist types who probably backed Cruz.
My experience of the religious mentalists would suggest that they can't vote for the pro-choice nominee regardless of anything else.
That'll be a good way to alienate the vote of the religious mentalist types who probably backed Cruz.

Pence, who previously supported Cruz during the primaries, just had to stand there and grin while Trump unloaded his vitriol on Cruz.
The one from last night? I don't think he was really saying anything new or all that interesting compared to what he's already said, although I suppose he doesn't need to switch it up as such.

No nothing new, but the right balance of all the craziness. Economics populism, opposing trade, America first, nationalism, authoritarianism, anti-immigration, law-and-order, security, anti-establishment sentiment and anti-elitism can be a winning mix.

Sometimes it is not what you say, but how you say it. In my opinion the speech was very well written (in terms of advancing his chances to win; not in terms of being reasonable). His doom and gloom vision will resonate with a lot of people and Clinton has to address that without falling back to her normal political platitudes. If she just tries to avoid any major gaffs, she´ll do precisely that. I am also not sure if she is actually flexible enough to change her approach.

Trump just can´t lose the plot all the time. His ability to control himself is just nonexistent. The guy is an unstable crazy narcissist. He also certainly needs to stick to this speech writer and a teleprompter. At least when it matters.
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