2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Did you see him copping a feel of her arse? :lol:

I don't subscribe to the incest conspiracies but the Don doesn't seem to care much for propriety.
Yes! I called him out on it a couple pages ago when it happened. I thought maybe the bourbon was just hitting me too hard. Glad someone else saw it!!!
:lol: Either the bourbon is getting to me or he just patted her on the arse

Ewww, see her recoil when he moves his hand as well. FFS.

In other news Hannity just declared that is was, and I quote verbatim "a HUGELY successful convention" and Hillary and co should be exceptionally scared. Newt just said it was the best convention since 1990. What the feck are those pair smoking?
Trump is getting absolutely hammered on Twitter. Feck me, I don't think I've ever seen anyone get slammed like he is right now. Wowzers!
Erick Erickson tweeted that there may not be a positive swing for Trump post convention.

I do think the experts slating it are overdoing it a bit. It's fear mongering, but a lot of people are unhappy with the way the politics work. This will connect with them in some level.
Ewww, see her recoil when he moves his hand as well. FFS.

In other news Hannity just declared that is was, and I quote verbatim "a HUGELY successful convention" and Hillary and co should be exceptionally scared. Newt just said it was the best convention since 1990. What the feck are those pair smoking?
They were probably propositioned by Ailes
Erick Erickson tweeted that there may not be a positive swing for Trump post convention.

I do think the experts slating it are overdoing it a bit. It's fear mongering, but a lot of people are unhappy with the way the politics work. This will connect with them in some level.
Surely anyone reached by this is already on-board?
Erick Erickson tweeted that there may not be a positive swing for Trump post convention.

I do think the experts slating it are overdoing it a bit. It's fear mongering, but a lot of people are unhappy with the way the politics work. This will connect with them in some level.

Convention bounces, as a rule, are due to increased response rate in polls rather than any significant swing in public perception. A 4 days made for TV bonanza tend to get people who were going to vote R/D anyway more enthused.

Of course, sometimes, a big game changer may happen. Bill Clinton's 2012 nominating speech for example.
Convention bounces, as a rule, are due to increased response rate in polls rather than any significant swing in public perception. A 4 days made for TV bonanza tend to get people who were going to vote R/D anyway more enthused.

Of course, sometimes, a big game changer may happen. Bill Clinton's 2012 nominating speech for example.

While that may be true, after each convention, apparently trends show candidates winning more independents as a result of primary season being over and reaching out to the broader base. It may not be significant, but still a swing worth considering. I'm not sure Trump did any such reaching out, but doubled down on his previous message.
Can't get over how shit that speech was. I don't like Trump, but I thought he'd do better than that (and I would have been honest if he did).
Fox featured a focus group containing about 25 (apparently) undecided voters. They have just gone to them and asked who they will now vote for. 0 said Hillary. About 8 said Trump (many were NEVER Trump before) about 8 said none of the above, and the rest still undecided. One of the voting for neither said Hillary was a MURDERER! For fecks sake. This is what you have to deal with. Meanwhile, Hannity is having a little dance saying Hillary is finished and Trump will win, completely ignoring the fact that the Democrat convention is next week and they should really go back and ask the exact same group again after that has finished and they have heard the Dems and Hillary speak.

The bias on Fox is so open and so disgusting, especially cnuts like Hannity. It always angers me, I know it shouldn't, but it does, just because it sways the impressionable people and the insecure and mentally ill.

Stephen Miller is on now bragging about the speech he "co-wrote" with Drumpf. Feck he is a slimy skinny, odious little prick of a man.

Ugh! Bed for me I think.
Erick Erickson tweeted that there may not be a positive swing for Trump post convention.

I do think the experts slating it are overdoing it a bit. It's fear mongering, but a lot of people are unhappy with the way the politics work. This will connect with them in some level.

Agreed, with BLM and more importantly the retaliatory shootings, it's a good time to run a law-and-order campaign.
Does anyone actually believe Trump pays women the same as men? Maybe the minimum wage cleaners, and his daughter, but the rest? Not a fecking chance.
The meltdown is going to be epic if he somehow manages to win/Hillary somehow fecks up.
Haven't had the chance to read it yet but I've heard good things about the book -

How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev.

Also oddly enough on RTE radio Blindeboy(One half of the comedy duo The RubberBandits)was discussing this(Mentions research done by Liam Hogan and Noel Ignatiev book)as well as Gerry Adams being a bit of a tit.

Liam is from Limerick and Blindboy is well switched on, so makes sense :)
And that Is what I would expect any decent Republican to say. They must be really ashamed and embarrassed of what they have just witnessed. It's awful. Just hate filled and fear mongering. Nothing about policy or ideals or even the true core basics that the GOP is built on. Just hate and division and bitching and bad mouthing. Really poor show.
To be honest, I'm not even sure they watched the last day of the convention. They just said feck this and got drunk instead. :lol:

Her mum may end up voting Trump still but I hope not.
To be honest, I'm not even sure they watched the last day of the convention. They just said feck this and got drunk instead. :lol:

Yup, that would seem the most sensible choice. :lol:

I reckon there were an awful lot of pissed up Republicans not at that convention. All propping up bars around the country, talking about the good old days and reminiscing about their once proud party. All sat in complete despair wondering where it's all gone and where it all went wrong.
Most of us posting are not going to be directly affected by him, and I'm an immigrant living in the US. But I'll seriously consider moving out of the country if Trump wins this election.

That's the part that will make the meltdown entertaining, or would if I was not a US citizen who then had to live everyday with the results of this election. damn it.
While that may be true, after each convention, apparently trends show candidates winning more independents as a result of primary season being over and reaching out to the broader base. It may not be significant, but still a swing worth considering. I'm not sure Trump did any such reaching out, but doubled down on his previous message.

A lot of the post convention "bounce" has to do with the fact you just had one week solid where they are the only story, plus usually the convention is all about making the candidate look good....usually. So yeah you get a bit of a bounce in the polling data. When the DNC goes off, unless they feck it up totally we should see a bounce the other way.
Dem running mate apparently getting announced later today, between Kaine, Booker and Vilsack it seems.
Probably will be Kaine, although I wouldn't be surprised if Booker gets it despite the GOP governor state issue. He's far more high energy and would do well against Pence.
Probably will be Kaine, although I wouldn't be surprised if Booker gets it despite the GOP governor state issue. He's far more high energy and would do well against Pence.

Who is he and what would be the rationale behind appointing him (which important state/demographic could he help to win over?)
I though all polls (that mattered) had Hillary leading comfortably.. Have things changed in the past week or two?

She's ahead by anywhere from 4-7 points but her lead is dwindling due to the email thing.

It's not all that far fetched that Trump wins. One thing that took me by surprise in recent polls is that Trump is doing better amongst independents than Hillary. Not a good sign.
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