2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Where the f*ck do they find these people?:

Peter Thiel said:
“When I was a kid, the great debate was about how to defeat the Soviet Union. And we won. Now we are told that the great debate is about who gets to use which bathroom."
Making America Fear again should have been the message from that convention. Or "Making America Hate again"

Nothing else to take from the whole 4 days. No policy discussion and it was really just a Hillary hate fest. Really hope the Democrats can hold a better convention and at least get some messages across and discuss some serious issues and policies and ideas. This was disgraceful. Any TRUE Republican with any sense or intelligence should be ashamed by what they have just seen over the last few days.
CNN analysts are hammering the speech for being relentlessly negative and short on specifics.

They are spot on, but what did they expect? It's no different than anything else Drumpf has said since he joined the race, just maybe took a little longer to say.
The speech was tailored for the Republican audience and they enjoyed it. It was a dark speech with a lot of fear mongering. It will be lapped up by the Republicans but won't find any favors outside. But there are signs of life in this party, with Thiel declaring he's gay and proud. There are clear signs that the social conservative nature of the GOP is on the wane. It may return next term with Ted Cruz locking up the bathrooms, but there are signs.
Making America Fear again should have been the message from that convention. Or "Making America Hate again"

Nothing else to take from the whole 4 days. No policy discussion and it was really just a Hillary hate fest. Really hope the Democrats can hold a better convention and at least get some messages across and discuss some serious issues and policies and ideas. This was disgraceful. Any TRUE Republican with any sense or intelligence should be ashamed by what they have just seen over the last few days.
My girlfriend's family are Republicans. They're already saying they would rather 4 more years of Obama :lol:

On the convention, I thought it was shite, that Fox co-host calling it the worst convention he's ever seen sums it up. The people who actually lap this shit up, it's beyond me how those people exist today, never mind that they can dress themselves and make it out the front door
My girlfriend's family are Republicans. They're already saying they would rather 4 more years of Obama :lol:

And that Is what I would expect any decent Republican to say. They must be really ashamed and embarrassed of what they have just witnessed. It's awful. Just hate filled and fear mongering. Nothing about policy or ideals or even the true core basics that the GOP is built on. Just hate and division and bitching and bad mouthing. Really poor show.
Hannity and Guiliani on Fox now saying Trump was HEAVY on policy issues and gave answers and specifics on every single policy issue. They are saying that the liberal press can't pick fault and say it wasn't a substantial speech. Then Hannity interjected and said they could and will and we shouldn't be surprised at how poorly they will cover it. :lol:
Hannity and Guiliani on Fox now saying Trump was HEAVY on policy issues and gave answers and specifics on every single policy issue. They are saying that the liberal press can't pick fault and say it wasn't a substantial speech. Then Hannity interjected and said they could and will and we shouldn't be surprised at how poorly they will cover it. :lol:
To be fair, the depth that Trump went in to IS heavy for Hannity
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