2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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"Crooked Hillary...Ben Gazzara...some other stuff...everybody gets a car!"
I'm only talking about present day. The Democrats owe their recent success, in my opinion, to a mastery of the press, television, and digital media. They are well scripted, unified, and have found a way to appeal to people by making them think they are "better people" for aligning themselves with the party. It has been an effective strategy, along with the use of liberal university education to instill Democrat values in the ever-increasing number of college students.

Your dislike of education is not surprising reading your arguments.

My issues with Barry?

Ah, the wit knows no bounds.

-releasing Gitmo prisoners

There are people in Guantanamo who were never charged with crimes. Ba Odah for one, who was on long term hunger strike and whose death in Guantanamo would have been a disaster: as you said yourself public perception matters.
-pardoning criminals

https://www.justice.gov/pardon/clemency-statistics his numbers are a lot lower than Bush in that regard. Also I guess you have that 'issue' with every president to ever pardon a criminal?

-lack of leadership, domestic & international
How do you quantify this? You're being entirely subjective, and the majority of the western world would disagree with you on that.

-apologizes for America

If you think this is an issue, then you think America should never have to apologise. Noo matter what! That is a bit messed up.

-places his own legacy ahead of the needs of his people

Somewhat vague, but surely this counts for every politician/leader? With the honorable exemption of William T Cosgrave.
-billions spent on his trip to Kenya

This one's my favourite :lol::lol: I'm open to correction here but I did a 5 minute google and found nothing like that. The only articles or sites I found mentioning 'billions' were African ones giving the figure in The Kenyan Shilling (that's the currency in Kenya. I know you hate universities but they may have taught you about different countries having different currencies?) next to the cost in $, which is in the millions.

-he's a pussy


-Iran nuclear deal

Do you have deeper opposition to this than 'we can't trust them because they're Muslim? Building bridges with nations in the Middle East is a crucial step in undercutting Islamist terrorism.

-you just know he's a smoker but he tries to hide it

I think this is an attempt at humour?

-his dismissive and arrogant nature

1. Bullshit deserves to be dismissed.
2. You're voting for Trump. Come on, man.
3. 'Arrogant', but you don't like that he apologises for America. Who's the arrogant one there?

-claims of "transparency" lol

There's no true transparency with a US President. Look at who's come before him. Look at the candidates to replace him. Everyone has skeletons. It's what makes Sanders or Ron Paul so refreshing to a lot of people at different ends of the spectrum.

-I don't consider him an American, he doesn't have our intrepid spirit

-always blaming guns


-refusal to label Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism (no, it's "workplace violence" or "a tragedy")

1. How about the GOP or Fox News' refusal to label white terrorism as white terrorism (no, it's "mentally unstable" "history of psychological issues".) Why isn't that caveat more universally afforded?

2. Seriously though, these things are tragedies. They are tragedies for the families of the victims. The focus on such events is always put too heavily on the ones who carry it out rather than the victims. It's why most people know the Columbine shooters, but very few can name you the victims. It's actually quite good that a President shifts that focus to the victims' families' POV.


First 30 seconds, calls it both a tragedy and terrorism.

-encouraging racial strife with his comments on police shootings

This is such bullshit it doesn't even deserve a proper response. The man who has constantly called for unity? The man who just a couple of days ago said "“Any attack on police is an unjustified attack on all of us,", "We will do it with the grace of loved ones who even in their grief have spoken out against vengeance toward police. We will do it with the good will of activists like those I have sat with in recent days, who have pledged to work together to reduce violence even as they voice their disappointments and fears.” Or how about when he told police officers "Thank you for your courageous service. We have your backs".

How are any of those comments encouraging racial strife?

@berbatrick I didn't see your comment. Blast. Maybe I can piggyback off of it :lol:
The last thing we should be concerned about is having a popular president worldwide. In fact, if Europe approves I would say we are probably doing something wrong or unAmerican. To me it seems like people have irrationally projected these Mandela-like traits onto Barry, without any justification. They want to feel good about themselves, so they make him the star of an uplifting Disney movie in their minds. Somehow he is above criticism, while it's open season on The Donald. Barry has never faced anything like the naked public vitriol aimed at Trump. It's shameful and I for one will enjoy having a president who is unpopular worldwide so things can go back to the way they should be.

The last thing we should be concerned about is having a popular president worldwide. In fact, if Europe approves I would say we are probably doing something wrong or unAmerican. To me it seems like people have irrationally projected these Mandela-like traits onto Barry, without any justification. They want to feel good about themselves, so they make him the star of an uplifting Disney movie in their minds. Somehow he is above criticism, while it's open season on The Donald. Barry has never faced anything like the naked public vitriol aimed at Trump. It's shameful and I for one will enjoy having a president who is unpopular worldwide so things can go back to the way they should be.


10/10. Should troll again.
The depleted military line is just ridiculous. Spending more than the rest of the world combined on military equals depleted to Republicans.
He lacks charisma. He made shock headlines when he didn't have to pretend to be statesmanlike.
The rest of his family are manning the merch stalls at the arena exit, selling pirated PS1 games.
I think some people nearly died when he said Clinton wanted to abolish the second amendment :lol:
Awwwww someone spent hours on that "Trump 4 President" sign. It's like watching a WWE crowd for fecks sake.

The whole thing has that sort of pantomime vibe to it. Cheer whenever Trump makes a signature statement, and boo whenever the bad guys (Hilary and Democrats) are mentioned. No wonder he's mates with Vince McMahon.:lol:
He lacks charisma. He made shock headlines when he didn't have to pretend to be statesmanlike.

He just shouts at the crowd giving soundbites like a pantomime-type character. Seems surprisingly effective among his supporters, though.
He makes Al Bundy seem like Wittgenstein.
"I have at my side my wonderful wife, Michelle...no wait, feck, I'm copying again..."
And now promotion of combination of church and state is on the table

Probably just to appease the religious nuts who might not be keen on Trump. He doesn't strike me as the religious type, just someone who'll use it to his advantage.
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