Not fat gutted. Hirsuteness of shoulders TBD.
'no good' about understatement! 

I'm only talking about present day. The Democrats owe their recent success, in my opinion, to a mastery of the press, television, and digital media. They are well scripted, unified, and have found a way to appeal to people by making them think they are "better people" for aligning themselves with the party. It has been an effective strategy, along with the use of liberal university education to instill Democrat values in the ever-increasing number of college students.
My issues with Barry?
-pretending we are not at war
-releasing Gitmo prisoners
-pardoning criminals
-lack of leadership, domestic & international
-thinks his job is public relations for the Muslim faith
-apologizes for America
-places his own legacy ahead of the needs of his people
-billions spent on his trip to Kenya
-he's a pussy
-Iran nuclear deal
-the Bergdahl debacle, soldiers died to bring that traitor home
-you just know he's a smoker but he tries to hide it
-his dismissive and arrogant nature
-claims of "transparency" lol
-I don't consider him an American, he doesn't have our intrepid spirit
-always blaming guns
-refusal to label Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism (no, it's "workplace violence" or "a tragedy")
-encouraging racial strife with his comments on police shootings
-abusing executive orders
-the way he got "Obamacare" passed
b. Many of the people still in prison have still not been charged with a crime, after a decade.779 prisoners have been held by the U.S. military at Guantánamo since the prison opened on January 11, 2002. Of those, 693 have been released or transferred, 161 of the 779 prisoners have been released under President Obama.
Finally he only releases people after clearance from the justice dept and (AFAIK) the Pentagon.Of the men released under the Obama administration, some six percent are said to have "re-engaged" in terror-related activities, according to a report by the Director of National Intelligence.
The percentage under the Bush presidency was higher, but many of those men are believed to have been recaptured or killed. For example, Said Ali al-Shiri, a deputy commander of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, died in Yemen in 2013 as a result of injuries from a US drone strike.
Oh wait, that was GWBI also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends. It is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists and every government that supports them.
You ain't lyin. I remember there being some good lookin women in IsraelI love the Jews, they're beautiful.
1. Agreed (assuming you're referring to drones and special ops)
2. a. Continuation of Bush policy
b. Many of the people still in prison have still not been charged with a crime, after a decade.
Finally he only releases people after clearance from the justice dept and (AFAIK) the Pentagon.
3. Specifically?
4. That's completely subjective, I think he's been a consistent 7+/10 on this score.
5. You're right, this shameful nonsense was 9 days after 9/11
Oh wait, that was GWB
6. He actually has avoided the word sorry as much as possible to my knowledge. Do you think your nation has never done wrong?
7. Specifically?
8. Actually, a tenth of one billion.
9. Sure
10. Yes, he made a deal but what is the specific problem with the deal? What is wrong with this:
Do you see Iran aiming its bomb at Israel right now? Of course they don't even have the delivery system to get it into the US, so making it a direct threat to US civilians is laughable.
11. I have no idea about any of that.
13. ...
14. Yes, he's been terrible on transparency.
15. Wow. The son of a migrant, raised by a single mother, goes to Harvard Law, and then becomes the first black president. No, we need the go-getter son of a millionaire who became a billionaire, that's the "spirit."
16. He has blamed guns when guns have been used to kill people, and he has asked Congress to passs some basic gun control measures supported by the majority of US citizens. He hasn't, much to the disappointment of people like me, talked about the harm the 2nd amendment has done.
17. I'm sure if he said those words the bombings would stop, and it would have no negative consequences at all, no way that is possible.
18. There have been a dozen or so well -publicised shootings of blacks by police during his tenure, so any specific comments?
19. I agree. I wish he had used the super-majority he briefly had and rammed down a Medicare-for-all program instead of picking up Republican efforts from the 90s and Romneycare and publicising it as a great triumph. As it is some millions more won't suffer needlessly but coverage is still the most expensive in the world and isn't universal.
No immigration from anywhere. Although I don't know what he's gonna do with us 320 million Americans considering WE have been "infected" by terrorism ourselvesNo immigration from France, GB, Belgium, Spain, Germany etc then!
I reckon most will be coming from Syria. Just a guess.
He hasn't mentioned that, has he?What happened to his wall? Republicans really are naive. Trump sold them snake oil.
What happened to his wall? Republicans really are naive. Trump sold them snake oil.
He hasn't mentioned that, has he?
He heard me.It hasn't been mentioned at all, has it?
When you speak in a hall this big, you ignore its size. The shouting limits his ability to inflect. Again, a reminder that the speech is an artifact, not a channeling of reality. Significantly diminishes its accessibility. We’re witnessing a guy who’s making an effort to be emphatic, so we’re aware of the level on which it’s artifice.
He's on page 17 of 27, for the record
Speech is way to long. He's just rambling now
He's gonna make the country rich?
Can I just add that the vast majority of the rest of the world thinks he has been a FANTASTIC President. He is loved overseas by millions, actually probably BILLIONS! His foreign policy and foreign relations has been superb. We can sleep safe at night, not like when Bush and Cheney were in charge.