2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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This whole thing is like a Batman comic storyline.

Or The Simpsons

Oh wait...

I don't think it did. It's not even a treaty or a binding agreement. They didn't even sign it. And I'm sure, like our immigration "laws", we have no plans to enforce it when they inevitably break it.

The whole thing was Panama Canal 2.0, some of the worst negotiating in political history.
I'm only talking about present day. The Democrats owe their recent success, in my opinion, to a mastery of the press, television, and digital media. They are well scripted, unified, and have found a way to appeal to people by making them think they are "better people" for aligning themselves with the party. It has been an effective strategy, along with the use of liberal university education to instill Democrat values in the ever-increasing number of college students.

My issues with Barry?
-pretending we are not at war
-releasing Gitmo prisoners
-pardoning criminals
-lack of leadership, domestic & international
-thinks his job is public relations for the Muslim faith
-apologizes for America
-places his own legacy ahead of the needs of his people
-billions spent on his trip to Kenya
-he's a pussy
-Iran nuclear deal
-the Bergdahl debacle, soldiers died to bring that traitor home
-you just know he's a smoker but he tries to hide it
-his dismissive and arrogant nature
-claims of "transparency" lol
-I don't consider him an American, he doesn't have our intrepid spirit
-always blaming guns
-refusal to label Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism (no, it's "workplace violence" or "a tragedy")
-encouraging racial strife with his comments on police shootings
-abusing executive orders
-the way he got "Obamacare" passed

Find me a President, or Presidential candidate who hasn't done/won't do this.
Find me a President, or Presidential candidate who hasn't done/won't do this.

True. Politics attracts the power cravers, the legacy seekers, the limelight/fame appeal. I figure many do enter for good reasons but most become corrupted on power, or the power was their primary pursuit. Example: Ted Cruz.

"...Many, many wonderful words from the best thinkerists."
A billionaire who inherited a million bucks and a company is currently making the case that the American economic system is rigged... To applause from his audience.

This is amazing.
I love America and its people but I wish they'd shove their spontaneous 'USA' chants right up where the sun don't shine.

This is quite a scary watch. It's just total right-wing nationalism and spreading of fear, hatred and lies.

I don't think I've heard one positive of Trump so far in his speech. It's all anti-Obama, anti-Clinton and anti-everybody else who ain't us.
The most punchable face in history. Everything about the man is odious. That smug look. :o

A billionaire who inherited a million bucks and a company is currently making the case that the American economic system is rigged... To applause from his audience.

This is amazing.

Apparently he has just $180 Million in liquid assets. His billionaire status is in serious question. It's only him that values his name at $10 Billion.
I love America and its people but I wish they'd shove their spontaneous 'USA' chants right up where the sun don't shine.

This is quite a scary watch. It's just total right-wing nationalism and spreading of fear, hatred and lies.

I haven't heard any hatred? We can debate "lies" all day long. Even fear, that's the Democrats stock in trade - "fear of a Trump planet".
Laughter at him saying "only I know the problem and know how to fix it"

So fecking full of shit. It's hilarious.

And NO WAY! will Bernie supporters vote for Trump, he's having a laugh there. Yet more lies.
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