2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Running a country isn't the same as running a business, FFS. Not everything should be done for profit...that's why govt. exists.

I agree, there are massive differences. HOWEVER, in our world, perception matters. If the public believes economic prosperity is on the horizon, they will spend and act like it and that may be enough to stimulate an uptick. People think Trump = Money. That could make a big difference.

And our government needs to start turning a profit - we're trillions in the hole.
I am doubtful that Democrats have only warm feelings for Hillary, with all of her missteps and unlikable persona. Many of them are privately fuming. But they are much better at hiding their true feelings, and projecting a veneer of support. The Democrats have very solid PR, damage control, and media support to shape public perception.

Her approval ratings among Dems have been consistently high and were boosted by Benghazi, for instance. It's among independents (and ofcourse Republicans) that she's hated.
Nothing embarrassing in establishing a faux university to con working people out of their money. Capitalism, ya know.

Spot me 1m and I'd wager on myself building something great. Really great. Give me an established company and a sizeable inheritance and my chances would be much better.

She was not OPENLY criticized by her own party. I have to hand it to the Democrats - they fall in line and take orders. Obviously Hillary was preordained to be their nominee, probably in a deal done 8 years ago. There literally was no other option for the party, even as her viability as a candidate declined before our very eyes. The Democrats kept their mouths shut and let her skate on the investigation like good soldiers.

The main difference between the parties? If they were dogs, the Republicans shit on the rug while the Dems have learned to shit outside.

Awe, did Hannity tell you that? You're doing some good GOP PR now. Well played, Flip.
Her approval ratings among Dems have been consistently high and were boosted by Benghazi, for instance. It's among independents (and ofcourse Republicans) that she's hated.

I've talked to plenty of Democrats who have their doubts. They liked her much better as a candidate in 2008 when she was pre-scandal and more moderate. Since then, lots of negatives have emerged. Scandals, iffy performance in office, etc. But it's too late.

Your only saving grace is that we have nominated the only human being in America more disliked than Hillary. So you get to act all smug about how much she loves to help kids when you know in your heart she is Satan In A Wool Pants Suit.
Hey! They're playing another "Trump's real estate company did real estate stuff" video.

Also... Are Trumps kids also running for office and I don't know it?
I've talked to plenty of Democrats who have their doubts. They liked her much better as a candidate in 2008 when she was pre-scandal and more moderate. Since then, lots of negatives have emerged. Scandals, iffy performance in office, etc. But it's too late.

Your only saving grace is that we have nominated the only human being in America more disliked than Hillary. So you get to act all smug about how much she loves to help kids when you know in your heart she is Satan In A Wool Pants Suit.

And of course the reverse is true too - a half decent candidate from either side would have walked this election against their current opponents.
Anyway, anecdotes are not evidence. There's a reason Bernie could not cross the 45% barrier. He consistently won among independents but lost quite heavily among registered Dems. Trump has lower ratings among Reps than she had among Dems.
It just goes to show that in this day and age, you can lie your arse off continuously, you can rip people off, con people, and be a massive failure and bankrupt companies, you can be misogynistic, racist, bigoted, homophobe, constantly contradict yourself, continually talk about things you have no clue about but just make shit up as you go along, be caught out on all of this time after time again on video or in print, for everyone to see, yet people will still vote for you, defend you and actually believe you. It's beyond madness, it's sad and depressing really.
Wind machine blowing her hair like a music video.
It's also interesting that you gave the impression that Dems tend to be more unified than Reps (the dog analogy). I'm not sure that is historically the case, especially from 1968 - 1992. Certainly everywhere else in the world it is the political left that is known for a million splits on the ground of ideological purity.

It just goes to show that in this day and age, you can lie your arse off continuously, you can rip people off, con people, and be a massive failure and bankrupt companies, you can be misogynistic, racist, bigoted, homophobe, constantly contradict yourself, continually talk about things you have no clue about but just make shit up as you go along, be caught out on all of this time after time again on video or in print, for everyone to see, yet people will still vote for you, defend you and actually believe you. It's beyond madness, it's sad and depressing really.

The age of social media. Id has taken over.

Herr Drumpf is the Kardashian of politics.
And of course the reverse is true too - a half decent candidate from either side would have walked this election against their current opponents.
Anyway, anecdotes are not evidence. There's a reason Bernie could not cross the 45% barrier. He consistently won among independents but lost quite heavily among registered Dems. Trump has lower ratings among Reps than she had among Dems.

I agree with you. Trump is not a great candidate. He was not my choice. But he was the choice of the people in my party.

8 years ago I probably wouldn't have cared if Hillary won. Her husband brought a lot of positives to the country and was a solid leader with skills as a statesman. I would have expected more of the same from her - Bill's third term in everything but name.

But the reality is that the Hillary of today is Barry 2.0, carrying on his flawed regime as a puppet. She's deeply indebted to him and his overlords... along with her own overlords... you do the math. I'll take my chances with Trump. At least it will be fun.
Whatever you think of Trump... it's his Tea Party VP that should concern you. One not so unlikely presidential heart attack*/illness/whatever away from a fundamentalist with his finger on the nuclear button.
Whatever you think of Trump... it's his Tea Party VP that should concern you. One not so unlikely presidential headache/illness/whatever away from a fundamentalist with his finger on the nuclear button.
If Trump gave him the same offer he allegedly gave Kasich, then he would basically be the president anyway.
Andrew Sullivan - Like many others, I read Trump’s draft acceptance speech a couple of hours ago. It’s a remarkable piece of oratory, cannily crafted, framed by massive lies and distortions, crammed with incoherence, and yet, I’m afraid to say, scarily potent. It invents a reality – that the U.S. is in a state of chaos, lawlessness and soaring crime; that the world is careening toward catastrophe – and then makes a classic argument for a strongman to set things straight.
I agree with you. Trump is not a great candidate. He was not my choice. But he was the choice of the people in my party.

8 years ago I probably wouldn't have cared if Hillary won. Her husband brought a lot of positives to the country and was a solid leader with skills as a statesman. I would have expected more of the same from her - Bill's third term in everything but name.

But the reality is that the Hillary of today is Barry 2.0, carrying on his flawed regime as a puppet. She's deeply indebted to him and his overlords... along with her own overlords... you do the math. I'll take my chances with Trump. At least it will be fun.

What are your issues with Obama?
Andrew Sullivan - Like many others, I read Trump’s draft acceptance speech a couple of hours ago. It’s a remarkable piece of oratory, cannily crafted, framed by massive lies and distortions, crammed with incoherence, and yet, I’m afraid to say, scarily potent. It invents a reality – that the U.S. is in a state of chaos, lawlessness and soaring crime; that the world is careening toward catastrophe – and then makes a classic argument for a strongman to set things straight.
Oh boy! Hail Caesar and all that
Whatever you think of Trump... it's his Tea Party VP that should concern you. One not so unlikely presidential heart attack*/illness/whatever away from a fundamentalist with his finger on the nuclear button.

I'm more worried about the moron who looks up to Putin, said he would nuke Europe because it's a big place, and who said South Korea and more countries should have nukes. I agree Pence is scary, but the pair of them are just a nightmare. It's all fun and games until the realism sinks in and they start seriously affecting peoples lives and putting people in serious danger.
It's also interesting that you gave the impression that Dems tend to be more unified than Reps (the dog analogy). I'm not sure that is historically the case, especially from 1968 - 1992. Certainly everywhere else in the world it is the political left that is known for a million splits on the ground of ideological purity.


It's not even worth discussing. Look how fast the GOP establishment closed ranks around Lyin' Ted to try stop Drumpf. Some plonkers on politico suggested that Clinton should have been indicted and Biden would waltz in and own the show. Philadelphia would be a fecking bloodbath if that happens.

The left is always plagued with infighting and ideological sniping, publicly. The difference with the GOP is at least they maintain a level of human decency about it (a bit doubtful now with the Bernie Bros, and of course the 1968 protestors who called the police 'pigs', but still...)
So according to Ivanka, Trump would build stuff and make women earn more and make cheaper child care... And how would this be paid for? And who would do it?
It's also interesting that you gave the impression that Dems tend to be more unified than Reps (the dog analogy). I'm not sure that is historically the case, especially from 1968 - 1992. Certainly everywhere else in the world it is the political left that is known for a million splits on the ground of ideological purity.

I'm only talking about present day. The Democrats owe their recent success, in my opinion, to a mastery of the press, television, and digital media. They are well scripted, unified, and have found a way to appeal to people by making them think they are "better people" for aligning themselves with the party. It has been an effective strategy, along with the use of liberal university education to instill Democrat values in the ever-increasing number of college students.

My issues with Barry?
-pretending we are not at war
-releasing Gitmo prisoners
-pardoning criminals
-lack of leadership, domestic & international
-thinks his job is public relations for the Muslim faith
-apologizes for America
-places his own legacy ahead of the needs of his people
-billions spent on his trip to Kenya
-he's a pussy
-Iran nuclear deal
-the Bergdahl debacle, soldiers died to bring that traitor home
-you just know he's a smoker but he tries to hide it
-his dismissive and arrogant nature
-claims of "transparency" lol
-I don't consider him an American, he doesn't have our intrepid spirit
-always blaming guns
-refusal to label Islamic terrorism as Islamic terrorism (no, it's "workplace violence" or "a tragedy")
-encouraging racial strife with his comments on police shootings
-abusing executive orders
-the way he got "Obamacare" passed
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