2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Wow shit went down for a bit on The Young Turks coverage of the RNC. Alex Jones and his lackeys marched on their set with a Clinton Rape T-shirt and it all kicked off. Almost turned into a brawl before they took it off air.
Alex Jones and Roger Stone are a pair of complete and utter fecking morons! The TYT guys did nothing to deserve the abuse, Cenk and Ana went right off on one and rightly so. Hopefully Jones and Stone have been evicted from the Convention. Proper pair of cockwombles.
Cruz trying to pull a Reagan is hilarious. Reagan had charisma enough to pull off a lone wolf card, Cruz is villain enough to turn people off on a good day.

I've never heard a speech sound more like someone was reading from a teleprompter.

What excuse will they cook up? :D

Blamed it on the left and liberal media desperation, claims it's a wave and Fox News put up an image of Hillary apparently doing the same (although the image angle is from the floor at an angle and Hillary's arm is more straight out than raised, and her fingers appear to be wiggling.)
Lol I can drive you to his church. It's like 30 mins away


I want to go to that nutcase church where they get bit by snakes to show their faith. The guy who started it (unsurprisingly) died from snakebite a few years ago but his fat moron son took over. I think he died too, and his brother now leads the small congregation. I remember seeing a documentary on them, it was hilarious, but exceptionally disturbing too.

I want to go to that nutcase church where they get bit by snakes to show their faith. The guy who started it (unsurprisingly) died from snakebite a few years ago but his fat moron son took over. I think he died too, and his brother now leads the small congregation. I remember seeing a documentary on them, it was hilarious, but exceptionally disturbing too.
Dude they ain't the only ones doing that stuff lol. There's churches like that spread throughout the Southern Appalachain Mountains
Dude they ain't the only ones doing that stuff lol. There's churches like that spread throughout the Southern Appalachain Mountains

Thankfully they are doing us all a favour and keeping the population down. Darwin awards all round. Still think it would be amusing, if not terrifying to go and witness one of their sermons though.
Haven't had the chance to read it yet but I've heard good things about the book -

How the Irish Became White by Noel Ignatiev.

Also oddly enough on RTE radio Blindeboy(One half of the comedy duo The RubberBandits)was discussing this(Mentions research done by Liam Hogan and Noel Ignatiev book)as well as Gerry Adams being a bit of a tit.

Great reading/listening in all of this.
They're trying to hit every demographic tonight aren't they?

Black preacher guy, white preacher guy, white woman, disabled white guy, white woman, Asian woman, gay white guy... I mean, they're really trying hard to pull off the "diverse GOP" thing
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