2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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An openly gay guy is about to address the convention next. That should be really awkward.

Perhaps even worse than this Korean woman (who is apparently speaking solely because she's Korean).
American with a Remmington :lol:

The hilariousness of it all is a large majority of these elected Republicans raving about Trump despised him in the beginning, and some throughout. Now he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. He trashed their party, made them a laughing stock, and forced them farther right and to lower levels of ignorance and repulsiveness. Yeah, he's the man to take the nation forward.
That was fecking shocking, the ego of Eric Trump doing the voiceover rather then getting a professional actor. Pathetic. Just talking about how rich they are as well. So ridiculous anyone takes these cnuts seriously.
I can't get CNN in my hotel room, bizarre considering I'm like ten miles from CNN Center. So I'm forced to watch Fox News.

Fox is obsessed with guests and panelists rating of the convention.
That was fecking shocking, the ego of Eric Trump doing the voiceover rather then getting a professional actor. Pathetic. Just talking about how rich they are as well. So ridiculous anyone takes these cnuts seriously.
What happened?? I'm stuck with CBS coverage on my Roku and they've been showing analysts since Thiel stopped speaking
On a side note... Is anyone else drinking while watching this? I'm trying to get good and drunk so I can feel good about yelling at the TV when Trump comes on.
On a side note... Is anyone else drinking while watching this? I'm trying to get good and drunk so I can feel good about yelling at the TV when Trump comes on.

No, but I did put down a plate of massaman curry, a thai tea, then finished off an 8oz bag of s'mores M&Ms. I'm stuffed. Christie would be proud of me.
What happened?? I'm stuck with CBS coverage on my Roku and they've been showing analysts since Thiel stopped speaking

Basically they did the standard candidate life story and his family video, and Eric Trump did the voiceover to it. Instead of it showing lots of family pics and stories and anecdotes of them at Christmas or around the dinner table or kids growing up etc, they just talked about his success, his money, his hotels and golf courses. It was truly awful, embarrassing really.
Basically they did the standard candidate life story and his family video, and Eric Trump did the voiceover to it. Instead of it showing lots of family pics and stories and anecdotes of them at Christmas or around the dinner table or kids growing up etc, they just talked about his success, his money, his hotels and golf courses. It was truly awful, embarrassing really.
Good god. Wouldn't really expect much more than that though from a guy who called himself "the most successful man to ever run for president"
The hilariousness of it all is a large majority of these elected Republicans raving about Trump despised him in the beginning, and some throughout. Now he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. He trashed their party, made them a laughing stock, and forced them farther right and to lower levels of ignorance and repulsiveness. Yeah, he's the man to take the nation forward.

I am doubtful that Democrats have only warm feelings for Hillary, with all of her missteps and unlikable persona. Many of them are privately fuming. But they are much better at hiding their true feelings, and projecting a veneer of support. The Democrats have very solid PR, damage control, and media support to shape public perception.
I am doubtful that Democrats have only warm feelings for Hillary, with all of her missteps and unlikable persona. Many of them are privately fuming. But they are much better at hiding their true feelings, and projecting a veneer of support. The Democrats have very solid PR, damage control, and media support to shape public perception.

While she's certainly not the most popular candidate, she's no Trump. She didn't have a majority of her own party openly taking shots at her, refusing to endorse her, claiming she's bringing down the party, etc. Personally wish Biden had ran against her.

Nice flip attempt though. The Republican party is a disaster.
Basically they did the standard candidate life story and his family video, and Eric Trump did the voiceover to it. Instead of it showing lots of family pics and stories and anecdotes of them at Christmas or around the dinner table or kids growing up etc, they just talked about his success, his money, his hotels and golf courses. It was truly awful, embarrassing really.

It's a vision of prosperity - if he could bring that kind of prosperity to our country, wouldn't that heal a lot of the divisions people seem so concerned about? There's nothing embarrassing about building a business empire.
It's a vision of prosperity - if he could bring that kind of prosperity to our country, wouldn't that heal a lot of the divisions people seem so concerned about? There's nothing embarrassing about building a business empire.

Running a country isn't the same as running a business, FFS. Not everything should be done for profit...that's why govt. exists.
While she's certainly not the most popular candidate, she's no Trump. She didn't have a majority of her own party openly taking shots at her, refusing to endorse her, claiming she's bringing down the party, etc. Personally wish Biden had ran against her.

She was not OPENLY criticized by her own party. I have to hand it to the Democrats - they fall in line and take orders. Obviously Hillary was preordained to be their nominee, probably in a deal done 8 years ago. There literally was no other option for the party, even as her viability as a candidate declined before our very eyes. The Democrats kept their mouths shut and let her skate on the investigation like good soldiers.

The main difference between the parties? If they were dogs, the Republicans shit on the rug while the Dems have learned to shit outside.
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