2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I'm trying to understand the point of this convention. Everybody there already hates Hitlarry so why spend three days whipping them up even more?

What exactly are conventions for?
She seems like someone who has a house in the Hamptons and hates poor people.

A Trump.
She was speaking to a bunch of illiterate muppets who were only listening out for key words in any of the speeches. Flag, god, Constitution, honour, liberty, bbq, freedom, family values, immigrants, illegals, aliens, Jesus, terrorists, xl fries, RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM!, stars and stripes, rack of ribs, YOU ESSAY YOU ESSAY YOU ESSAY! guns, 2nd amendment, taking away our freedoms, Big Mac, bible, Obama, Hillary, bacon, Benghazi, Iran, Israel, USA USA USA!

Say any of those words in any order and use absolutely any other words in between and they will be all that anyone hears. They are kind of like trigger words for hypnotised or lobotomised patients that are all currently attending the convention.

Speaking of, here's a collection of FB posts in my news feed today... I'll keep it limited for now...

--- That's it America! We have a GOP nomination!

Even if Trump wasn't your first pick, he's what we have now. If you want to see changes in this country, it's time to take a stand and help make this happen. First and foremost, PRAY! Pray every day for our government and leaders. Secondly, VOTE! Americans are tired and have truly taken a stand. The polls showed that with this nomination. The next four months are going to be nasty! Every possible lie and tactic will be used to try to stop him. I encourage you to do your homework, believe about .000001% of what you see on the news or social media, and pray about your decision. We can't afford to continue on the current path that our country is on. We are in serious trouble economically, morally, and safety wise.

As for me, I am standing with Trump. It truly is time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! --- Sarah

--- Those never Trump People will never get it. If Hilary wins three of the Supreme Court Judges are coming up for replacement within two years after the election not including the empty bench left over by Antonin Scalia. Who do any of you think Hillary will appoint? Left to far left. Good luck in even getting an Independent Thinking Judge. --- Vishal (sub to Sarah's post)

--- Melania Trump sounded like a First Lady, a current and specific one; herself. --- Nicolja
--- We can agree to disagree politically Dustin, I don't love you any less however, opinions are like assholes. I would rather have a Capitalist than a Communist in the White House any day of the week. --- Nicolja (again)
Is it just me or does Donald Trump Jr. look like Marco Rubio with a good tan?
Talks about his father a lot. Where is Rubio :nervous:

Sitting in a room, listening to a neverending speech from Jeb Bush and clapping intermittently, too scared to leave because Ted Cruz is standing at the door, smiling.
Hell, the son would fare better in the GE than his dad. He can articulate with substance and speak in full sentences.

Crony elites... there's some irony in there with a "billionaire" as the nominee.

Hillary has proposed to eliminate medicare for senior citizens?
Any chance one of the third party/independent candidates to win the elections?

should be easy to rally behind one outsider considering the candidates... i doubt 51% of the US want Drumpf or Satan as president.
Any chance one of the third party/independent candidates to win the elections?

should be easy to rally behind one outsider considering the candidates... i doubt 51% of the US want Drumpf or Satan as president.
Might be able to capture a portion of the popular vote but it's the electoral college that counts
Apparently Johnson only needs to add 2% more polling and he gets a place in the debates. That could make for some interesting drama. He could force the two main nominees to talk about actual acts and policies, which would likely crush Trump since he doesn't have a fecking clue and lead to petty insults, herrings, and fallacious attacks.
Apparently Johnson only needs to add 2% more polling and he gets a place in the debates. That could make for some interesting drama. He could force the two main nominees to talk about actual acts and policies, which would likely crush Trump since he doesn't have a fecking clue and lead to petty insults, herrings, and fallacious attacks.

I think he needs to get 15% in 4 public polls from polling/news organisations approved by the Presidential Debate Committee.

So not happening.
Absolute load of bullshit from Carson. All in all that convention did a great job in distancing moderate and probably even right leaning Americans from the GOP. Sane Repubs must feel embarrassed now.
So Gary Johnson is the one to support?

my twitter followers are mostly prostitutes but ill start campaigning for him. Any grain of sand help i guess.
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