2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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She's speaking to a bunch of Republicans who don't care about who said the words before.

She was speaking to a bunch of illiterate muppets who were only listening out for key words in any of the speeches. Flag, god, Constitution, honour, liberty, bbq, freedom, family values, immigrants, illegals, aliens, Jesus, terrorists, xl fries, RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM!, stars and stripes, rack of ribs, YOU ESSAY YOU ESSAY YOU ESSAY! guns, 2nd amendment, taking away our freedoms, Big Mac, bible, Obama, Hillary, bacon, Benghazi, Iran, Israel, USA USA USA!

Say any of those words in any order and use absolutely any other words in between and they will be all that anyone hears. They are kind of like trigger words for hypnotised or lobotomised patients that are all currently attending the convention.
Surely you wouldn't copy it as you'd know full well it'll be spotted? I can't get my head around it.
Surely you wouldn't copy it as you'd know full well it'll be spotted? I can't get my head around it.
I think the plagiarism was put there on purpose to draw media attention to her speech. it's not exactly a new tactic from the trump camp to generate such controversies.
Dana White at the convention. Oh my. The woman on before who loves god blessing everyone, had the worst voice I think I've ever heard.

This is worse than last night btw.

Much, much, worse.
3 more speakers till NRA spokesman....yeahhh!!!! These lot can't promote themselves, only go after Clinton. How desperate can you get.
3 more speakers till NRA spokesman....yeahhh!!!! These lot can't promote themselves, only go after Clinton. How desperate can you get.

It was always meant to be. Morning in America claptrap doesn't sell anymore. American politics now is all about 'look how awful the other side is'.
This is supposed to be about "Make America Work Again"

Yet absolutely nothing so far about anything that would even possibly be considered job creation ideas and everything about attacking Hillary Clinton. Pathetic.
Yet absolutely nothing so far about anything that would even possibly be considered job creation ideas and everything about attacking Hillary Clinton. Pathetic.
I noticed that this convention has literally no policy discussion. Hopefully the DNC doesn't follow suit.
I found the token minorities these states paraded during roll call akin to rich white girls showcasing their newest purse. Paraded around like some exotic pet.

"See, America! Minorities are Republicans too!" "That's my black person!" I truly don't understand how any minority could side with the GOP. Same for any gay person, or any transexual, or... well any person that is not a white male.

And what's up with all the rah rah my state is great nonsense? Do/will the DNC delegates do the same dog and pony act?
Was amazed. He actually went into some depth on policy issues.

Just spoke about destroying more of the peoples freedoms and all the bullshit bills he has passed. Shame he didn't discuss all the bills he completely ignored or blocked. He should be ashamed of himself, but alas, as usual, no self awareness, no shame, no idea, no clue.
Just spoke about destroying more of the peoples freedoms and all the bullshit bills he has passed. Shame he didn't discuss all the bills he completely ignored or blocked. He should be ashamed of himself, but alas, as usual, no self awareness, no shame, no idea, no clue.
Was more substantive than "Clinton is the devil" at least.

Here comes Christie.
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