2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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If? Its from 2012... when he was running for his second term.. That really shouldnt be fooling anyone.
Guy was a Harvard educated lawyer who gave up the chance to practice to join the army and fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Republicans love that kind of story...you're probably going to hear that story in the future just as often as you heard about lil' Marco and his family's struggles emigrating legally to the United States

Literally straight out of House Of Cards :D

The speech debacle is getting more and more tasty - all sorts of behind the scenes family problems now.
I think the real irony in all this is she plagiarised a paragraph about the importance of hard work.

In a speech that was meant to be from the heart where she talks about her husband's qualities and what endears her to him.
What did she actually say about him? :wenger:
Trump and Manafort are about to clash - Manafort apparently assigned his staffers to help Melania with the speech and is defending the plagiarism this morning.
Trump and Manafort are about to clash - Manafort apparently assigned his staffers to help Melania with the speech and is defending the plagiarism this morning.

about the speech or his hair? i hear there are some upset badgers out there!
about the speech or his hair? i hear there are some upset badgers out there!

Apparently, Manafort is claiming Melania wrote the speech whilst other sources are telling journos Manafort assigned two of his assistants to help her with it. They apparently lifted the comments from Michelle Obama's speech, but Manafort is denying it on tv this morning, which makes it seem like Melania wrote (and plagiarized) it herself. Trump will be fume.
Far better than the Euros, and I'm from the team that won!
Why do all the GOP politicians love going on about their farm backgrounds.

Farming has always been a big background for American politicians. Appeals to the "hard working folk" or something. Jimmy Carter made a big deal of being a peanut farmer. Al Gore used to go on and on about his family's history as tobacco farmers (well until Tobacco lobbyist payments to members of Congress became a campaign issue). Lyndon Johnson, Ronald Reagan and the Bushes all had their ranches. Harry Truman and Ike both grew up on farms. Teddy was a rancher at one point in his life. Of course in the 1800's most Presidents had some background in farming.

This is of course not counting all the Senators, Reps, Governors, and the state, local politicians.
Apparently, Manafort is claiming Melania wrote the speech whilst other sources are telling journos Manafort assigned two of his assistants to help her with it. They apparently lifted the comments from Michelle Obama's speech, but Manafort is denying it on tv this morning, which makes it seem like Melania wrote (and plagiarized) it herself. Trump will be fume.

It's word for word except the name of the husband.
It's quite amazing that in this day and age supposedly savvy political strategists can think they can get away with taking part of a speech and copying it almost exactly word for word.

That too a speech that was given in the recent past and is on video.

I mean technology is such that surely anyone with a braincell would realize that they'd be found out.
It's quite amazing that in this day and age supposedly savvy political strategists can think they can get away with taking part of a speech and copying it almost exactly word for word.

That too a speech that was given in the recent past and is on video.

I mean technology is such that surely anyone with a braincell would realize that they'd be found out.

They either read the quote someplace and it was attributed to "unknown" so they stopped looking or they were just plain stupid enough to think nobody would notice. If we put on our tinfoil hats, we see it all as part of Agent Trumps move (backed by the Clinton's of course) to destroy the Republican Party.
Trump will defend it the same way he defended quoting Mussolini... "Melania likes interesting quotes. There's nothing wrong with interesting quotes."
Okay I will add this to the fire, play a bit of devil's advocate here. Looking at the parts of the two speeches, they are very close and in bits word for word. On the other hand, if you look at what is being said, both parts of both speeches are really the sort of empty campaign speech about what is important to us and how we grew up that you will find in countless campaign speeches.

There is no real specifics in either quote about specific incidents or experiences, it is just general BS. We were raised to these values, to work hard, to respect people, your word is your bond, blah blah blah. We want out children to know they have no limits, blah blah blah.

I am guessing if anyone would dig enough they would find very similar sentiments and words used by many politicians before. It is not like that part of Michelle's or Melanie's speech were some original idea. I mean really "Your word is your bond" you could argue when Michelle said it she was plagiarizing all the other people who said it over the decades or longer.

To me this looks like much ado about nothing.

Here is Trump, on Monday:
"From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect. They taught and showed me values and morals in their daily lives. That is a lesson that I continue to pass along to our son," Trump said.
And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. Because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."

And here is Obama, on August 25, 2008:
"And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you're going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect, even if you don't know them, and even if you don't agree with them.
And Barack and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and to pass them on to the next generation. Because we want our children -- and all children in this nation -- to know that the only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them."

Basically there is nothing all that original about what Michelle said so I am not sure what all the fuss is about.
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Sorry, JAF, but the positioning of certain sentences are the same as in M. Obama's speech. It's obvious that Malaria Trump's lot have just edited stuff to make it implicit.
Sorry, JAF, but the positioning of certain sentences are the same as in M. Obama's speech. It's obvious that Malaria Trump's lot have just edited stuff to make it implicit.

Maybe but it does not change the fact you hear the same sort of stuff in countless political speeches, it was not an original thought when Michelle said it, any more than it was when Melonhead Trump said it. The statements are just the usual campaign speech nonsense, because let's face it nobody is going to give a speech saying "Don't keep your word, don't work hard, your word is not your bond, and we want our kids to fail." Much ado about nothing.
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