2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It's an oddity to me that the role of first lady actually exists as a role. More sexism in that role than you'll see anywhere else in American politics.

Aside from that, why the hell should the spouse of a politician have a role? They're not supposed to be good at anything, because they're not supposed to be elected at all. First man included.

:lol: What a maroon!

It's an oddity to me that the role of first lady actually exists as a role. More sexism in that role than you'll see anywhere else in American politics.

Aside from that, why the hell should the spouse of a politician have a role? They're not supposed to be good at anything, because they're not supposed to be elected at all. First man included.

Interesting. I see it in military circles too. Wing commander spouses (usually females) often take on a variety of charitable and community roles, akin to a first lady in that sense.
He would've slammed her even if Benghazi never took place. Its standard political opportunism.

Agreed, no doubt about that. Just thought it was a bit thick from the Clinton campaign to bring up a quote from 2010 to make a point.
@Raoul back in 2010, Hilary was an entirely different candidate, as I'm sure you know. Had she been elected in 2008 our country would be a very different place as she would have been a much more moderate Democrat and I'm sure any Republican would have preferred her at the time versus who she is now and who was elected instead. She has been pushed far the left by Barry and now Bernie. And in those 6 years she committed many misdeeds and mistakes. AND she looks pretty dumpy in a wool pantsuit compared to First MILF Milania.
Agreed, no doubt about that. Just thought it was a bit thick from the Clinton campaign to bring up a quote from 2010 to make a point.

More people aren't going to notice what the guy was talking about happened after 2010 than are going to notice it.
'War is about winning. No place for runners up'. Did he really say that now? :lol:

And I thought war is about shits and giggles and just fecking around.
Cyber-threats? Are we entering a world where computer viruses will have political economy?
Yes, completely forgot about our enemies China and Russia. Thanks for the reminder.
Interesting. I see it in military circles too. Wing commander spouses (usually females) often take on a variety of charitable and community roles, akin to a first lady in that sense.
Yeah, just seems outdated to me. Natural, but weird when held up to scrutiny.
This man would be scary in a high-level cabinet position. He was the Director of DIA but apparently was forced to resign/retire sooner due to numerous clashes with personnal over his management style. No f'n wonder. The man appears to be a combustible, unstable warmonger.

Political correctness is now affecting the military?

This guy IS crazy

Hardly crazy. US foreign policy has been negatively influenced by the insistence of our leadership that "we are not at war" and a conciliatory public attitude towards Islamic terrorists. We have released prisoners who have gone back to terror groups. We try to pretend we are not fighting a war in the Middle East... etc.
This general should be prosecuted. Either that, or sectioned. He's just misled the American population by blaming it (ISIS) on Obama (08-16) when in actuality it was formed as a direct result to the Iraq War.
Hardly crazy. US foreign policy has been negatively influenced by the insistence of our leadership that "we are not at war" and a conciliatory public attitude towards Islamic terrorists. We have released prisoners who have gone back to terror groups. We try to pretend we are not fighting a war in the Middle East... etc.

Are you ready to sign up and fight in all these new wars?
So far only demagoguery. Three hours of 99% demagoguery and Hillary / Obama bashing. Who gives a shit about healthcare, education, jobs?
Hardly crazy. US foreign policy has been negatively influenced by the insistence of our leadership that "we are not at war" and a conciliatory public attitude towards Islamic terrorists. We have released prisoners who have gone back to terror groups. We try to pretend we are not fighting a war in the Middle East... etc.

That's not all that he is talking about. He mentioned the current debate over the use of bathrooms by transgender individuals and its affect on America's ability to wage war. Its mental that they would try to connect the two...that's fecking crazy
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