2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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American Exceptionalism. Back again. Why is it that only cnuts espouse this doctrine?
Not wrong about anyone else not getting away with something similar/equivalent though..
He speaks about Trump as if he's the bloody Sun Tzu, the war overlord. What the hell Trump knows about war?
Hardly crazy. US foreign policy has been negatively influenced by the insistence of our leadership that "we are not at war" and a conciliatory public attitude towards Islamic terrorists. We have released prisoners who have gone back to terror groups. We try to pretend we are not fighting a war in the Middle East... etc.

You're on the piss, right? Less than 10% of released detainees have been returned to terrorist groups afterwards. They are tracked and monitored by various intelligence agencies. What's also missing often in this rhetoric is that Bush released more than 500 while Obama has released around 200 with more to come if they do indeed shut it down.

We try to pretend in media circles and through the President's speeches. He sees world views that have grown tiresome of hearing the US is constantly at war with someone. But I've been in intel briefs and have seen firsthand what's truly going in Africa, ME, etc. They're certainly going after AQ, Daesh, LRA, etc. It's more covert than overt. Yes, there's certainly more that could be done no doubt, but most haven't a fecking clue what's truly going on, just opinions and hearsay.
Farm boy - Cotton, farm girl - Ernst... playing to the country folk. Cue broken record. Didn't hear that from Trump. Nope, he's from the city and silver spoons at breakfast.
Are you ready to sign up and fight in all these new wars?

It's not really a new war. Look back at history. The Muslims have been fighting other religions and factions within their own religion forever and that will never stop. If we were smart we would get them focused back on infighting. We screwed up pretty badly when we thought we could step in and stabilize things in a few years or even in a generation.

But if I'm needed to fight in any conflict I would gladly serve.

That's not all that he is talking about. He mentioned the current debate over the use of bathrooms by transgender individuals and its affect on America's ability to wage war. Its mental that they would try to connect the two...that's fecking crazy

Maybe the military is not a great place to impose "social change" for political reasons? But that is a side issue. What we're really talking about is Barry's insistence on pretending that radical Muslims are not trying to destroy "Western culture". Everyone knows they are, but this government seems intent on providing positive public relations for Islam instead of serving and protecting its own people.
Serious question - Why don't they cover healthcare, education, economy, jobs..? They only address to the far right war mongers. No way moderate Americans find those speeches appealing.
It's not really a new war. Look back at history. The Muslims have been fighting other religions and factions within their own religion forever and that will never stop. If we were smart we would get them focused back on infighting. We screwed up pretty badly when we thought we could step in and stabilize things in a few years or even in a generation.
It's not a war. What stabilization? Backing dictators because it was convenient? Selling arms to dictators in the Middle East in order for those dictators to kill their own people quicker? The US had no noble intentions in the Middle East. Never did. From the '50s onward.
Important to back Israel just to sell that fundamentalist nonsense about prophecy. Box checked.
I wonder if Obama is watching tonight like

This woman is a combat veteran. She must have been genuine before being made into a talking head.
If Obama is such a failure in that aspect, how come he managed to bring down Osama, something that Bush couldn't do in 7 years? And that's without invading half of the world and sending thousands of American troops overseas.
A few days ago, they were begging Sheldon Adelson for $6m to pay for this shitshow. Somehow I don't think he's inclined to pay after witnessing the spectacle.
If Obama is such a failure in that aspect, how come he managed to bring down Osama, something that Bush couldn't do in 7 years? And that's without invading half of the world and sending thousands of American troops overseas.

It's great that Bin Laden was located and killed. It was a long and difficult process that put a lot of people at risk. I'm not sure that the standing president can claim all the credit or all the blame for a single event on their watch. I'm still willing to give him a lot of credit for having the ballsack to say pull the trigger. The negative view on Barry is based more on his cumulative foreign policy record and willingness to put his political aims and bizarre personal views ahead of our national interests. He has been burnishing his "legacy" for years already, at great cost to our nation.
This woman is a combat veteran. She must have been genuine before being made into a talking head.

Negative. She was a logistics officer, never in combat. It's a thin line to claim "combat veteran" without seeing combat. Yeah, persons that served in combat zones as defined by EO 12744 are legally combat veterans due to GWB's ruling in 1991, but in military circles there's real combat veterans, fake combat veterans, and the rest that know their actual service.

I'm quite sure Luttrell and Zinke would be thinking "this POGUE" if she was talking backstage about her logistics tour in Iraq compared to their daily combat operations in numerous tours throughout the ME.

Ernst is no Duckworth or Webb, or even a Cotton or McCain.
Negative. She was a logistics officer, never in combat. It's a thin line to claim "combat veteran" without seeing combat. Yeah, persons that served in combat zones as defined by EO 12744 are legally combat veterans due to GWB's ruling in 1991, but in military circles there's real combat veterans, fake combat veterans, and the rest that know their actual service.

I'm quite sure Luttrell and Zinke would be thinking "this POGUE" if she was talking backstage about her logistics tour in Iraq compared to their daily combat operations in numerous tours throughout the ME.

Ernst is no Duckworth or Webb, or even a Cotton or McCain.

Oh, I was going by the CNN subtitle (Combat Vet). I didn't actually believe it at first because she didn't seem to have that manner about her.
It's great that Bin Laden was located and killed. It was a long and difficult process that put a lot of people at risk. I'm not sure that the standing president can claim all the credit or all the blame for a single event on their watch. I'm still willing to give him a lot of credit for having the ballsack to say pull the trigger. The negative view on Barry is based more on his cumulative foreign policy record and willingness to put his political aims and bizarre personal views ahead of our national interests. He has been burnishing his "legacy" for years already, at great cost to our nation.

Agree with that. Killing Bin Laden was the peak moment of his presidency for me, at least in the foreign relations field. Since then everything went downward for him.
Agree with that. Killing Bin Laden was the peak moment of his presidency for me, at least in the foreign relations field. Since then everything went downward for him.
For the rest of the world it was Cuba and Iran.
I'll give her credit for not sounding batshit crazy like Bachman and Palin, just lame. I can deal with that.

Also, deploying to Iraq was no cakewalk in those days. Respect nonetheless.
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