2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Radical Islamic Terrorism! He's just said, it, he knows who they are and he's coming for them!

Yet again banging on about America leading the world, yet completely not understanding that is why everyone hates America.

Unbelievable how dangerous these morons are.
Do people in America buy this horseshit about Iran?

I'd say a sizeable majority believe in this stuff. Most citizens don't follow politics close enough to know issues, and even more haven't an idea about world politics and events. Lots of citizens get their news from media shows (i.e. FNC, MSNBC, etc.), hate talk radio (mostly far rightwing and/or conspiracy nonsense), and websites (like Breitbart, Drudge, Mother Jones, etc.).
Yet again banging on about America leading the world, yet completely not understanding that is why everyone hates America.
Replace leading with invading, and you're right.

Although, that's mostly what American politicians mean when they say leading.
Mistakes of the past (in regards to border security and refugees).... I don't recall a single immigrant, illegal alien, or refugee committing a terrorist attack on US soil. They've been here on VISAs or were born/naturalized citizens. This is the part of bullshit in politics that infuriates me. Blatant, outright fabrications.
Queen and Van Morrison. Weird music choices. One led by the gayest man in music history (also half Jewish), the other practically an Irish communist.
Do people in America buy this horseshit about Iran?

Iran has been a boogeyman for many decades for America. Not only with the revolution, the gas crisis, and hostage crisis (which their beloved Reagan "solved"), but also the very public anti-Israel stance taken by Ahmadinejad.

Not all that hard to speak bullshit about the country and get big cheers
And here's his wife with a scripted speech dumbed-down so even her husband can comprehend and not be shown up by her usage of bigger words.

I can see the righties - "That was a real first lady!" and "So much more class than that trash in the WH now!"

Iran has been a boogeyman for many decades for America. Not only with the revolution, the gas crisis, and hostage crisis (which their beloved Reagan "solved"), but also the very public anti-Israel stance taken by Ahmadinejad.

Not all that hard to speak bullshit about the country and get big cheers

It's strange. I've played footy with Iranians in Texas, have shared beers with Iranians in Florida, and have an Iranian friend who works for a Sheriff's department in Georgia. They're very friendly and openly love living in the US. The guys in Texas did tell me in Iran they're brainwashed into believing nonsense about Westerners, namely Americans. But nonetheless they (guys in Texas) realized the truth.

I think it's all about the Iran-Israel issues but mostly religious ideology difference.
Green Acres springs to mind.
I prefer the film, at least it's fiction.
I'd say a sizeable majority believe in this stuff. Most citizens don't follow politics close enough to know issues, and even more haven't an idea about world politics and events. Lots of citizens get their news from media shows (i.e. FNC, MSNBC, etc.), hate talk radio (mostly far rightwing and/or conspiracy nonsense), and websites (like Breitbart, Drudge, Mother Jones, etc.).

Iran has been a boogeyman for many decades for America. Not only with the revolution, the gas crisis, and hostage crisis (which their beloved Reagan "solved"), but also the very public anti-Israel stance taken by Ahmadinejad.

Not all that hard to speak bullshit about the country and get big cheers

Donald will never let you down. Unless you've been enrolled to the Trump University, that is.
"No room for small thinking, no room for small results". No room for small hands!
How can he represent all the people when he wants to deport 40 million of them and outlaw a religion?
Donald will never let you down. Unless you've been enrolled to the Trump University, that is.

This. Beat the drum over Hillary and Benghazi but don't care about Trump U stealing money from thousands, of which a number are active/former military.

We only care about military lives when it fits our collective ideology - silent right.
This. Beat the drum over Hillary and Benghazi but don't care about Trump U stealing money from thousands, of which a number are active/former military.

We only care about military lives when it fits our collective ideology - silent right.

Like when those cnuts booed the gay soldier at that debate.
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