2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Par for the course for Trump. The man likes his dictators. We already know of his high praise for Mussolini quotes. Now the praise for Saddam.

But he's always praised heavy handed totalitarians...

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/432043/donald-trump-praised-tiananmen-square-massacre

Next we are going to hear that "Hitler was a bad guy but man he did YUGE things for the economy!"
So now Trump has praised the CCP for the Tiananmen Massacre. Not content with alienated the Latinos, he's driving the American Chinese into Hillary's camp. :rolleyes:
So now Trump has praised the CCP for the Tiananmen Massacre. Not content with alienated the Latinos, he's driving the American Chinese into Hillary's camp. :rolleyes:
Heck man, that was back in 1990. I guess he just hopes people either have forgotten that interview exists (obviously they haven't) or agree with him about the CCP's actions (his supporters probably would as they're not fond of foreigners).
lunatic vs incompetent and opportunistic liar. this is looking more like a lose-lose situation by the day.

Marine’s defense for disseminating classified information will cite Hillary Clinton’s case

Maj. Jason Brezler’s case has been tied up in federal court since he sued the service in December 2014. He became a cause celebre among some members of Congress, Marine generals and military veterans after he sent a classified message using an unclassified Yahoo email account to warn fellow Marines in southern Afghanistan about a potentially corrupt Afghan police chief. A servant of that police official killed three Marines and severely wounded a fourth 17 days later, on Aug. 10, 2012, opening fire with a Kalashnikov rifle in an insider attack.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service reviewed electronics voluntarily turned over by Brezler and determined that he had more than 100 classified documents on his personal, unclassified hard drive and thumb drive.

The board of inquiry recommended removing Brezler from the service in December 2013 after prosecutors argued that he knowingly kept classified information in order to help him write a book about his experiences in Afghanistan. He appealed, but both the Marine Corps and the Navy Department, which were overseeing it, have upheld the decision.
There are genuine problems out there , yet we continue to make an election race a fecking media spectacle in which 2 candidates say all kinds of bad stuff to eachother without actually meaning it. I wouldn't want any of these 2 sociopaths/psychopaths/whatever you call it to be the president of my country.
There are genuine problems out there , yet we continue to make an election race a fecking media spectacle in which 2 candidates say all kinds of bad stuff to eachother without actually meaning it. I wouldn't want any of these 2 sociopaths/psychopaths/whatever you call it to be the president of my country.
We need serious campaign reform in this country, but I'm doubtful that it'll ever happen... Too much money in the television spectacle that is the American electoral system.
We need serious campaign reform in this country, but I'm doubtful that it'll ever happen... Too much money in the television spectacle that is the American electoral system.

Wolf-pac.com. It's gaining momentum, albeit very slowly, but it is getting there with more states signing up all the time.
Wolf-pac.com. It's gaining momentum, albeit very slowly, but it is getting there with more states signing up all the time.
Very much agree with their positions there. Need to overturn Citizens United and create a federal mandate in the amount of time allowed for campaigning.
GOP screwed up by making Comey come in for questioning...

“We have no basis to believe she lied to the FBI,” Comey said. Asked about Clinton benefiting from a different set of rules, he responded, “It’s not true.” Asked about classified emails, Comey said there were only three messages – each of which were not properly marked classified when she received them.

In other words, congressional Republicans had the bright idea of holding a hearing with a credible witness who was perfectly happy to explain to them how wrong they are.


It was 4 and a half hours long and I watched about 3 of it live on Fox, as I said above it was like a fecking witch-hunt. It was embarrassing to say the least. You had these idiot Republicans one minute praising the Director of the FBI for his service and commitment to his country before speaking to him like a piece of shit the very next. They were just being so condescending, it was quite surreal to be honest. They were all accusing him of not doing his job and contradicting him and all of them were outright saying they wanted Hillary convicted but couldn't get him to agree on what charges or quite how that could happen. Every single one of them repeated the exact same questions to him over and over again, some worded differently, some almost exactly the same. I give Mr Comey credit for his patience and temperament, I thought he handled it exceptionally well and you could just tell he was fuming inside and just wanted to scream at the feckwits.

He mentioned about 10 times that he needed the toilet, and made a joke here and there while all the time repeating himself over and over and over and over again, continually saying to them that the investigation was carried out intentionally to not be a professional celebrity hunt as it was often being referred to or treated as by some. It was clear he was referring to many of the dim-witted Republicans that were questioning him, but they were just too dim to understand. I felt bad for him really because, as I said, he answered them exceptionally well and they just kept on at him. They were also asking him hypothetical questions he blatantly couldn't answer either. You could just see that they honestly thought or expected and hoped that if they asked the same questions over and over again that eventually they would get the answer they wanted. They were almost stomping their feet like angry toddlers who don't get their way, they were laughable and embarrassing. You could just imagine the Fox lovers at home watching literally foaming at the mouth and shouting at the TV at his answers, probably saying what the Republicans actually wanted to say but couldn't.

As soon as it ended it went back to the Fox presenter who then reported it straight away as that he was dodging questions and that Hillary was in fact guilty and should be prosecuted, It was beyond moronic. Mind you, Fox never fails to surprise me at how they are so unashamedly biased yet still continue to brandish the ridiculous slogan that they are fair and balanced.
The GOP and its supporting base have lost the plot. There was not a peep from them back when Bush et al outed a CIA agent, an act that would have the same crowd screaming treason if the current administration had done so. Then there's the email "scandal" of Bush WH staffers that didn't garner much attention. Oh, there's also Colin Powell's email issue, although no server involvement. And of course, the cooked up Iraq evidence that led to an invasion that ultimately cost 4,500 American soldier lives and created Daesh.
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@langster I know what you mean man. I have to deal with this stuff on a day to day basis... I live in Gowdy's district. I can't have a decent conversation with 90% of the people I work with about this stuff because they get all red in the face mad about it.
The GOP and its supporting base have lost the plot. There was not a peep from them back when Bush et al outed a CIA agent, an act that would have the same crowd screaming treason if the current administration had done so. Then there's the email "scandal" of Bush WH staffers that didn't garner much attention. Oh, there's also Colin Powell's email issue, although no server involvement. And of course, the cooked up Iraq evidence that led to an invasion that ultimately cost 4,500 American soldier lives and created Daesh.

I was thinking exactly the same throughout the entire broadcast. Such double standards, obviously they are to be expected, but that doesn't make it any less shocking quite how madly hypocritical they are. Surely they all must know they are being like that too? Some of them must be pretty well educated folks that obviously just have an agenda, and not all as thick as pig shit? Also didn't Condoleezza Rice make similar mistakes regarding emails as well as Colin Powell?

@langster I know what you mean man. I have to deal with this stuff on a day to day basis... I live in Gowdy's district. I can't have a decent conversation with 90% of the people I work with about this stuff because they get all red in the face mad about it.

You have my sincere sympathy for that mate, I can only imagine how frustrating that must be. I can only equate that to talking to people I know here about the recent EU referendum, 90% of the people I know, customers in my pub and family and friends all voted to leave, that frustrates the hell out of me too, but that's just a one off really, it will either be sorted soon, or not really at all. Then we just go back to normal discussions and aside from the really right wing Conservatives most people are in basic agreement about most issues, and most are what you would call liberal on lots of things so it's always easy to find common ground with most people aside from the extreme right wingers, the very ignorant or the purely hateful racist idiots. I guess it's mainly financial issues that separate most here and make them Conservative voters. For instance, every single person I know and have ever met, even the most right wing Conservatives all agree on wanting the NHS, all agree on basic forms of benefits, most agree and accept abortion laws, most WANT euthanasia or assisted suicide laws changed, and I only know a couple of people against same sex marriage or adoption, and that's purely because of their religious views and nothing else. So I think even most of our Conservatives here would be classed as Liberal to most Republicans, especially on what you would call moral/ethical views.

Saying that, I only really talk politics here, and with a couple of friends. I try to avoid it most other times, and we have a general rule in our pub to not allow talk about religion, football or politics, although obviously it's not always followed, it usually is. I'm really quite glad I've been off sick throughout all the referendum shit though, I would have got extremely upset about that at work, and I bet there's a lot of talk about the current Tory party leadership contest at the moment, I'd keep well out of that too. But even still, I would still be able to have a decent conversation about anything like that, even the people who I disagree with the most, so again I empathise with your situation, that must really suck to be at such complete odds and have so little common ground with so many other people.
@langster It gets pretty testy sometimes man. I enjoy it way too much sometimes though. I've got no problem being called a socialist.

And yeah, our GOP is WAY right to your political spectrum... Especially considering our Democratic Party would also be considered right wing in Europe.
I'm just south of CR, down in Georgia. I have numerous friends in the state, most of which are Republican voters/supporters/sympathizers, and between the Clinton emails and cops killing blacks, my FB newsfeed has been filled with tons of opinions and expertness, as well as downright sadism. Each time I see a nonsensical post that person's posts are now hidden. I have deleted a handful for blatant shit stirring. Some of these people live in constant paranoia while others simply let issues boil over and over while posting throughout the day (usually the political savants). Sometimes I wonder exactly who they are trying to convince: us or themselves?

I can totally sympathize with blacks for the whole police fear thing and totally get their posts, though I don't take part in them. But those sad feckwit right-wing town criers... Christ, how sad of a life must one live to constantly moan and bitch on FB?
I'm just south of CR, down in Georgia. I have numerous friends in the state, most of which are Republican voters/supporters/sympathizers, and between the Clinton emails and cops killing blacks, my FB newsfeed has been filled with tons of opinions and expertness, as well as downright sadism. Each time I see a nonsensical post that person's posts are now hidden. I have deleted a handful for blatant shit stirring. Some of these people live in constant paranoia while others simply let issues boil over and over while posting throughout the day (usually the political savants). Sometimes I wonder exactly who they are trying to convince: us or themselves?

I can totally sympathize with blacks for the whole police fear thing and totally get their posts, though I don't take part in them. But those sad feckwit right-wing town criers... Christ, how sad of a life must one live to constantly moan and bitch on FB?

If you go on any trending topic on FB regarding CLinton, there are a ton of them. Can't imagine coping with them everyday.
Or, you know, just ignore it.

Life is too short to spend your time arguing with feckwits, especially feckwits on the Internet.

I discovered this during the 2012 election. Since then I have selectively picked which posts to comment on, and only backed with facts.

But now days, nope. Not worth the hassle. As with DM (prior pages), his rage and fallacious attacks on one of my posts about a year ago led to me to no longer debate on FB. It's pointless. No one changes their mind. And some simply get their insecurities settled by belittling and demeaning others. It's kinda ironic that some of my GOP supporting friends cry about the elitist left then get on FB and come off elitist in their views.
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I realized the futility after a conversation with a friend a few years ago. He studied to be a doctor but kept insisting gay people are 'unnatural', and in the process brought out all the straw mans used by the anti-gay brigade. The term 'educated idiot' never seemed more apt, but I've known him since 8 so figured best not lose a friend pressing the matter.
I realized the futility after a conversation with a friend a few years ago. He studied to be a doctor but kept insisting gay people are 'unnatural', and in the process brought out all the straw mans used by the anti-gay brigade. The term 'educated idiot' never seemed more apt, but I've known him since 8 so figured best not lose a friend pressing the matter.
My wife's a nurse. Through her I've come to know that many many doctors are good doctors but just really crappy people.
Quite possibly the dumbest meme doing the rounds at the moment... I swear most of these people don't know a lick about history. I think Nixon and crew did just a little bit more than erase recordings. Just slightly more. And of course the usual misspelling atypical of hastily put together memes (I'm).

Quite possibly the dumbest meme doing the rounds at the moment... I swear most of these people don't know a lick about history. I think Nixon and crew did just a little bit more than erase recordings. Just slightly more. And of course the usual misspelling atypical of hastily put together memes (I'm).


Seen this a bunch of times, tried to explain to my nephew why it really is not correct, he did not want to listen.
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