2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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That is absolutely feckin priceless! It has made my day, week and even month! I really hope they are real, but more than a few sources suggest they are, and to be honest, it definitely seems like something the Trumps would do.

Donald Trump and his sons emailing British MP's begging for donations and getting absolutely rekt in reply. Hilarious. It just about sums him up as well. They must know they are disliked in the USA, they are struggling for donors and sponsors, both of which are dropping away like flies as the Trump brand, name and campaign are becoming more and more toxic, so in desperation they reach out to their friends over the pond. The friends btw, that they have insulted or criticised on numerous occasions in recent months. You really couldn't make it up. I can't wait for more of this stuff to come out and for the rest of the press to get hold of it. Trump doesn't do humiliation well at all, so this is going to be tremendous!

Natalie McGarry is now my 2nd ever favourite politician of all time! I couldn't have worded that reply any better myself, spot on! and completely destroyed him and his fugly sons. :lol:

Surely those emails cannot be genuine? Asking foreign MPs for funds, makes no sense whatsoever. Even for someone as senseless as Drumpf.
The right wingers are frothing at the mouth because Lynch and Bubba had a chat in Phoenix.

Thought they'd have learned something after Christmas cards, Vince Foster, Travelgate, Whitewater, Benghazi. Apparently not.
Nate Silver also pretty much predicted that Trump had close to zero percent chance of getting Republican nomination for several months. One thing is for sure, if Trumps wins the presidency, his career as a election prediction pundit is definitely over.
Nate Silver also pretty much predicted that Trump had close to zero percent chance of getting Republican nomination for several months. One thing is for sure, if Trumps wins the presidency, his career as a election prediction pundit is definitely over.

I think Nate dismissed Trump in his punditry of the data.

However if you look at 538's primary forecasts which were mainly based on polls and some other factors (similar to the way the general election one is set up) they correctly predicted the winner almost 90% of the time. Ultimately the 538 predictions are only as good as the polling as that's what they use as the main factor.
I see the GOP leaning Rasmussen poll are at it again. :lol:

Rasmussen will skew things Republican until right before the election, when they'll put out legitimate numbers that fall in line with everyone else's results. It's their MO.

No one truly believes Trump is ahead. Hell, it's not even close.
I saw Mark Cuban on Fox the other night, now I know about his business successes and his money etc, but I had never really heard him speak politics before. Well maybe I have, but just wasn't paying any attention. I have to say that he was making an awful lot of sense. I noticed it because I had Fox News on in the background and I had to look up, rewind and listen again because it shocked me that someone on Fox was talking so much sense.

He was talking about a few things, Britain voting out of the EU and subsequent market problems and what will happen next, Trump and Hillary and also the terror attacks in Turkey. Maybe it was just a one off, I don't know, but he did seem clued up and apretty decent chap.

Look up Cuban Real Time segments - he knows his beans.
Saw a segment on Hannity blasting Clinton for apparent money given by Saudis to the Clinton foundation and library. The thick-necked wingnut goes on the talk about all the problems in Saudi Arabia when it comes to women's right, LGBT, rape laws, religious stuff, etc. Then carries on with other ME nations and their links to donations.

I guess someone forgot to tell Hannity that Prince Alwaleed bin Talal owns a 6.6% stake in the parent company of his employer. I'm sure he knows but his audience probably hasn't a clue.
Typical trash I see on FB. One person trying to remain rational and carry a thoughtful approach, the other irrational. DM is someone I've known for many years. He uses ad hominem attacks, over-talks others, raises voice (in person), belittles, mocks, etc. I refuse to debate with him now. It's impossible to reason with him. He's actually very much like Trump in a sense, and your typical late 40s/early 50s white male albeit he's educated and makes a very good living.

He's clearly bought into Trump now, likely because Trump is an R and not a D.

DM - Love it OZ!! I knew you'd know that trivia!! Of course good people all over earth are murdered and die every day and we are left with Hillary, Warren, Pelosi and Reed. It's just the way life on Earth works unfortunately
KW - You'll get Trump then wonder what you were thinking later.
DM - Nope, not even remotely close.
Without a doubt, the guy will do everything he can to do good without worry of politics and politically correct madness.
Also Without a doubt, Hillary will always be an evil, lying, self serving person, who continues much of the all-time worst President's policies.
I can say that in all good faith. I hope both Hillary supporters, and anti-Trump supporters who don't vote, think long and hard about that point.
KW - I said nothing about Hillary. She's no prize either. Trump is an image, an ad campaign. He's not who you think he is. Everyone loves a strongman until his foot is on their neck.
DM - I disagree. A successful guy who built a $10 Billion company is no cartoon. As mentioned, he is a Patriot and wants to do the right thing. I just hope those that despise him for whatever reason real or imagined get out there and vote against Hillary - a sure fire disaster continuing 8 more years of failed policy.
KW - What $10 billion company? That's the Kool-Aid. He's gone bankrupt more often than he's been divorced. Donald Trump is loyal to one person - Donald Trump. Wake up. The Republican party despises him. They have been trying to dump him since he became the front runner. They see him for who he is and know he will damage the party forever. His disparaging remarks about Christians will certainly lose him the Tea Bag vote. It's not that they will vote for Hillary but they will stay home like last time. Only 36% of eligible voters voted in the last election because they did not want to vote for a Mormon but couldn't vote for a black man. I'm not the only Republican who is not fooled. The leadership, with the exception of a couple of boot-lickers who want to be his VP, all loathe Trump.
DM - 1. His company is worth $10 Billion. Not an easy accomplishment or everyone would have one. Are you shitting me? What's your criticism of having a massive company and fortune through hard work???
2. He has never gone bankrupt. Four casino's he was invested in went bankrupt. Every major successful businessman has had companies go bankrupt, eg Cuban, Soros, Coke, Gates, Jobs etc. get your facts straight! Where is it you get your false talking points??
3. Some in party despise him, SURE!! Like others despised Bush, Romney McCain etc.. Trump had more primary votes than any Republican in history. Did you forget that point and fact??
4. He has said nothing disparaging about Christians - more media hogwash. Example please?
I don't loathe him, nor the record number of people who voted for him.
I guess if I believed the ridiculous false talking points you have fell for maybe things would be different. I'll stick to the damn facts.
Hillary is cleared of wrong doing in Benghazi then immediately Lynch is jumped on for speaking to Bill Clinton while at the airport.
Ah yes! With the appropriate amount of Wild Turkey to drink while watching it.
(big Hunter S. Thompson fan)
And hallucinogenics.

No one around today really measures up to Thompson in terms of pure entertainment value. Though there are good journalists.
DM - 1. His company is worth $10 Billion. Not an easy accomplishment or everyone would have one. Are you shitting me? What's your criticism of having a massive company and fortune through hard work???
2. He has never gone bankrupt. Four casino's he was invested in went bankrupt. Every major successful businessman has had companies go bankrupt, eg Cuban, Soros, Coke, Gates, Jobs etc. get your facts straight! Where is it you get your false talking points??


That person needs serious help. I can't believe what I've just read there. That's one seriously deluded person who obviously believes everything they are told and either lives under a rock, or was raised by Mormons or scientologists. The $10 Billion Trump quote is the most laughable, I doubt he's worth $1 billion let alone 10.

I had to laugh after hearing he gave Charlie Sheen fake diamond cufflinks for his wedding present :lol: The man is such a feckin fraud.
So all this 'Crooked Hillary' stuff...is there any actual proof that she is crooked? If so, why hasn't she been charged? And if Trump is elected, will he make it his business to see that she is? If not, will she sue him for libel and slander?

So many questions - so few answers.
So all this 'Crooked Hillary' stuff...is there any actual proof that she is crooked? If so, why hasn't she been charged? And if Trump is elected, will he make it his business to see that she is? If not, will she sue him for libel and slander?

So many questions - so few answers.

Errr...she's a politician. what more do you need? The question is more is she totally corrupt or just the same as all the others?
Errr...she's a politician. what more do you need? The question is more is she totally corrupt or just the same as all the others?

I know - but as they refer to her as Crooked Hillary all the time, it beggars the question that if they have proof why hasn't she been charged, and if they don't have proof why haven't they been.

Most people believe that all politicians are crooked and corrupt, but the Trump campaigners rarely say Hillary without crooked attached to it.
I know - but as they refer to her as Crooked Hillary all the time, it beggars the question that if they have proof why hasn't she been charged, and if they don't have proof why haven't they been.

Most people believe that all politicians are crooked and corrupt, but the Trump campaigners rarely say Hillary without crooked attached to it.

Lyin' Ted, Little Marco, Low-energy Jeb etc...

You can call people with whatever moniker you want, it's free speech.
The star of David thing has basically squandered any traction Trump was able to make by trolling the Bill Clinton/ Loretta Lynch meeting and Hillary doing an FBI interview. Now he's apparently also sacked a few more staffers, one of which only came on board two weeks ago.
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