2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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If a rock developed conscious thought and the ability to speak it would be Sean Hannity.

Speaking of the dipshit, "If I thought I could help my country, I would think about it," in regards to serving in a Trump administration. Of course, this is just himself bringing this up during his radio segment, no doubt attempting to seed Trump's childish brain.
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The latest round of polls haven't been good for Clinton. Trump pulling level and surprisingly leading amongst independents.

This email thing has been really really bad. Really wish Biden had run.
Of course the irony being that her numbers have fallen since NOT being charged.

Yeah. But the optics have been terrible. She's come off looking very careless based on Comey's testimony.

Of course this doesn't mean Trump is better. I mean his businesses are under investigation for wrongdoing which is far worse.

Timing is everything though. If Trump can hold out the Trump U stuff till after the election, then he could be home and dry.

I was listening to Politico's podcast and they were saying that the findings regarding the email probe were actually perfect for the GOP.

If Clinton had been indicted then the Dems would've drafted in Biden at the convention and he'd have wiped the floor with Trump.

As it stands, she is still the nominee but they've got a lot to work with in terms of attacking her. It seems to be working for the moment atleast.

The argument made sense to me atleast.
Yeah. But the optics have been terrible. She's come off looking very careless based on Comey's testimony.

Of course this doesn't mean Trump is better. I mean his businesses are under investigation for wrongdoing which is far worse.

Timing is everything though. If Trump can hold out the Trump U stuff till after the election, then he could be home and dry.

It's a temporary swing after the email revelations, it'll swing back. Never say never after Boris Johnson becoming the Foreign secretary, but Trump coming home and dry is extremely unlikely
The GOP will try to keep this email business in the spotlight for as long as they can, but without the threat of an indictment, major news networks bar Fox won't spend time on it anymore, leaving Clinton free to go after disaffected Republicans ( white w/ college degree+ well to do suburban women), with the Sanders vote solidifying.

Sticking by my +6 popular vote prediction. 320-350 EV.
The GOP will try to keep this email business in the spotlight for as long as they can, but without the threat of an indictment, major news networks bar Fox won't spend time on it anymore, leaving Clinton free to go after disaffected Republicans ( white w/ college degree+ well to do suburban women), with the Sanders vote solidifying.

Sticking by my +6 popular vote prediction. 320-350 EV.


Most of the damage from the email fiasco was already baked into the cake. There may have been a 1-2 point swing in Trump's favor in the polls in the last week but that kind of change four months out is not something to worry about. The Comey statement will be lose its potency over time as the election kicks into overdrive and as the candidates begin to go very hard after each other (I expect a brutal campaign).

In the end, Clinton has a ton of structural advantages:

-Pretty good economy
-Fairly popular incumbent
-More money
-Much, much, much better organization and campaign team
-Likely to be a much better debater in a two person format
-Geographic advantages related to the composition of electoral college, which give Trump really only one plausible path in a close election (winning OH, FL, PA plus Romney states)

Hillary also really hasn't started hammering Trump yet. This has been the calm before the storm, which I expect to begin in earnest after the conventions. We'll see a lot of ads like this one.

Pence isn't on the convention speaker list either, I'm assuming they leave a slot open for the VP and he will take that?

Speakers at Republican convention announced
The Republican party has released new details about its big bash in Cleveland next week, including a comprehensive speakers list with some interesting inclusions and some high-profile omissions. The convention will have theme nights, the Republicans revealed, with the first night focusing on the Benghazi affair and the second night focusing on the economy.

Included on the speaker’s list are Trump’s wife and four eldest children; former NFL quarterback and prominent Christian Tim Tebow; and two men said to be on Trump’s short list of potential running mates: Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich.

A third prominent name in the Trump veepstakes, Indiana governor Mike Pence, is not on the list, seemingly significantly. Also not on the list: neither of the last two Republican nominees for president; neither of the two living former Republican presidents; top Ohio Republicans including governor John Kasich and senator Rob Portman; and former presidential contenders including Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham.

Many Republican senators are not attending the convention at all, AP reports: senator Steve Daines of Montana will be fly-fishing with his wife; senator Jeff Flake of Arizona said he has to mow his lawn; senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska will be traveling her state by bush plane – the list goes on.

Here’s the speaker’s list:

Pastor Mark Burns
Phil Ruffin
Congressman Ryan Zinke
Pat Smith
Mark Geist
John Tiegen
Congressman Michael McCaul
Sheriff David Clarke
Congressman Sean Duffy
Darryl Glenn
Senator Tom Cotton
Karen Vaughn
Mike Huckabee
Rudy Giuliani
Melania Trump
Senator Joni Ernst
Kathryn Gates-Skipper
Marcus Luttrell
Dana White
Governor Asa Hutchinson
Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Michael Mukasey
Andy Wist
Senator Jeff Sessions
Retired Lt Gen Michael Flynn
Alex Smith
Speaker Paul Ryan
Congressman Kevin McCarthy
Kerry Woolard
Senator Shelley Moore Capito
Dr Ben Carson
Co-Chair Sharon Day
Natalie Gulbis
Kimberlin Brown
Antonio Sabato, Jr
Peter Thiel
Eileen Collins
Senator Ted Cruz

Newt Gingrich
Michelle Van Etten
Lynne Patton
Eric Trump
Harold Hamm
Congressman Chris Collins
Brock Mealer
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn
Governor Mary Fallin
Darrell Scott
Lisa Shin
Governor Rick Scott
Chairman Reince Priebus
Tom Barrack
Ivanka Trump
Attorney General Pam Bondi
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Rabbi Haskel Lookstein
Chris Cox
Senator Mitch McConnell
Tiffany Trump
Governor Chris Christie
Donald J Trump Jr
Governor Scott Walker

Could be fun.
Maybe she's the VP :D

The dream lives on!

I see Newt has gone full Trump with his plan to question everyone with a 'Muslim background' to see if they believe in Sharia, and deport the ones that do.
Found perhaps the angriest, most sadistic* human being alive - Neal Boortz. If you take a gander at his website and twitter accounts... the man talks some serious shit.
Note: *in social media circles

Erickson had a funny yesterday. From what little I've caught of Erickson's radio segments the past week, he seemingly is not a fan of Trump, or at least expects Clinton to beat him in the GE. Then he'll take calls and go off on liberals and Obama.

I confess - the thing that annoys me the most about the Pence announcement is the fact that the words "TRUMP" and "PENCE" don't even align properly in the middle in their campaign logo. And I've spent more time than I should trying to figure out why they don't, because it's miles away from proper alignment.
There's mentions from GOP circles that Pence was quite vocal on the "stop Trump" talks within the GOP. This shows that some persons will simply jump for power positions, which I don't really blame a person for doing so (far less cowering than Carson aligning himself (obviously for limelight) after Trump practically called him a child molester).

Perhaps this is one of the reasons Trump wanted to change his selection within hours of making it.

And good twitter does exist!
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