2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Looks like Bernie is starting to fall in line. Endorsing Clinton today and campaigning for her.

Also looks like Bernie got done of the things he wanted with regards to the platform.

“The tragedy of this, though, is that there isn’t going to be a wall built. And Mexico’s not going to pay for it. And there’s not going to be a ban on Muslims,” Bush told NBC News in a clip released Monday afternoon. “This is all like a alternative universe that he created.”

“The reality is, that’s not going to happen. And people are going to be deeply frustrated and the divides will grow in our country,” he continued. “And this extraordinary country, still the greatest country on the face of the earth, will continue to stagger instead of soar. And that’s the heartbreaking part of this, is I think people are really going to feel betrayed.”
Bush also acknowledged that his former rival in the presidential race understands the media.

“Trump, to his credit, was very smart at exploiting these kind of opportunities. He’s a master at understanding how the media works — more than anybody I’ve ever seen in politics,” Bush told NBC News. “Kudos for him, for kind of creating the environment and then manipulating the environment to his effect.”
Today's hate talk radio moment of brilliance brought to you by Eric Erikson taking a call from Charlie while the topic was 2nd Amendment and gun rights.

Charlie - (not exact quote but as close I can recall) "I think the reason why China and Russia, the old Russia, haven't brought their Navy and dropped Marines on our shore is that they know all of us have guns."

Yep. I figure in all those Chinese and Russian strategic military briefs and meetings it wasn't the knowledge of US air power, US cyber power, US naval power, US space ops, and US allies that were deterrents to an invasion (let alone their own logistical and financial complications and determining a reason for such drastic acts).

Nope, it was Charlie and ilk with a few firearms each that ultimately forced China and Russia to nix any potential invasion plan.
Latest polls in swing States has trump leading. Gulp.

I'm sure we'll see a bit of volatility in the polls over the coming weeks with the Clinton email scandal in the news lately and both conventions coming up soon. Best to see where they polls are once the dust settles sometime in mid August.
I'm sure we'll see a bit of volatility in the polls over the coming weeks with the Clinton email scandal in the news lately and both conventions coming up soon. Best to see where they polls are once the dust settles sometime in mid August.
Agreed. Can't believe it has come down to these two. I'm hopeful trump picks a nutter as his running mate otherwise he may start to look palatable to more people. I don't see any pick giving Hilary a bump.
I'm starting to take a longer term and dispassionate view, as if I'm sitting on the moon and watching world history like a TV show... all so I'm not too depressed if/when Trump becomes the least qualified US President of my lifetime. If not Trump now, seems likely we could have another moron in the presidency at some point.
I'm starting to take a longer term and dispassionate view, as if I'm sitting on the moon and watching world history like a TV show... all so I'm not too depressed if/when Trump becomes the least qualified US President of my lifetime. If not Trump now, seems likely we could have another moron in the presidency at some point.

I think the country will galvanize against him if it begins to appear he has a legit chance at winning.
I think the country will galvanize against him if it begins to appear he has a legit chance at winning.

We shouldn't even be where we're at... he got here on a wall and the ban. This is anti-governance and anti-intellectualism. No one serious on either side of the spectrum has ever thought that those were good solutions to issues.

This is a weird trend for me in political debates in recent years... its not left x right anymore (although that still exists), but serious x not. I'm finding that to be the split, that the academics, politicians, financiers, businessmen, journalists that I read/listen to because I care what they have to say, have all fallen on the side of serious instead of on the side of left x right that you'd expect them to.

But I'd like to go back to the deciding what left x right has to offer while at least leading somewhat serious efforts of tackling issues, based on analysis and study that we can agree or disagree with.
I see a lot of people on Twitter saying Bernie has sold out.
What is he supposed to do...let Trump win?
I see a lot of people on Twitter saying Bernie has sold out.
What is he supposed to do...let Trump win?

Compromise to achieve a better state than the risk-case is a dirty dirty thing... I bet these people go to work and as soon as a colleague or boss ask them to do something they don't want to they lash out and yell that they will not cede an inch.
I see a lot of people on Twitter saying Bernie has sold out.
What is he supposed to do...let Trump win?

Would withholding his endorsement have guaranteed a Trump victory?

I am fine with him endorsing whoever he wants to, it is politics after all, even bitter rivals often eventually find themselves on the same side. He is not the first, not the last defeated candidate to rally behind his parties nominee.
So she's known for being a beacon of trust and dignity?

She'll say the right things to earn Bernie's endorsements and basically do whatever it is she intended to when in office.
Even if Hillary is as Machiavellian as you make her out to be, once she obtains the White House, she's gone as high as she can go. No more reason for "Hillary being Hillary" at that point. Also, should she win, she will have a 2nd term she needs to win, so she cannot alienate an ever growing base of progressives who identify with Bernie's message and with the new more progressive Democratic platform. A Machiavellian politico will do what is necessary to stay in power, and for a 2nd term, that will include giving in to more progressive ideas.
This thread has slowed to a crawl in the face of the omnishambles of Labour and the swift, swift, Cameron-and-Leadsom-self-swiftboating rise of Theresa May... Even Dancin' Dubya can't get this thread going. Cmon Donald, get back in the game! :D
This thread has slowed to a crawl in the face of the omnishambles of Labour and the swift, swift, Cameron-and-Leadsom-self-swiftboating rise of Theresa May... Even Dancin' Dubya can't get this thread going. Cmon Donald, get back in the game! :D

With both nominations sewn up by Trump and Hillary, it's natural for there to be a bit of a lull before the conventions kick (god awful things that they are). Just wait once the two conventions happen, things will really get crazy again.
With both nominations sewn up by Trump and Hillary, it's natural for there to be a bit of a lull before the conventions kick (god awful things that they are). Just wait once the two conventions happen, things will really get crazy again.

Counting on it :D You'd get the feeling that all of the madness so far is going to pale against what's yet to come..
Honestly, on 9/10 issues Sanders and Clinton are the same. Why would he not endorse her? Is he going to claim that not voting is better? Or is he going to ask people to vote for Johnson/Stein?

It's just common sense.
Honestly, on 9/10 issues Sanders and Clinton are the same. Why would he not endorse her? Is he going to claim that not voting is better? Or is he going to ask people to vote for Johnson/Stein?

It's just common sense.
And the tenth is gun control, which never goes anywhere despite all the dismay at gun violence.
Look at the crosstabs.

Q-U is fast becoming a joke. Rasmussen-lite. Clinton lost white college educated 34-51. Right.


The PA result (which would be close to fatal for her overall chances) is not being replicated elsewhere but OH is. IA looks close (she has trended up since Feb).

Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 45, Trump 36 Clinton +9
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 41, Trump 43 Trump +2
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 39, Trump 39 Tie
Ohio: Trump vs. Clinton Quinnipiac Clinton 41, Trump 41 Tie
Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 42, Trump 39 Clinton +3
Iowa: Trump vs. Clinton Gravis Clinton 42, Trump 40 Clinton +2

I can easily believe IA and OH. Monmouth, who has been generally excellent this cycle has her down two in IA the day before the Q poll, but there's not a cat's chance in hell she's down 5 in FL and tie/down in PA at this point. Historically, Q is a decent pollster ( A- 538 rating, +0.7 Republican bias), but this cycle they've consistently underpolled Clinton by 4-6 points on average in the primary, and their crosstabs sometimes look very off.
This thread has slowed to a crawl in the face of the omnishambles of Labour and the swift, swift, Cameron-and-Leadsom-self-swiftboating rise of Theresa May... Even Dancin' Dubya can't get this thread going. Cmon Donald, get back in the game! :D

I think everyone here knows my medical condition, and I've been struggling lately after doing so well in the last couple of months so I've taken a break from ALL Politics for a couple of weeks. I've been watching a bit here and there, but nothing much really. I have just felt completely deflated and utterly dismayed at what is happening here in the UK, so the US election doesn't really seem as amusing anymore, quite simply because the worst or unlikely is actually far more likely than anyone really wants to admit. Also, the sheer amount of people getting shot, including Police Officers, is sickening. I had to take a break because it's just been far too depressing. :(

Even Sarah Palins mad rant the other day wasn't enough to raise a laugh, I just sighed and shook my head at her hypocrisy and complete lack of self awareness. Lecturing others on violence after her families record recently was a step too far, also her labelling all the BLM protesters as "not real people" was taking the fecking piss.
Is Gingrich really the favorite for the Veep slot?

That surely will be some sort of record for total no. of marriages in one ticket.
I think everyone here knows my medical condition, and I've been struggling lately after doing so well in the last couple of months so I've taken a break from ALL Politics for a couple of weeks. I've been watching a bit here and there, but nothing much really. I have just felt completely deflated and utterly dismayed at what is happening here in the UK, so the US election doesn't really seem as amusing anymore, quite simply because the worst or unlikely is actually far more likely than anyone really wants to admit. Also, the sheer amount of people getting shot, including Police Officers, is sickening. I had to take a break because it's just been far too depressing. :(

Even Sarah Palins mad rant the other day wasn't enough to raise a laugh, I just sighed and shook my head at her hypocrisy and complete lack of self awareness. Lecturing others on violence after her families record recently was a step too far, also her labelling all the BLM protesters as "not real people" was taking the fecking piss.

The trick to not getting angry is always expecting the worst. That bastard Bernie gave me hope for a few months, I'm back to my happy cynicism now.
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