2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Now he's apparently also sacked a few more staffers, one of which only came on board two weeks ago.

Because he can't afford to pay for them. He's broke, and his campaign is broke and as mentioned before, he's become a toxic brand to any potential supporter, donator or sponsor. Big rumours flying around that he is going to be investigated for campaign fraud for soliciting monies from foreign donors, specifically members of foreign governments and political parties. That could be the final knockout punch needed before the convention. He's like a punch drunk boxer hanging on the ropes at the moment.

Personally though, I wanted a more tremendous fall from grace, this one has so far been quite steady and undramatic. :( Mind you, after the events in the UK over the last couple of weeks or so, most things are going to appear tame in comparison.
Because he can't afford to pay for them. He's broke, and his campaign is broke and as mentioned before, he's become a toxic brand to any potential supporter, donator or sponsor. Big rumours flying around that he is going to be investigated for campaign fraud for soliciting monies from foreign donors, specifically members of foreign governments and political parties. That could be the final knockout punch needed before the convention. He's like a punch drunk boxer hanging on the ropes at the moment.

Personally though, I wanted a more tremendous fall from grace, this one has so far been quite steady and undramatic. :( Mind you, after the events in the UK over the last couple of weeks or so, most things are going to appear tame in comparison.

Haven't heard that. Where did you hear it ?
How much can the affair about e-mails hurt Clinton? I have the feeling nobody really gives a feck besides the Republicans.
Trump took that image from a Stormfront style Reddit it seems... I don't have the link at the minute (I think it was a mic article), but Im not keen in posting it either because they had other examples from the Twitter account of the creator and they were vile.
Trump took that image from a Stormfront style Reddit it seems... I don't have the link at the minute (I think it was a mic article), but Im not keen in posting it either because they had other examples from the Twitter account of the creator and they were vile.
So Trump staffers are browsing Stormfront type stuff. Nice. He does like Mussolini an awful lot.
So Trump staffers are browsing Stormfront type stuff. Nice. He does like Mussolini an awful lot.

It's gone mainstream. Here's an article with none of the revolting other examples. It does mention the twitter handle of the creator of them though, if you really feel like making yourself sick


Edit: original article. Credit where credit is due for finding the info
It's gone mainstream. Here's an article with none of the revolting other examples. It does mention the twitter handle of the creator of them though, if you really feel like making yourself sick


Edit: original article. Credit where credit is due for finding the info
Now I can't resist a good chance to lose faith in fellow man.
And I can only imagine there's far, far worse if you went to the actual twitter account. Trump campaign refusing to make a statement. Surely campaigns have sunk on less than this?

Just tried to go to the original Twitter account. Apparently the account has been deleted. Twitter is telling me it doesn't exist!

Doubt Trump's campaign will be torpedoed by this considering the demographic he panders to.
Just tried to go to the original Twitter account. Apparently the account has been deleted. Twitter is telling me it doesn't exist!

Doubt Trump's campaign will be torpedoed by this considering the demographic he panders to.

Mic article mentions a reddit, knock yourself out if you really want to loathe some people :)

Edit: foolishly took a look, got repulsed, deleted reddit name. Ugh.

The dems should be ashamed of these numbers. Source
That bit about the Hillary and Star of David... I can't help but laugh at Trump's attempt to explain.

--Dishonest media is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star!--

A sheriff star has a ball at the point/spear end. And a six-pointed star looks nothing like a "plain star" which has five points.

Sadly, his supporting base and the far right fringe won't care.
if trump doesn't care about PC then why did he replace the six pointed star with a circle after the anti-semitic allegations?
President Obama's signature health reform law, the Affordable Care Act -- which you probably know as "Obamacare" -- has been controversial and generally disliked by about half of Americans since it was signed into law in March 2010.

The Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking Poll has been closely monitoring the public's sentiment toward Obamacare on a near-monthly basis since it was signed into law. You can essentially count on two hands how many months over the past six years the general public had a "favorable" view on the law.

Although Obamacare enrolled about 12.7 million people through its marketplace exchanges in 2016, and a nearly equal number of lower-income individuals and families have gained medical coverage through the expansion of Medicaid in 31 states, the program's long-term survival is still in question, with premium prices looking as if they could soar by a double-digit percentage in 2017. Another analysis conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that a weighted average increase of 11% could be in store, based on the price of the lowest-cost silver plan in 2016 compared to 2017.

"What's wrong with Obamacare?" you might be wondering. Unfortunately, there's no single or centralized problem, but rather a confluence of factors that have come together to put the future of President Obama's hallmark legislation in doubt.

First, young-adult enrollment hasn't been up to par. Young adults are typically healthier and less likely to go to the doctor, meaning their enrollment and premium payments are vital for insurers looking to offset the higher costs of treating sicker and/or older Americans. By a similar token, the Shared Responsibility Payment, or SRP, may not be steep enough to encourage young adults to enroll. The SRP is the "penalty" assessed for violating the individual mandate by not buying health insurance. In 2014, the SRP was the greater of $95 or 1% of modified adjusted gross income, or MAGI. In 2016, it has jumped to the greater of $695 or 2.5% MAGI. Even with this jump, the Kaiser Family Foundation predicts an average penalty of $969, which is still far less than the cost of a full year of healthcare premium payments.

Secondly, the "risk corridor" has failed badly. The risk corridor program was designed to provide payments to insurers losing excessive amounts of money on Obamacare's exchanges. This loss protection was meant to encourage more insurers to enter the marketplace by giving them a safety net while they figured out an appropriate level for premium prices. The funds for these payments were to be provided by overly profitable insurers on Obamacare's exchanges. Ultimately, only 12.6% of the $2.87 billion requested wound up being paid out, leading more than half of Obamacare's healthcare cooperatives to close their doors.

Finally, the checks and balances designed to keep insurers from jacking up premiums aren't sufficient. Each state has an Office of the Insurance Commissioner to which insurers submit requests for any rate increases (or decreases) of 10% or more. While the OICs can negotiate with insurers, they essentially have no bargaining power if the rate hike is justified. They can call out insurers on a public platform, but health-benefit providers still remain largely in control of their premium pricing.


About Trump: I don't think he considered the star, it was something anti-Hillary he used his special fingers to retweet. Without the Guardian telling me, I wouldn't have identified the star for what it is.
About Trump: I don't think he considered the star, it was something anti-Hillary he used his special fingers to retweet. Without the Guardian telling me, I wouldn't have identified the star for what it is.

The thing is, I doubt he did it himself. The image was sourced to a neo-Nazi 4chan sub. Whoever did it clearly knew their target audience.
FBI currently making a statement on Hilary and her emails, so far looks like she'll be getting a slap on the wrist.

"Evidence that her and her staff were extremely careless in handling top secret and classified information."

"No intentional wrongdoing"

"She knowingly sent and received emails that she knew where classified at the time of transmission."

"Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case."

Edit: FBI not recommending and indictment

Trump Supporters:

Last edited:
FBI currently making a statement on Hilary and her emails, so far looks like she'll be getting a slap on the wrist.

"Evidence that her and her staff were extremely careless in handling top secret and classified information."

"No intentional wrongdoing"

"She knowingly sent and received emails that she knew where classified at the time of transmission."

"Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case."

Edit: FBI not recommending and indictment

Trump Supporters:


That is very damning, regardless of the lack of an indictment.
I think it's now become more of where his campaign copied the image from rather than the star itself. Why is his campaign scouring neo-Nazi threads?

And even if we took his digital com/service manager at his words that they got it off a Twitter account, surely anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would see it's a racist account with tweets liken black people to gorillas etc...?

And it took exactly 5 minutes after Comey's press conference for the conspiracy to take flight.

And even if we took his digital com/service manager at his words that they got it off a Twitter account, surely anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would see it's a racist account with tweets liken black people to gorillas etc...?

And it took exactly 5 minutes after Comey's press conference for the conspiracy to take flight.

All they are doing is playing into the populist prejudices that exist within a large section of the American population. His supporters immediately took his campaign explanation for the image as gospel without taking one moment to use critical thinking about the matter. They'll latch on to the conspiracy tweet as well for the exact same reasons.
I think it's now become more of where his campaign copied the image from rather than the star itself. Why is his campaign scouring neo-Nazi threads?

That's exactly the issue, and it's not the first time, I think it's actually about the 3rd or 4th time they have lifted something from the same user/website. So indeed the question is more why and what the feck are they doing continually lifting racist memes from nefarious websites/twitter users?
So yeah, completely different.

Laws dealing with classified info don't require intent, they require negligence. The FBI has explicitly stated she was negligent. As Greenwald put it, it is the same crime she punished many underlings in her own department for.
So the Don just praised Saddam Hussein :lol:

Mr. Trump, I sincerely apologize. We've all misunderstood you. Your selfless sacrifice to destroy the Republican Party shall not go unheralded :devil:
Par for the course for Trump. The man likes his dictators. We already know of his high praise for Mussolini quotes. Now the praise for Saddam.
Trump on Saddam July 2016 said:
“Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right?” Trump declared. “He was a bad guy, really bad guy. But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn’t read them rights. They didn’t talk. They were terrorists. It was over.”

But he's always praised heavy handed totalitarians...
Trump on Russia and China in 1990 Playboy Interview said:
“Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.” His interviewer asked, “You mean firm hand as in China?” Trump answered, “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world –”

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/432043/donald-trump-praised-tiananmen-square-massacre

Next we are going to hear that "Hitler was a bad guy but man he did YUGE things for the economy!"
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