2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Because shes the worst person the Dems could find, she's corrupt like her husband, she didn't handle Benghazi like a leader, the e-mail issue and her power to stop FBI in calling her for an interview, her corrupt foundation, Monica, etc. Trump is an embarrassment for the party which I want them to change the party's philosophy and the only way is having people voting in an outsider with unrealistic ideas who trashed the so called establishment.
Because shes the worst person the Dems could find, she's corrupt like her husband, she didn't handle Benghazi like a leader, the e-mail issue and her power to stop FBI in calling her for an interview, her corrupt foundation, Monica, etc. Trump is an embarrassment for the party which I want them to change the party's philosophy and the only way is having people voting in an outsider with unrealistic ideas who trashed the so called establishment.

No because you stick with your team no matter how shitty the candidate is. You are programmed to be right wing and simply cannot vote for the other side. Stop with the pretences about the actual left wing candidates credibility or history. You know you would vote for Charles Manson if he was the GOP candidate.
No because you stick with your team no matter how shitty the candidate is. You are programmed to be right wing and simply cannot vote for the other side. Stop with the pretences about the actual left wing candidates credibility or history. You know you would vote for Charles Manson if he was the GOP candidate.
There should be no team. You should vote for the better candidate... or the less shitty of the two.
There should be no team. You should vote for the better candidate... or the less shitty of the two.

You really shouldn't though. Political candidates running for public office have to earn their vote. They shouldn't become President or whatever just because their only qualification is that they're better than the other person running (in the case of a two party election). It would be better to vote for a third party candidate or to not vote at all. Hillary's only qualification going into this election is that she's better than Trump. That's why Bernie, Liz Warren, Biden or Al Gore would all have been better candidates than her.

Boris fecking Johnson shouldn't become PM either just cos there's no other high profile guy.
Because shes the worst person the Dems could find, she's corrupt like her husband, she didn't handle Benghazi like a leader, the e-mail issue and her power to stop FBI in calling her for an interview, her corrupt foundation, Monica, etc. Trump is an embarrassment for the party which I want them to change the party's philosophy and the only way is having people voting in an outsider with unrealistic ideas who trashed the so called establishment.

As opposed to a bullying, xenophobic, borderline racist, cheater who is a reality TV personality to beat the so called establishment? You go man, three cheers to the American dream and integrity
You really shouldn't though. Political candidates running for public office have to earn their vote. They shouldn't become President or whatever just because their only qualification is that they're better than the other person running (in the case of a two party election). It would be better to vote for a third party candidate or to not vote at all. Hillary's only qualification going into this election is that she's better than Trump. That's why Bernie, Liz Warren, Biden or Al Gore would all have been better candidates than her.

Boris fecking Johnson shouldn't become PM either just cos there's no other high profile guy.

Err.. no.

And Bernie ran against her and lost the ticket.
borderline racist,

The only borderline where he is concerned is the one he wants to build to stop the Mexicans getting in! I don't see any ambiguity where his racism is concerned. You also forgot sexist, misogynist, ego maniacal, narcissistic bigot.

But there you have it, he's just confirmed it. He's been a Trump supporter since the start and has just openly said he will vote for Trump over Hillary, which is obviously his choice and his right. I think he does believe he is a better candidate for many reasons, but mainly when it comes down to it, I reckon it's because he's a Republican and Trump wont take his guns! And he sure needs those to shoot shit with and in case Ze Germans come for him. He's just one of millions that think the same. I just cannot fathom how anyone could vote for Trump. He can't be trusted on any issue, I mean he used to be right up for gun reform until about a year ago, he was pro choice for abortion until about a year ago he clearly cannot be trusted on anything, it baffles me, it really does.

However, the whole point is that the policies of hatred and division are strong and the American people need to ensure Trump doesn't get elected. The world is in enough shit and there is enough uncertainty at the moment without that buffoon being in charge of one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

I think the more pertinent questions to ask barros would be, do none of Trumps faults disturb or bother him? and if so, why aren't they enough to stop him voting for him? and what would be enough?
There should be no team. You should vote for the better candidate... or the less shitty of the two.

There shouldnt be but thats the reality. Anyone who can think that Donald Trump would make a better president than a career politician obviously lets political bias trump (pardon the pun) common sense. Im not a huge fan of Hillary, she doesnt inspire me as a liberal but I know shes a career politician and knows more than most what it takes to be a president.
There shouldnt be but thats the reality. Anyone who can think that Donald Trump would make a better president than a career politician obviously lets political bias trump (pardon the pun) common sense. Im not a huge fan of Hillary, she doesnt inspire me as a liberal but I know shes a career politician and knows more than most what it takes to be a president.

I think many would disagree with you. Most are tired of 'career politicians' and will definitely vote for an anti-establishment candidate. It's just unfortunate that the only qualifying candidate is a nutcase like Trump. Most people believe that the existing political structure needs a kick up its backside. I still think the same 'protest voting' that brought about Brexit may also work in favour of Trump.
Because shes the worst person the Dems could find, she's corrupt like her husband, she didn't handle Benghazi like a leader, the e-mail issue and her power to stop FBI in calling her for an interview, her corrupt foundation, Monica, etc. Trump is an embarrassment for the party which I want them to change the party's philosophy and the only way is having people voting in an outsider with unrealistic ideas who trashed the so called establishment.

No because you stick with your team no matter how shitty the candidate is. You are programmed to be right wing and simply cannot vote for the other side. Stop with the pretences about the actual left wing candidates credibility or history. You know you would vote for Charles Manson if he was the GOP candidate.

Damn Barros.
The only borderline where he is concerned is the one he wants to build to stop the Mexicans getting in! I don't see any ambiguity where his racism is concerned. You also forgot sexist, misogynist, ego maniacal, narcissistic bigot.

But there you have it, he's just confirmed it. He's been a Trump supporter since the start and has just openly said he will vote for Trump over Hillary, which is obviously his choice and his right. I think he does believe he is a better candidate for many reasons, but mainly when it comes down to it, I reckon it's because he's a Republican and Trump wont take his guns! And he sure needs those to shoot shit with and in case Ze Germans come for him. He's just one of millions that think the same. I just cannot fathom how anyone could vote for Trump. He can't be trusted on any issue, I mean he used to be right up for gun reform until about a year ago, he was pro choice for abortion until about a year ago he clearly cannot be trusted on anything, it baffles me, it really does.

However, the whole point is that the policies of hatred and division are strong and the American people need to ensure Trump doesn't get elected. The world is in enough shit and there is enough uncertainty at the moment without that buffoon being in charge of one of the most powerful countries on the planet.

I think the more pertinent questions to ask barros would be, do none of Trumps faults disturb or bother him? and if so, why aren't they enough to stop him voting for him? and what would be enough?

Id like to hear the answers to those questions.

Poll result as of today puts it as Clinton 42% - 40% Trump. Not as wide as you may think.

Aggregate the polls. Never cherry pick a single one. The average at the moment is Clinton +7.

Q Polls this cycle have undermined Clinton support from 3-5 points as well.

As for fundamentals, the economy won't tank before November 8th. And the white population of the US is 67%, compared to Britain's 83%.
I think many would disagree with you. Most are tired of 'career politicians' and will definitely vote for an anti-establishment candidate. It's just unfortunate that the only qualifying candidate is a nutcase like Trump. Most people believe that the existing political structure needs a kick up its backside. I still think the same 'protest voting' that brought about Brexit may also work in favour of Trump.

Most people are stupid then. The above sentiment is okay if the alternative is a politician with a pedigree not a fecking idiot who is shit at business and is a megalomaniac
Most people are stupid then. The above sentiment is okay if the alternative is a politician with a pedigree not a fecking idiot who is shit at business and is a megalomaniac

Bush being voted in twice pretty much proves that the voting public is stupid.
It sounds harsh I know, but sadly the evidence points to that.
Bush being voted in twice pretty much proves that the voting public is stupid.
It sounds harsh I know, but sadly the evidence points to that.

Meh there was more to those Bush elections than we will ever know. When the margins are tiny all sorts of shenanigans can be had with elections. Obama won by such large margins you could fudge them numbers.
Wow, Americans should really feel ashamed if Trump wins the election, but seems he is doing too many mistakes now.
Pretty big margin being forecast there. Hard to disagree, though. Trump has hit the self-destruct button in recent weeks.
538 have begun their GE forecasting.


As a reminder, Nate has so far predicted 99/100 states correctly between the 08 and 12 elections.

Too bad we're not a week out of the election date.

What's interesting is he has Hillary edging ahead in Arizona which is quite interesting, but certainly not surprising given that it has the 4th highest latino population among US states. Texas is number 3, so I'm guessing Hillary may have an outside shot of putting some real pressure on Trump there.
Too bad we're not a week out of the election date.

What's interesting is he has Hillary edging ahead in Arizona which is quite interesting, but certainly not surprising given that it has the 4th highest latino population among US states. Texas is number 3, so I'm guessing Hillary may have an outside shot of putting some real pressure on Trump there.

Its crazy that polling is even being conducted in Texas this far out, but, for what it's worth, one whose results came out a few days ago had Trump ahead of Clinton by 7 only.

You have to give the toupeed Cheetoh this much: he has, as he promised, put unexpected states into play--red ones!
Let's hope for no major terror attack in the US between now and the GE. It's the only scenario I can see Trump gaining a large enough voting block to win out.

Economy too. Brexit -> EU meltdown -> US recession is a surefire winner.
This is arguably the best point in US history for a bonafide third candidate run in the GE.

I saw some poll numbers on the ticker on TV - CLinton 39 Trump 37 Gary Johnson 8 Stein 4. The Greens should really go all-out this election, 5% is the threshold.
I saw some poll numbers on the ticker on TV - CLinton 39 Trump 37 Gary Johnson 8 Stein 4. The Greens should really go all-out this election, 5% is the threshold.

I'm thinking more of an outsider to politics, like Mark Cuban, or an independent/former, like Michael Bloomberg (he's stated he won't run).

But it would be nice to see a third party finally get the required percentages to get stage time alongside the two parties.
I saw Mark Cuban on Fox the other night, now I know about his business successes and his money etc, but I had never really heard him speak politics before. Well maybe I have, but just wasn't paying any attention. I have to say that he was making an awful lot of sense. I noticed it because I had Fox News on in the background and I had to look up, rewind and listen again because it shocked me that someone on Fox was talking so much sense.

He was talking about a few things, Britain voting out of the EU and subsequent market problems and what will happen next, Trump and Hillary and also the terror attacks in Turkey. Maybe it was just a one off, I don't know, but he did seem clued up and apretty decent chap.
I saw some poll numbers on the ticker on TV - CLinton 39 Trump 37 Gary Johnson 8 Stein 4. The Greens should really go all-out this election, 5% is the threshold.

Pretty sure 15% is the threshold for the debates. Hoping Johnson makes it but right now that doesn't seem likely
Third party candidates tend to poll better than they actually do. The notable outlier in the last few decades of so being Ross Perot.

That is absolutely feckin priceless! It has made my day, week and even month! I really hope they are real, but more than a few sources suggest they are, and to be honest, it definitely seems like something the Trumps would do.

Donald Trump and his sons emailing British MP's begging for donations and getting absolutely rekt in reply. Hilarious. It just about sums him up as well. They must know they are disliked in the USA, they are struggling for donors and sponsors, both of which are dropping away like flies as the Trump brand, name and campaign are becoming more and more toxic, so in desperation they reach out to their friends over the pond. The friends btw, that they have insulted or criticised on numerous occasions in recent months. You really couldn't make it up. I can't wait for more of this stuff to come out and for the rest of the press to get hold of it. Trump doesn't do humiliation well at all, so this is going to be tremendous!

Natalie McGarry is now my 2nd ever favourite politician of all time! I couldn't have worded that reply any better myself, spot on! and completely destroyed him and his fugly sons. :lol:

That is absolutely feckin priceless! It has made my day, week and even month! I really hope they are real, but more than a few sources suggest they are, and to be honest, it definitely seems like something the Trumps would do.

Donald Trump and his sons emailing British MP's begging for donations and getting absolutely rekt in reply. Hilarious. It just about sums him up as well. They must know they are disliked in the USA, they are struggling for donors and sponsors, both of which are dropping away like flies as the Trump brand, name and campaign are becoming more and more toxic, so in desperation they reach out to their friends over the pond. The friends btw, that they have insulted or criticised on numerous occasions in recent months. You really couldn't make it up. I can't wait for more of this stuff to come out and for the rest of the press to get hold of it. Trump doesn't do humiliation well at all, so this is going to be tremendous!

Natalie McGarry is now my 2nd ever favourite politician of all time! I couldn't have worded that reply any better myself, spot on! and completely destroyed him and his fugly sons. :lol:
She better visit America in the next few months while she can. She'll be on the No-fly list as soon as President Trump gets into office.
In addition to Trump's comments and behavior already detracting votes, Johnson is clearly siphoning more votes away from Trump than someone like Stein is from Hillary. So in effect, there is already a third party consisting of two former Republicans doing to Trump what the GOP establishment had been hoping to agitate through the likes of Bill Kristol.
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