2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He sure has the best words :wenger:

I've talked to a few GOP friends lately - they were previously considered middle of the road establishment Republicans, but are now suddenly in the Drumpf reality distortion field. Basically, any policy discussion (and Trump's conspicuous lack of policy details) immediately gets boomeranged into a Benghazi/Email scandal rant about Hillary. They are trapped in an insane siege mentality where policy is completely irrelevant as long she doesn't get elected. Even when challenged about Trump's dog whistle-race baiting, xenophobic fear mongering, misogyny, making fun of handicapped people etc, they immediately turn that into a rant about the Clintons' long laundry list of corruption and scandals going back to the 80s. Thus it should come as no surprise that Hillary beating Drumpf by double digits will be casually dismissed as the polls being off (whereas if Trump were in the lead, you can bet the house he'd be reminding everyone on Twitter daily).
Liz touring with Hillary. She seems to have perfected the art of trolling Trump by undermining his masculinity.

Liz touring with Hillary. She seems to have perfected the art of trolling Trump by undermining his masculinity.

She's good! Got to be her running mate to be honest, looks likes its nailed on.
Does it matter? In Indian context, you seem to be ok with judicial overreach for greater good.

Shhh, don't expose me like this :(
I agree with the decision, and it has helped many women. It should have been better reasoned but that doesn't matter now.
The disheveled future has arrived.

So Trump surrogates out in full force attacking recent polls as clear left wing media bias. :lol:

You'd think they'd have learned drom 2012.

He sure has the best words :wenger:

Poles! What does he have against poles and Polish people?

I've talked to a few GOP friends lately - they were previously considered middle of the road establishment Republicans, but are now suddenly in the Drumpf reality distortion field. Basically, any policy discussion (and Trump's conspicuous lack of policy details) immediately gets boomeranged into a Benghazi/Email scandal rant about Hillary. They are trapped in an insane siege mentality where policy is completely irrelevant as long she doesn't get elected. Even when challenged about Trump's dog whistle-race baiting, xenophobic fear mongering, misogyny, making fun of handicapped people etc, they immediately turn that into a rant about the Clintons' long laundry list of corruption and scandals going back to the 80s. Thus it should come as no surprise that Hillary beating Drumpf by double digits will be casually dismissed as the polls being off (whereas if Trump were in the lead, you can bet the house he'd be reminding everyone on Twitter daily).

This is what bugs me - claiming Hillary is a murderer. It's asinine and ludicrous. There's plenty of other stuff in the political arena that bugs me but this Benghazi lark is ridiculous.

Initially, it was Pres Obama getting slammed as it was a year from the 2012 GE, and that didn't go well outside the right-wing base. After his reelection, they had to attack someone else so they go after Hillary as it became apparent she was positioning herself for a future POTUS run. The truly ridiculous part of this is to claim Hillary is responsible for Benghazi and yet no credit given to her or Pres Obama taking down OBL. It's hypocritical.

The far right-wing nutjobs are now claiming John Ashe's death is tied to Hillary. Le sigh.
There were several reports that there was one officer and two off duty that were both armed. And why is someone not doing their job because they got feckin shot? Its a bit difficult if he just walks in shooting. And he also had a handgun, maybe he gained entry using that. Why is it always someone else's fault? It's moronic that anyone else, especially someone(s) who lost their lives trying to defend others in such a tragedy. Personally I should think you would be ashamed of such a comment, that's a pretty awful thing you just wrote.

No we have hundreds of pages here where all aspects of politics have been discussed, you just don't post (or very rarely do) when those discussions are going on, and for whatever reason usually only pop in when guns are being mentioned. So why don't we get back on topic here, are you still supporting Trump like you were before? Did you vote for him? And will you continue to do so if he continues to be the Republican nomination? And if so, why?

Between him and hillary I will vote for him
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