2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Dunno if this has been posted...

Moody's released the report that Clinton is basing her economics based attack on Trump on. Says Trump's economic ideas will cause a recession and 3.5 million fewer jobs.


At the very least if you ask me, and that's not mentioning what trouble he will cause by upsetting the rest of the world, especially China. Personally, I think a few million lost jobs would be the least of the USA's worries.
Donald Trump: 'There's Nothing Out There' About Clinton's Religion

Strange tactic from someone who claims to be Christian but can't quote the Bible correctly and says he's got no reason to ask forgiveness from God for anything.

The strange thing is she's been pretty consistent about religion from her college days to the point that she seems pretty sincere about having a distaste for abortion as a procedure, and agreeing to talk to the GOP about a constitutional amendment. She in a perfect world would appeal far more to people who vote on the basis of religion than he should, for he is probably just as godless as Bernie.
The strange thing is she's been pretty consistent about religion from her college days to the point that she seems pretty sincere about having a distaste for abortion as a procedure, and agreeing to talk to the GOP about a constitutional amendment. She in a perfect world would appeal far more to people who vote on the basis of religion than he should, for he is probably just as godless as Bernie.
Oh no doubt. I can't believe he actually made the claim that there is a lack of evidence about her faith. She's been open about it for as long as I can remember.
Oh no doubt. I can't believe he actually made the claim that there is a lack of evidence about her faith. She's been open about it for as long as I can remember.

He says it because A, He just makes shit up and hope it sticks. He constantly makes baseless accusations or throws around rumours in the hope they will create trouble or actually have something to them. And B, because I think quite often he really doesn't think before he speaks. I think there are countless examples where Drumpf just blurts something out because it sounds good to him at the time.
Yay! Corruption.

Really, the more I learn about her, the more I think this describes her:

I love how ABC has had this information since 2012, but waited until after Hillary has become the presumptive nominee before running the story.

Maybe I just missed it during the primary thoughs?

1st line in the video: "Batch of Clinton emails made public this morning"

The timing certainly was no help for Bernie but with Trump shooting himself in his feet at the same time, I guess the timing was perfect for her.
1st line in the video: "Batch of Clinton emails made public this morning"

The timing certainly was no help for Bernie but with Trump shooting himself in his feet at the same time, I guess the timing was perfect for her.
Right, I guess the emails "confirm" suspicious activity, but ABC obviously felt like something was going on since '12 because they sent a reporter to question that man back then. They could have re-run that story or mentioned it but chose not to until they couldn't ignore it any longer.

I'm not trying to claim an ABC conspiracy or anything. It just caught my attention really.
Trump has called Hillary Clinton a "world class liar" today...

PolitiFact statistics on the truthfulness of the candidates' statements are below:

Donald Trump:
  • True: 2%
  • Mostly True: 7%
  • Half True: 15%
  • Mostly False: 17%
  • False: 40%
  • Pants on Fire: 19%
Hillary Clinton:
  • True: 23%
  • Mostly True: 28%
  • Half True: 21%
  • Mostly False: 15%
  • False: 11%
  • Pants on Fire: 1%

This really brings to light how truly awful Trump's rallies are. Read these in order, the first article followed by the mans "Live Tweets" account of the Trump Rally, followed by his article about the rally. Tough reading in places, especially the live tweets, some are truly grotesque.




That's actually left me pretty upset. I knew what the rallies were like having seen them on TV, but he explains the fear and hatred so well, and raises some great points like the kids being there. It's actually quite horrific to think about.
Trump has called Hillary Clinton a "world class liar" today...

PolitiFact statistics on the truthfulness of the candidates' statements are below:

Probably them bloody Mexicans and Muslims setting his pants on fire.
I'm surprised the attempt by that guy to shoot Trump isn't getting much coverage in the news. Says it all really

Good point. Hadn't occured to me but imagine if he was Black or Muslim, would be a never-ending shitstorm.
House Democrats holding a sit in over gun control, Ryan cut the cameras so C-SPAN resorted to Periscopes instead.

Modern technology is a bitch, isn't it? :lol:

The protesters:


This really brings to light how truly awful Trump's rallies are. Read these in order, the first article followed by the mans "Live Tweets" account of the Trump Rally, followed by his article about the rally. Tough reading in places, especially the live tweets, some are truly grotesque.




That's actually left me pretty upset. I knew what the rallies were like having seen them on TV, but he explains the fear and hatred so well, and raises some great points like the kids being there. It's actually quite horrific to think about.

That's frightening.
Disgusting to read that stuff @langster posted. So many angry people out there.
That's frightening.

It's unbelievable. I don't know if you can tell, but I was struggling to write about the links, I had it all still swirling around in my head and it was just awful. I have nothing but admiration for Jared for him live tweeting from the rally, and then for writing the article afterwards and then writing what has happened to him since. There is so much to be disturbed about, and you can tell that not only is it all completely true, but also, as he admits himself, he's actually holding back and omitting stuff as well, because it's just too disgusting to write about on social media or in his article. We can only imagine what he has left out, but I doubt we would be surprised.
It's unbelievable. I don't know if you can tell, but I was struggling to write about the links, I had it all still swirling around in my head and it was just awful. I have nothing but admiration for Jared for him live tweeting from the rally, and then for writing the article afterwards and then writing what has happened to him since. There is so much to be disturbed about, and you can tell that not only is it all completely true, but also, as he admits himself, he's actually holding back and omitting stuff as well, because it's just too disgusting to write about on social media or in his article. We can only imagine what he has left out, but I doubt we would be surprised.

These are not political but purely hate rallies. That's who Drumpf appeals to. The lowest common denominator, as Stephen Hawking pointed out. It's literally sickening, the ones that are too dumb for anything else in this life, slowly crawling from their holes and feeling strong because they've found other semi intelligent entities like themselves. "Make America Hate Again", that was brilliant from whoever coined it. A movie comes to mind as well. It was called Idiocracy, if I am not mistaken.
After doing nothing when a school full of toddlers were massacred, house Dems now decide to sit in and protest the lack of action on #NoFlyNoBuy. Or to put it more clearly, a law to stop people who are suspected of being terrorist sympathizers but haven't actually done anything, from buying guns. Like they aren't allowed on planes. Because restricting peoples rights based on secret government information with no right of appeal is obviously highly Democratic. The Democrats right now are basically protesting for an extension of the Patriot Act..
After doing nothing when a school full of toddlers were massacred, house Dems now decide to sit in and protest the lack of action on #NoFlyNoBuy. Or to put it more clearly, a law to stop people who are suspected of being terrorist sympathizers but haven't actually done anything, from buying guns. Like they aren't allowed on planes. Because restricting peoples rights based on secret government information with no right of appeal is obviously highly Democratic. The Democrats right now are basically protesting for an extension of the Patriot Act..
So people who are suspected of being terrorist or accomplices should be allowed to buy weapons?
So people who are suspected of being terrorist or accomplices should be allowed to buy weapons?

No-one should be allowed to buy weapons, but allowing 99% of people to and denying a small number based not on anything they've done, but because the government says they are not to be trusted is simply wrong. If they're terrorists or accomplices then prove it in a court of law and lock them up. On both sides of the Atlantic we're getting a little bit too casual about denying people rights without due process.
No-one should be allowed to buy weapons, but allowing 99% of people to and denying a small number based not on anything they've done, but because the government says they are not to be trusted is simply wrong. If they're terrorists or accomplices then prove it in a court of law and lock them up. On both sides of the Atlantic we're getting a little bit too casual about denying people rights without due process.
AFAIK there's an option in the proposed laws to allow for people to challenge their status on the list. Tramples on freedoms somewhat but it makes no sense to not allow them to leave the country but allow them to buy weapons. Shouldn't be able to do both and it won't impact on living a normal life. Otherwise, do away with a no-fly list.
I still not that worried about Trump becoming President. For all the hullabaloo McCain and Romney's primary performances were much better than Trump's And he is going against a political juggernaut in Clinton that has so much money backing her. And it is not like I am jumping for joy over a Hilary Clinton presidency.
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