2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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We already did. We voted for the two of the worst candidates in recent history to take over as leader of the free world.
You'd still get to vote in your first female president, and make her the most powerful woman in world since probably Queen Victoria. Even if she's a hawk, and may bend over for the financial industry it won't even be close to the mistake we just witnessed here.
You'd still get to vote in your first female president, and make her the most powerful woman in world since probably Queen Victoria. Even if she's a hawk, and may bend over for the financial industry it won't even be close to the mistake we just witnessed here.
Yes because thats the most important thing now, for me to say I voted for the first female President. I dont give a feck about that. This is the same reason I was pissed with my classmates who were usually Republicans but voted for Obama just because they wanted to tell everyone that they voted for the first Black President. Honestly who gives a shit about things like this?
Y'know how this will play out. The US economy could take a hit which in turn will make Trump more popular.

Nevermind that Trump was advocating for "Brexit" which is the actual thing that would cause the economy to take a hit.
Trump in Turnberry right now. You'd think that as a US Presidential candidate he'd make a statement about Brexit. What does he do ? Promote his golf course.
Hasnt he already said he was backing the Leave side?

Does the world really need more gloating?
Trump in Turnberry right now. You'd think that as a US Presidential candidate he'd make a statement about Brexit. What does he do ? Promote his golf course.
Saw that :lol:. Was surreal, hear him talking about suites in lighthouse and stuff. How is this man one of two contenders to be the most powerful person on earth?
Question to American caftards: Have you already ended a friendship or some kind of relationship because of disagreement over Drumpf? Knowing how passionate I get in discussing politics, I can only imagine how it is for somebody who is directly impacted by this circus.
Luckily for me my dipshit sister who supports Trump lives on the other side of the country.
Saw that :lol:. Was surreal, hear him talking about suites in lighthouse and stuff. How is this man one of two contenders to be the most powerful person on earth?
He sees this whole thing as some kind of grand reality show. He lacks even basic understanding of geopolitical issues, not to mention the subtleties that a president should be aware of. All he cares is how he is perceived by others. He should have the most money, the most beautiful wives, daughter, you name it. And that's the scariest part when you imagine him in that situation room.
I think Hillary will be more open to Bernie's message now. This is a wakeup call to address the needs of the disenfranchised and working class.
Trump said:
“When the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry, frankly,” Trump added during an afternoon news conference. “For traveling and for other things, I think it very well could turn out to be a positive.”

Global turmoil and he thinks about more business for his golf course! What a despicable person!
Disenfranchised working-class white voters aren't Bernie supporters. They're largely Republicans.

Our country did a very good job at convincing Americans that government programs were bad and connected to a country like the USSR. Socialism is basically a curse word in my part of the country. The people who grew up in the Reagan "government is the problem" years are a very large voting bloc today.
Any chance Hillary and Bernie could work together, i.e. Bernie be Hillary's running mate, or is that to optimistic?
Any chance Hillary and Bernie could work together, i.e. Bernie be Hillary's running mate, or is that to optimistic?
Too optimistic unfortunately. She doesn't seem to be considering him... she is considering Elizabeth Warren though, which I see as a positive.
Any chance Hillary and Bernie could work together, i.e. Bernie be Hillary's running mate, or is that to optimistic?

It would damage his credibility totally, and she has other progressive options (Warren) or she can go for a contrast ticket (minority male who shares her centrism).
Life is weird. There are genuine serious problems in the US but let's make the election a huge media spectacle with candidates spouting all kinds of crap at each other for months.
I really want to cry.

Firstly, it's no secret many here from the UK wanted to stay in the EU. This has been proved by the voting demographics with it being mainly older voters who wanted out. In truth, the older generation (my dads generation) have cost us membership of the EU, and it looks likely that it has also started the break up of the UK and Great Britain. Where we will go from here nobody really knows, I am just so upset about it and fear for my kids future.

However, this is the US Election thread, so why should I be mentioning this all in here?

Well I will tell you why, because I have just had to fecking endure watching that yuge cnut Trump pontificate to me about exiting the EU and why we did it and how he knew we would and how he knows it was right, and how Hillary and Obama were wrong. He was speaking utter nonsense about something he knows nothing about, yet somehow he has stumbled in to the right place and the right time for him. And the one thing he knows about which is fear mongering and bigotry is absolutely rife in the UK at the moment so he is in his element.

It's just sickening. It's even more sickening that racist, bigoted arseholes like Trump and Nigel Farage are now smugly telling everyone they told us so. My faith in humanity has taken a huge hit in recent months, but never so much as it has today. All I can say is up until now I was absolutely sure Trump could not get elected, I was sure, on a whole that the US voters were not that dumb and were not that afraid.

There was a small part of me that thought I could be wrong, simply because of the UK general election last year when the Tories got elected with a majority, much to everyone's surprise. Even though it was actually obvious, nobody really saw it coming until it was too late. However, now that certainty that Trump can't get elected has completely disappeared. The parallels between the USA and the UK at the moment are so similar and there for all to see. Everyone is so cock sure Trump wont win, yet the support for him is obvious, but it's not that that is the real sign. The real sign is the fear you can sense in people who post and are pro Trump. The fear you can sense all over the internet, the hatred you can read everywhere where Trump is written about or appears in a video. The hatred is everywhere and the fear is there too. That fear is real, that fear spreads and infects even the most sane and rational and it's highlighted even more because people want change. They are falling for the lies simply because they are afraid and they are being sold on something different, even though it's not different, it's actually very familiar, but it's also very backward.

Nigel Farage came on TV this morning and admitted one of his main running points for the EU referendum was an outright lie. He admitted it and laughed it off. He has absolutely no conscience and it just shows how little these people respect anyone they just want their agenda served and that agenda is to keep everything white. They don't want change, they don't want multiculturalism, they don't want immigrants they are afraid of it, it's ironic they campaign on wanting change when really they just want to send everyone back decades. It's frightening, but it Is very, very real.

Be warned USA, be afraid, be very afraid.

I feel for you, but it's not just your problem, no matter what these people all say, I still believe in a world. I still believe we are all in this together regardless of what flag you fly or what border you live behind. It's all our problem and it's very real and we need to stop it. We fecked up here in the UK, please don't make that mistake on the other side of the Atlantic.
I don't think Trump will win and i don't think he will be good president, but honestly guys, i can almost guarantee you he will nothing like his public image suggest. The guys is in construction (for most part), that's basically anything goes for the deal business. How many illegal immigration workers do you think he hired over the years? Like thousands if not millions even.

For Trump it will be a bit like that TV shows he chaired, he will enjoy spotlight, shake hand with foreign politicians, probably make deal, he probably is good at it, again construction, you have to be a top lobbyist to build anything in NY. And then he'll hire a whole team of consultants who will write his policies on anything he does not really care about, which is almost everything apart from trade deals. I think he'll want to drive those himself, obviously with some advice. And immigration, women rights, gay rights, religion, medical insurance and pretty much everything else i can almost guarantee you he does not have a strong interest in, and neither does he have a true position, stance in the matters. He says now something that he (or/and his team) thinks people want to hear and something that he thing GOP candidate should be saying, like his stance on guns or abortions that changed over the years. Just look at how easily he changes his spots, basically it's "anything goes" with him.
So no, while maybe not ideal, but he certainly would not be a fallout some expect him to be. Maybe (well almost certainly) he is going to embarrass America on live television or in some negotiations when there is nobody to advise him. But apart from that, all of his populist madness will disappear. And if anybody going to say like "Donald, you renege on like 80% of the issues you promised in the campaign". He will answer "that's not true, i've never promised those things, and i delivered on everything i did promise and if you will say any different i will sue the life out of you!". And you bet he will!:lol:
I really want to cry.

Firstly, it's no secret many here from the UK wanted to stay in the EU. This has been proved by the voting demographics with it being mainly older voters who wanted out. In truth, the older generation (my dads generation) have cost us membership of the EU, and it looks likely that it has also started the break up of the UK and Great Britain. Where we will go from here nobody really knows, I am just so upset about it and fear for my kids future.

However, this is the US Election thread, so why should I be mentioning this all in here?

Well I will tell you why, because I have just had to fecking endure watching that yuge cnut Trump pontificate to me about exiting the EU and why we did it and how he knew we would and how he knows it was right, and how Hillary and Obama were wrong. He was speaking utter nonsense about something he knows nothing about, yet somehow he has stumbled in to the right place and the right time for him. And the one thing he knows about which is fear mongering and bigotry is absolutely rife in the UK at the moment so he is in his element.

It's just sickening. It's even more sickening that racist, bigoted arseholes like Trump and Nigel Farage are now smugly telling everyone they told us so. My faith in humanity has taken a huge hit in recent months, but never so much as it has today. All I can say is up until now I was absolutely sure Trump could not get elected, I was sure, on a whole that the US voters were not that dumb and were not that afraid.

There was a small part of me that thought I could be wrong, simply because of the UK general election last year when the Tories got elected with a majority, much to everyone's surprise. Even though it was actually obvious, nobody really saw it coming until it was too late. However, now that certainty that Trump can't get elected has completely disappeared. The parallels between the USA and the UK at the moment are so similar and there for all to see. Everyone is so cock sure Trump wont win, yet the support for him is obvious, but it's not that that is the real sign. The real sign is the fear you can sense in people who post and are pro Trump. The fear you can sense all over the internet, the hatred you can read everywhere where Trump is written about or appears in a video. The hatred is everywhere and the fear is there too. That fear is real, that fear spreads and infects even the most sane and rational and it's highlighted even more because people want change. They are falling for the lies simply because they are afraid and they are being sold on something different, even though it's not different, it's actually very familiar, but it's also very backward.

Nigel Farage came on TV this morning and admitted one of his main running points for the EU referendum was an outright lie. He admitted it and laughed it off. He has absolutely no conscience and it just shows how little these people respect anyone they just want their agenda served and that agenda is to keep everything white. They don't want change, they don't want multiculturalism, they don't want immigrants they are afraid of it, it's ironic they campaign on wanting change when really they just want to send everyone back decades. It's frightening, but it Is very, very real.

Be warned USA, be afraid, be very afraid.

I feel for you, but it's not just your problem, no matter what these people all say, I still believe in a world. I still believe we are all in this together regardless of what flag you fly or what border you live behind. It's all our problem and it's very real and we need to stop it. We fecked up here in the UK, please don't make that mistake on the other side of the Atlantic.
He sees this whole thing as some kind of grand reality show. He lacks even basic understanding of geopolitical issues, not to mention the subtleties that a president should be aware of. All he cares is how he is perceived by others. He should have the most money, the most beautiful wives, daughter, you name it. And that's the scariest part when you imagine him in that situation room.

He's like a modern day 12-year old that inherited a thrown, all the way down to throwing tantrums at the slightest annoyance. If elected, he'll need an Army of personnel to feed him politics because he hasn't a clue about politics, let alone the ability to act presidential and articulate speech.
My bad. But what I meant is that Hillary should take into account the needs of the working class or the anti-establishments including Bernie supporters.

Bernie supporters = young people. He had more votes under-30 than Hillary and Trump combined. Unfortunately inn Britain and the primaries, we have seen what happens when the youth want something and senior citizens want something else. The disorganised careless youth will lose, and their futures made worse by those who won't be affected by the decision.
It's fun watching posters (non-uS ones) praising our electoral college method of choosing a President when a few days ago any discussion of it would have brought derisive comments about how it does not reflect the will of the people, Bush V Gore and all that.
Bernie supporters = young people. He had more votes under-30 than Hillary and Trump combined. Unfortunately inn Britain and the primaries, we have seen what happens when the youth want something and senior citizens want something else. The disorganised careless youth will lose, and their futures made worse by those who won't be affected by the decision.
There was a U.S. politician who once said something along the lines that the old need to hurry up and die so they won't be a burden to the younger generation.

He's like a modern day 12-year old that inherited a thrown, all the way down to throwing tantrums at the slightest annoyance. If elected, he'll need an Army of personnel to feed him politics because he hasn't a clue about politics, let alone the ability to act presidential and articulate speech.
He'll need an army to keep him alive.
And here come the southern states again!


Clown car driver above, statement below
--From the looks of it, the British people have chosen to take control of their political and economic destiny. The forces of fear have lost. It is now important for Texas to look to ‪#‎Brexit‬ as an inspiration and an example that Texans can also take control of our destiny. It is time for Texans to rally with us and fight for the right to become a self-governing nation.

Want to express your support for Texas Independence?--


Pledge Your Vote For Texas Independence
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