2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I wanna know who are the actual blacks and Hispanics that hold a favorable view of him?

They have to be liars or perhaps imbeciles.
Did you see the Trump rally where he pointed at the black guy in the crowd and said something along the lines of "look, there's my African-American!"
Did you see the Trump rally where he pointed at the black guy in the crowd and said something along the lines of "look, there's my African-American!"

It's true.

Note, some other tech companies have said they won’t sponsor the Republican convention financially, but they are willing to contribute technological assistance. Apple, however, has decided not to play any role whatsoever at the party’s gathering.

By all appearances, it’s not a strictly partisan move: the tech giant isn’t anti-Republican; it’s anti-Trump.

And Apple is hardly alone. Bloomberg Politics reported that Wells Fargo, UPS, Motorola, JPMorgan Chase, Ford, and Walgreens each sponsored the Republican convention in 2012, but they’ve decided not to do the same in 2016. Microsoft and Coca-Cola have already made the same decision.
Backtracking like a bitch now isn't he?

He didn't mean extra guards or whatever. He's full of shit. Shame he doesn't mention the THREE armed people that were in the club. He's just such a fecking prick, so glad it's all catching up with him. It's TREMENDOUS!
I would fired them obvious when the shooting start they didn't do anything.
Thomas about to throw in the towel.

The Dems could be looking at a 7-2 liberal court by the end of Clinton's term. If this isn't enough for the 'high info' Sanders voters to turn out, nothing will.

Donald Trump's campaign started the month with a paltry $1.3 million in cash — a mere fraction of Hillary Clinton's $42.5 million war chest — putting the GOP frontrunner at a sharp disadvantage heading into the general election against Clinton's money machine.

On the same day that Trump fired his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, amid a steady stream of reports of campaign infighting and disorganization, the latest batch of Federal Election Commission filings show that the real estate mogul has a long way to go to establish a financial operation that can compete at the national level.

And it's not just money — the filings revealed a campaign staff of less than 70, a number was dwarfed by Clinton's nearly 700 paid employees, and few of the campaign's expenses suggested work had begun to build out a more robust operation. All together, it's the most lopsided fundraising start to a presidential election in the modern campaign finance era.

Wow. I know this sort of stuff didn't matter in the primaries, but surely Trump can't win a general election with these sorts of numbers.

For one, he can no longer rely on "free advertising" from the press because with the field down to just two candidates, both are likely to get a similar amount of coverage. Plus the media has started being quite tough on him meaning not all the exposure he is getting is positive.
I would fired them obvious when the shooting start they didn't do anything.

Did you REALLY just say that? Honestly?

By all reports THEY were shot and killed, and one report I saw on CNN said that survivors reported other people firing back at the shooter, so obviously they tried. Apparently they won't know until all the forensics have finished and all the autopsies have been carried out, but it's more than possible that they hit the clubbers running for safety when they were aiming at the shooter.

You see, this is the logic that gun lovers don't get or understand. Not everyone is Rambo and it's not like it is on TV or in films. More people with guns in a situation like this will just result in more people getting shot and needlessly killed or injured. The sheer arrogance of people who think they would be able to stop something like this really pisses me off, and is a really dangerous and stupid attitude to have. I saw some morn on Fox yesterday (I think he was A Navy Seal or Marine or something) and he honestly said....

"I can't understand people who say they don't want or don't need an AR-15, when I hear them say that I have to ask them have they ever been in a high pressure situation where hostiles are firing at them? have they ever been in a situation where hostiles are endangering their families or friends lives? Don't they realise they could help if they were armed?"

I mean what the feck? I was literally gobsmacked, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it's probably the most stupid sentence I think I've ever heard. No mate, of course they fecking haven't because they live in the real world and not in Call of Duty land! I doubt that many people who serve in the forces actually go through those situations, let alone normal citizens. I mean WTF? But I guess he was on the NRA payroll.

Anyway, this is the wrong thread for all this/that really, and all this was covered in the Gun Control and Orlando threads. It's just obviously clear that Trump wasn't on about armed professionals when he made his statement, like with Paris, he just wants all citizens armed. Actually, I don't think that really, I just think he's a dumbass and likes making broad sweeping generalisations and suggestive statements about things, and doesn't have the intelligence to realise they will come back and bite him in the ass.
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Question to American caftards: Have you already ended a friendship or some kind of relationship because of disagreement over Drumpf? Knowing how passionate I get in discussing politics, I can only imagine how it is for somebody who is directly impacted by this circus.
Question to American caftards: Have you already ended a friendship or some kind of relationship because of disagreement over Drumpf? Knowing how passionate I get in discussing politics, I can only imagine how it is for somebody who is directly impacted by this circus.
I've stopped talking to my uncle, if that counts.
I've stopped talking to my uncle, if that counts.
Counts. Here its too common for relatives to stop talking to each other because of politics. But it's kind of understandable, considering our last 50 years. However, I cannot recall a more divisive figure in American politics.
Quite a few Indians I know are for Trump specifically due to his anti-Muslim sentiments.
Quite a few or just that extremist mental mob called the Hindu sena that was widely reported to have cebrated Trump's b-day?

Also, I have the best words. Like bigly.

Wow. I know this sort of stuff didn't matter in the primaries, but surely Trump can't win a general election with these sorts of numbers.

For one, he can no longer rely on "free advertising" from the press because with the field down to just two candidates, both are likely to get a similar amount of coverage. Plus the media has started being quite tough on him meaning not all the exposure he is getting is positive.
More in thrall to monied lobyists then.
Did you REALLY just say that? Honestly?

By all reports THEY were shot and killed, and one report I saw on CNN said that survivors reported other people firing back at the shooter, so obviously they tried. Apparently they won't know until all the forensics have finished and all the autopsies have been carried out, but it's more than possible that they hit the clubbers running for safety when they were aiming at the shooter.

You see, this is the logic that gun lovers don't get or understand. Not everyone is Rambo and it's not like it is on TV or in films. More people with guns in a situation like this will just result in more people getting shot and needlessly killed or injured. The sheer arrogance of people who think they would be able to stop something like this really pisses me off, and is a really dangerous and stupid attitude to have. I saw some morn on Fox yesterday (I think he was A Navy Seal or Marine or something) and he honestly said....

"I can't understand people who say they don't want or don't need an AR-15, when I hear them say that I have to ask them have they ever been in a high pressure situation where hostiles are firing at them? have they ever been in a situation where hostiles are endangering their families or friends lives? Don't they realise they could help if they were armed?"

I mean what the feck? I was literally gobsmacked, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it's probably the most stupid sentence I think I've ever heard. No mate, of course they fecking haven't because they live in the real world and not in Call of Duty land! I doubt that many people who serve in the forces actually go through those situations, let alone normal citizens. I mean WTF? But I guess he was on the NRA payroll.

Anyway, this is the wrong thread for all this/that really, and all this was covered in the Gun Control and Orlando threads. It's just obviously clear that Trump wasn't on about armed professionals when he made his statement, like with Paris, he just wants all citizens armed. Actually, I don't think that really, I just think he's a dumbass and likes making broad sweeping generalisations and suggestive statements about things, and doesn't have the intelligence to realise they will come back and bite him in the ass.
I read was only 1 officer there not 3 and is obvious if a guy walks through the gate/door with an AR-15 then someone is not doing his job, a handgun is one thing but a rifle? Let me guess the terrorist was dressed with a heavy coat on a hot night in Florida?
Question to American caftards: Have you already ended a friendship or some kind of relationship because of disagreement over Drumpf? Knowing how passionate I get in discussing politics, I can only imagine how it is for somebody who is directly impacted by this circus.
Not me but most of the people I know besides family never talks about politics.
Question to American caftards: Have you already ended a friendship or some kind of relationship because of disagreement over Drumpf? Knowing how passionate I get in discussing politics, I can only imagine how it is for somebody who is directly impacted by this circus.

No, but not being able to play devils advocate isn't cool.
That's a mistake. I'd just keep hammering him on all his other twattishness. Talking about the economy generally just has the electorate's eyes glazing over with boredom. 'Trump is orange and hates muslims' is far more attention-getting.
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