2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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And here come the southern states again!


Clown car driver above, statement below
--From the looks of it, the British people have chosen to take control of their political and economic destiny. The forces of fear have lost. It is now important for Texas to look to ‪#‎Brexit‬ as an inspiration and an example that Texans can also take control of our destiny. It is time for Texans to rally with us and fight for the right to become a self-governing nation.

Want to express your support for Texas Independence?--


Pledge Your Vote For Texas Independence
The irony of all of this?

Texas v. White (1869)

The case in which SCOTUS ruled in favor of Texas and stated that secession had always been unconstitutional.
Those pesky tough words get in the way of easy words!

Also... I have $20 says he's banged her.

He's like a modern day 12-year old that inherited a thrown, all the way down to throwing tantrums at the slightest annoyance. If elected, he'll need an Army of personnel to feed him politics because he hasn't a clue about politics, let alone the ability to act presidential and articulate speech.

Yeah, 12 year old with nuclear weapons. Fortunately, as far as I am aware a president cannot authorize an attack without the consent of the Secretary of Defense. Unfortunately this position is appointed by him, so let's hope he does not chose a total lunatic there.
Those pesky tough words get in the way of easy words!

Also... I have $20 says he's banged her.


I used to think it was a funny joke. But let's be honest if it came out that he did bang her, would we be massively shocked?
I don't think talking about incest with no proof is a good idea.

It's slanderous and distasteful. We love to dump on Drumpf, let's not stoop to his level with conspiratory attacks.
so let's hope he does not chose a total lunatic there.


It will be Jeff Sessions or someone as equally menthol as him. The way Trump describes Sessions, you would imagine a towering hulk of a man, deep gruff voice, no nonsense ex Navy Seal type chap, not the withering wimp you see with the quivering feminine voice.
All I will say is, Americans should underestimate the power of Populism, bigotry, xenophobia and nationalism.
We've learned the hard way.
If white working class are for Trump especially males, he has a decent chance.
CNN are giving Jill Stein and Gary Johnson a lot more air time lately. Stein's platform is basically Bernie's.
CNN are giving Jill Stein and Gary Johnson a lot more air time lately. Stein's platform is basically Bernie's.
I like Stein's policies, but fear that a large swing towards her will lead to a Trump presidency.

Of course, the flip side of that would be we get 4 years of Trump, we realize our mistake, and the political tide swings the Stein/Sanders direction.
I like Stein's policies, but fear that a large swing towards her will lead to a Trump presidency.

Of course, the flip side of that would be we get 4 years of Trump, we realize our mistake, and the political tide swings the Stein/Sanders direction.

Stein and Johnson will more or less cancel each other out in terms of votes taken from Clinton and Trump. I'm glad CNN are giving both more airtime as that sort of thing rarely happened before unless the candidate was polling in the teens. Definitely another benefit of the Bernie effect this year.
Any libertarian is a feckwitt by definition. I'd like to see Johnson on the debate stage though just so Trump can't just call Hillary names for an hour.
Stein and Johnson will more or less cancel each other out in terms of votes taken from Clinton and Trump. I'm glad CNN are giving both more airtime as that sort of thing rarely happened before unless the candidate was polling in the teens. Definitely another benefit of the Bernie effect this year.
I agree!

I'm hoping that Bernie's campaign will spur some sort of 2nd Progressive Era in America. While it wasn't his time to win, maybe he will pave the way for someone younger to come in and win next time.
Of course, the flip side of that would be we get 4 years of Trump, we realize our mistake, and the political tide swings the Stein/Sanders direction.

Just like you realised your mistake after Nixon and Reagan?

It's a fantasy scenario. Leftist movements, in reality, suffer immeasurably when the far right is put in power, every single time. The rightward shift of the Democratic Party was precisely because after the debacle of 68, they kept losing with leftist 'base' candidates, and only Clinton's triangulation put them back into power.

If you don't agree, read what Noam Chomsky has to say about it.
Just like you realised your mistake after Nixon and Reagan?

It's a fantasy scenario. Leftist movements, in reality, suffer immeasurably when the far right is put in power, every single time. The rightward shift of the Democratic Party was precisely because after the debacle of 68, they kept losing with leftist 'base' candidates, and only Clinton's triangulation put them back into power.

If you don't agree, read what Noam Chomsky has to say about it.
I said the flip side not the realistic side lol

It will be Jeff Sessions or someone as equally menthol as him. The way Trump describes Sessions, you would imagine a towering hulk of a man, deep gruff voice, no nonsense ex Navy Seal type chap, not the withering wimp you see with the quivering feminine voice.

I am sure that the Joint Chiefs and the congress committees in charge will be prepared to act quickly and declare him unfit for duty if such situation ever arises. For the World's sake.
I like Stein's policies, but fear that a large swing towards her will lead to a Trump presidency.

Of course, the flip side of that would be we get 4 years of Trump, we realize our mistake, and the political tide swings the Stein/Sanders direction.

Which state are you in? N or SC?
Fox have skillfully used Brexit to attack Hillary. She was wrong on it and therefore out of touch and untrustworthy.
Like this - which might have been posted already

Can the Americans really vote for someone who is so ignorant about international politics?
I asked myself almost the same thing about the British 2 days ago...
Well not quite the same thing - we weren't voting for an individual to become the most powerful person on earth.
This is true. I'm just saying... I would never have expected Leave to win, but it happened. This has affected my confidence in my country not electing Trump.
Ah, my mistake. I thought you were questioning our intelligence. Oh wait.... ;)
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