2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Unless theres about 50 million of them voting for him in blue states then wont make much difference.

It wont really make any difference, I agree. It was just interesting to me.
I dont think Trump has a chance in a national election either way.
I read was only 1 officer there not 3 and is obvious if a guy walks through the gate/door with an AR-15 then someone is not doing his job, a handgun is one thing but a rifle? Let me guess the terrorist was dressed with a heavy coat on a hot night in Florida?

There were several reports that there was one officer and two off duty that were both armed. And why is someone not doing their job because they got feckin shot? Its a bit difficult if he just walks in shooting. And he also had a handgun, maybe he gained entry using that. Why is it always someone else's fault? It's moronic that anyone else, especially someone(s) who lost their lives trying to defend others in such a tragedy. Personally I should think you would be ashamed of such a comment, that's a pretty awful thing you just wrote.

and here in the forum most of the time is about the gun control but besides that not much.

No we have hundreds of pages here where all aspects of politics have been discussed, you just don't post (or very rarely do) when those discussions are going on, and for whatever reason usually only pop in when guns are being mentioned. So why don't we get back on topic here, are you still supporting Trump like you were before? Did you vote for him? And will you continue to do so if he continues to be the Republican nomination? And if so, why?
There were several reports that there was one officer and two off duty that were both armed. And why is someone not doing their job because they got feckin shot? Its a bit difficult if he just walks in shooting. And he also had a handgun, maybe he gained entry using that. Why is it always someone else's fault? It's moronic that anyone else, especially someone(s) who lost their lives trying to defend others in such a tragedy. Personally I should think you would be ashamed of such a comment, that's a pretty awful thing you just wrote.

No we have hundreds of pages here where all aspects of politics have been discussed, you just don't post (or very rarely do) when those discussions are going on, and for whatever reason usually only pop in when guns are being mentioned. So why don't we get back on topic here, are you still supporting Trump like you were before? Did you vote for him? And will you continue to do so if he continues to be the Republican nomination? And if so, why?

Who are you talking to?

In other news, and believe it or not, Trump has been accused of raping a 13 year old girl along with one of his rich mates Jeffery Epstein. What damage this will do is anyone's guess, but as they say, there's rarely smoke without fire, he has previous with his first ex-wife accusing him of the same. Whatever the truth or not, and if the lawsuit succeeds or not, which is exceedingly unlikely, it still really doesn't look good for him. He certainly could do without stuff like this and yet again it's more shit piled on top of an ever increasing pile of shit and yet again detracting from his attempt to appear Presidential in the eyes of the American Public.

This isn't the sort of thing that posters should be putting in here and speculating on. Be careful what you say about it.

According to documents submitted to the Federal Election Commission, Mr. Trump, whose campaign has just $1.3 million cash on hand, paid at least $1.1 million to his businesses and family members in May for expenses associated with events and travel costs.

The presumptive Republican nominee is required by law to account for his spending this way to prevent his companies from making illegal corporate donations to his campaign. In 2015, about $2.7 million was paid to at least seven companies Mr. Trump owns or to people who work for his real estate and branding empire, repaying them for services provided to his campaign.

In May, the biggest ticket item was Mr. Trump’s use of the Mar-a-Lago Club, his Florida resort, which was paid $423,000. The campaign paid $350,000 to TAG Air for his private airplanes, $125,000 to Trump Restaurants, and more than $170,000 to Trump Tower, the Manhattan skyscraper that houses the campaign’s headquarters.

Mr. Trump’s family also profited from the campaign last month, with his son Eric’s Virginia wine business taking in about $1,300.

And Mr. Trump, who has said he will not take a salary if he is elected president, paid himself $3,085 in May.

Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee and Mr. Trump’s main rival this fall, took to Twitter on Tuesday to jab him over the expenditures. “What is Trump spending his meager campaign resources on?” she asked. “Why, himself, of course.”

:lol: Must be the most successful suicidal presidential bid ever. He'd make profit even if he fails spectacularly in the elections!
Sorry, want me to delete it? It's been reported In a few places now so I just posted the link, and as I said, don't believe there's anything in it, but obviously it wont help him at all.

Ok, I haven't really read it. We're just worried about getting sued for that sort of stuff.
:lol: Must be the most successful suicidal presidential bid ever. He'd make profit even if he fails spectacularly in the elections!

Yet again proving he is only in it for himself. This also adds serious weight to the rumours that he is not actually very well off at all. CNN were questioning his status as a billionaire again the other night with an ex FORBES employee ripping Trump about his finances.
Yet again proving he is only in it for himself. This also adds serious weight to the rumours that he is not actually very well off at all. CNN were questioning his status as a billionaire again the other night with an ex FORBES employee ripping Trump about his finances.

Being a 'billionaire' means very little if your assets are heavily leveraged. He even had troubles coughing up the $1m for charity.
Religion plays a fecked up role in US politics, especially when the much loved (when it helps) constitution demands separation of the two.
Donald Trump: 'There's Nothing Out There' About Clinton's Religion

Strange tactic from someone who claims to be Christian but can't quote the Bible correctly and says he's got no reason to ask forgiveness from God for anything.

See this is something that amazes me. Religion is so strong and powerful in the states, it's almost backwards really. If you look at the USA as a giant contradiction, it leads the West and the rest of the world in many things but the amount of gun crime and the way religion still controls so much makes the USA more like a Middle Eastern country. It's truly bizarre.

Here in the UK politicians rarely ever mention religion, they certainly wouldn't dream of using it as a vote gathering tactic because it's simply not relevant to most people. It's the same in many countries in Europe. People just don't give a shit about it, and it's more about the person being elected, their personality and what their beliefs are, but not religious ones. Although we vote on a regional basis it's usually the party that people are voting for, and it's what they will do for the economy, for education the NHS and transport or where they stand on crime and climate change etc. Even in the most religious voter it matters little about the religion or beliefs of who they are voting for. Obviously there are some exceptions, but it's really not a big deal at all, yet in the USA it will often decide who is elected or not, and it definitely is essential to many voters.

I think possibly it's because things like abortion aren't in question here anymore. It's such an issue in the USA.

EDIT! Just seen your post @Rado_N :lol: Perfect timing, was thinking the same thing (obviously)
@Rado_N @langster

The relationship this country has with Christianity is puzzling indeed.

They'll live like heathens Monday to Saturday, but act like saints in church on Sunday. They complain that there is a war on Christianity in this country, but then promote ideas that ostracize other religions in America through the justification that "America was founded as a Christian nation". They reject separation of church and state as an actual constitutional idea despite the 1st amendment since the actual phrase comes from Thomas Jefferson.

Us being founded by religious zealots and dissenters, separation of church and state, the "great awakenings" throughout our history, the evangelical movement. They've all profoundly affected political campaigns.

It is amazing, really... because the great contradiction of it all is that our politics are more religious than our actual society. They will condemn others who have a different god or no god at all, but when pressed on their beliefs they will generally having little knowledge of the Bible itself. They will use their religion to condemn things like gay marriage and abortion, not only as personal choice, but will argue that government policy should reflect their views, then get redfaced and angry when you ask them if they'd support the same system if Muslims were the majority religion in America. All the while, if you saw them Monday through Saturday, chances are you'd have no clue they were religious at all. It is frustrating and confusing for me too, if you can't tell.
Question to American caftards: Have you already ended a friendship or some kind of relationship because of disagreement over Drumpf? Knowing how passionate I get in discussing politics, I can only imagine how it is for somebody who is directly impacted by this circus.

I avoid posting on social media save a bite here or there. But I have a tremendous memory and know which persons to feck with later on, or avoid as I usually do not have the patience nor time to deal with asshats.
It is frustrating and confusing for me too, if you can't tell.

Yeah, certainly do. I remember seeing a documentary years ago called "Gods New Army" It scared the shit out of me. It was all about exceedingly rich and powerful right wing Christians and Evangelicals that set up a school, college and University especially for their kids. The kids were all brought up with the sole intention of them becoming powerful and all taking up (infiltrating if you will) high powered and important positions in the USA. Lawyers, Judges, and Politicians, all with the final goal of enforcing their rules and religious doctrine on the rest of the population. I seriously recommend it, and I think i'm going to try and find it again myself.
Yeah, certainly do. I remember seeing a documentary years ago called "Gods New Army" It scared the shit out of me. It was all about exceedingly rich and powerful right wing Christians and Evangelicals that set up a school, college and University especially for their kids. The kids were all brought up with the sole intention of them becoming powerful and all taking up (infiltrating if you will) high powered and important positions in the USA. Lawyers, Judges, and Politicians, all with the final goal of enforcing their rules and religious doctrine on the rest of the population. I seriously recommend it, and I think i'm going to try and find it again myself.

Look up Jesus Camp. You won't make it 10 minutes in without getting angry.
In other US political news, Steve King (R-Iowa, old, white) has proposed an amendment to ban the use of funds to redesign US currency not too long after ******* Tubman was selected to replaced Andrew Jackson. I fully wager if Saint Reagan was selected (ignore how comical that would be) that King wouldn't be proposing such.
In other US political news, Steve King (R-Iowa, old, white) has proposed an amendment to ban the use of funds to redesign US currency not too long after ******* Tubman was selected to replaced Andrew Jackson. I fully wager if Saint Reagan was selected (ignore how comical that would be) that King wouldn't be proposing such.
Isn't it ironic (or sad) that the Party of Lincoln is having a hard time accepting a runaway slave on a piece of currency?
Look up Jesus Camp. You won't make it 10 minutes in without getting angry.

Yeah, I've seen that as well, that was just batshit insane, I spent most of the time watching that laughing because they are completely mad. I felt sorry for the kids though. Gods new army was far more disturbing and sinister because their endgame wasn't just getting people to believe in god and live a holy life, it was for complete and utter control over EVERYONE'S lives. They want to remove everyone's freedoms and make everyone live by their laws and how they interpret the bible.

#TrumpSoPoor :lol:

Haha! It's trending worldwide now.
Yeah, I've seen that as well, that was just batshit insane, I spent most of the time watching that laughing because they are completely mad. I felt sorry for the kids though. Gods new army was far more disturbing and sinister because their endgame wasn't just getting people to believe in god and live a holy life, it was for complete and utter control over EVERYONE'S lives. They want to remove everyone's freedoms and make everyone live by their laws and how they interpret the bible.

Sounds like Cruz and Santorum's wet dream!

I'll check this documentary out.
Sounds like Cruz and Santorum's wet dream!

I'll check this documentary out.

Yeah, I recommend it. I remember them talking to people they expelled as well. Definite brain washing with the ultimate goal of controlling the country from the very top down. Their aim was to get someone elected as President and have many judges and lawyers and Congressmen and Senators all at the same time. Scary as feck. Some of the laws they wanted implemented were obviously things like making Gay Marriage and abortion illegal, but also things like making teaching evolution illegal in schools etc. Proper menthol!


Here you go, Sorry was called God's Next Army, not new Army.
Gods New Army said:
Once at the college, the students ceremonially sign a covenant which commits them to a strict behaviour code: no alcohol, drugs or obscene literature; sex will be reserved for marriage; personal conflicts will be resolved biblically; the students will be above reproach, will uphold the tenets of evangelical Christianity and lead the nation for Christ.
Above is the description of the college that's profiled in the documentary. There are a couple of colleges in South Carolina like that... one of which recently had its president get in trouble for apparently having an affair with his secretary.
The hashtags are funny and all, but it's a shame that the national campaign has been reduced to that level. Mostly Trump's fault mind, but still. I'm so annoyed that I have to choose between hell and purgatory.
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