2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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What's all this about? He's getting torn apart in every comment on it

His original statements...
"If some of those wonderful people had guns strapped right here -- right to their waist or right to their ankle -- and one of the people in that room happened to have it and goes 'boom, boom,' you know, that would have been a beautiful sight folks," Trump said on Friday night.

Speaking on the Howie Carr Show Monday, Trump explained that "it’s too bad some of the people killed over the weekend didn’t have guns attached to their hips where bullets could have thrown in the opposite direction. Had people been able to fire back it would have been a much different outcome."

This is about like the time he said he'd make American soldiers commit war crimes and then backtracked on it once someone convinced him he'd said the wrong thing.
Backtracking like a bitch now isn't he?

He didn't mean extra guards or whatever. He's full of shit. Shame he doesn't mention the THREE armed people that were in the club. He's just such a fecking prick, so glad it's all catching up with him. It's TREMENDOUS!
What's funnier is the amount of people saying he obviously meant guards and obviously didn't mean club goers.
What's funnier is the amount of people saying he obviously meant guards and obviously didn't mean club goers.
People who are going to vote for him have been taken hook, line, and sinker. I had a friend of mine yesterday lose a lot of respect from me by defending Trump saying we should violate the 14th amendment and authorize the federal government to begin overtly racially profiling people. He came back with a "well it's a dangerous time we live in and people do crazy things so maybe the 14th amendment should change."

He didn't like it when I used his exact words against him to make the case that some have made on here for doing away with the 2nd amendment.
Backtracking like a bitch now isn't he?

He didn't mean extra guards or whatever. He's full of shit. Shame he doesn't mention the THREE armed people that were in the club. He's just such a fecking prick, so glad it's all catching up with him. It's TREMENDOUS!
Agreed. It's YUGE!
People who are going to vote for him have been taken hook, line, and sinker. I had a friend of mine yesterday lose a lot of respect from me by defending Trump saying we should violate the 14th amendment and authorize the federal government to begin overtly racially profiling people. He came back with a "well it's a dangerous time we live in and people do crazy things so maybe the 14th amendment should change."

He didn't like it when I used his exact words against him to make the case that some have made on here for doing away with the 2nd amendment.
Yea people have having their own logic used against them.
A club where the bouncers are armed? Yeah, no potential problems would arise from that situation.

What he said is that if, within the Orlando club, you had some additional guards or employees with guns, he was obviously talking about highly skilled elite soldiers.
I see some talk has begun springing up again about some kind of revolt at the Republican Convention. Seems after a bit of time resigning themselves to Trump being the nominee (and at a time when his poll numbers were okay) now with his foot moving ever deeper into his mouth and his poll numbers starting to look bad, reality is setting in and some Repub's are looking for a way out.
Is there the beginnings of a collective sense of "this shit isn't funny anymore"? Or is it just a leadership or party establishment thing?
The honeymoon is definitely over. It's a bit like when they realised Palin was actually a moron, although that was less dangerous.
Even Paul Ryan made reference to a 'conscience clause' even for Pledged delegates. It'll be bad for the GOP to dump him but...but would be worse to continue with him. Trump doesn't care about the GOP or it's leaders. He'd just use it for his presidency and dump it later.
Interesting: http://imgur.com/nmSy0rb
Common sense would suggest that Hillary's improvement is the same post-confirmation bump that Trump got a few weeks back. But Bernie's leads over Trump have also seen a similar bump, going from hovering around the 10 mark to crossing it.
Which means the Trump slump is at least partially on Trump's response to Orlando (and possible his Mexican judge comments) or Clinton's attack ads making a dent.
Interesting: http://imgur.com/nmSy0rb
Common sense would suggest that Hillary's improvement is the same post-confirmation bump that Trump got a few weeks back. But Bernie's leads over Trump have also seen a similar bump, going from hovering around the 10 mark to crossing it.
Which means the Trump slump is at least partially on Trump's response to Orlando (and possible his Mexican judge comments) or Clinton's attack ads making a dent.

Its definitely related to the Judge, Orlando, and an overall disorganization of Trump's own message, coupled with continued disunity within the GOP including the simmering efforts to undo his nomination at the convention.
What would the likely impact be if they do manage to nominate someone else?

Dem landslide and retaking of the House?
I was refering to the rhetoric trick Trump's using (also very typical for right wingers in Europe; e.g. AfD) to make undifferentiated statements like "people should have had guns", "mexicans are rapists" etc. just to explain later on TV that he only meant the criminal mexicans or in this case staff members from the bar.
What would the likely impact be if they do manage to nominate someone else?

Dem landslide and retaking of the House?

A likely outcome anyways right? I mean even when Trumps numbers were decent, if you look at it from an electoral college standpoint he was not even really close. He was going to do nothing at all to bring support to "fellow Republicans" in other races.
A likely outcome anyways right? I mean even when Trumps numbers were decent, if you look at it from an electoral college standpoint he was not even really close. He was going to do nothing at all to bring support to "fellow Republicans" in other races.
I bloody hope so.

I'm not Hillary's biggest fan but a Dem WH with control of the House could be a real chance at some progress, especially if Obama can lend advice to prevent repeating the mistake of excessive attempts at bipartisanism.

Plus the SC issue.
I'm surprised some Repubs are willing to throw in the towel so soon. You have the balance of the Supreme Court, Congress, etc in play here.

Yes, I read that Thomas may retire too which leaves Alito alone in the right-of-Genghis Khan camp.
I guess the calculation is that Hillary's negatives still exist, so if they could get someone not-terrible up against her, he might have a chance despite bleeding a ton of Trump's support.
Donald would definitely run independent and fully ruin it though.
Most, if not all, of my friends here in the UK are laughing at Trump and your electoral system, tbh. Obama has a lot of respect. A big, big improvement on Bush. Most admire Bill Clinton and are willing to overlook the odd blow job. Hillary seems a bit, well, not quite up to it. But Trump!? Hahaha. Not worth a bullet. Yet. It's a bit sad, really. Surely you lot can do better.
Most, if not all, of my friends here in the UK are laughing at Trump and your electoral system, tbh. Obama has a lot of respect. A big, big improvement on Bush. Most admire Bill Clinton and are willing to overlook the odd blow job. Hillary seems a bit, well, not quite up to it. But Trump!? Hahaha. Not worth a bullet. Yet. It's a bit sad, really. Surely you lot can do better.
As I said in the gun control thread... I'm quite cynical of our government myself, and that includes the electoral system. It was designed for a country in which only the educated, stake holding elite would be able to vote for important people in our national government. The franchise has changed, but the electoral rules have not.

As for our current candidates and past presidents... I voted for Bernie, I'm appalled at Trump, I agree with you on Hillary, Obama has disappointed me but has been better than his predecessor, Bush was an imbecile who invaded Iraq on the whim of a 1990's think tank, Clinton was the best president we've had in my lifetime so far, and Reagan was a good actor.
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