2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The NeverTrumpers will definitely launch an insurrection between now and the convention. The rules committee meet a week or so before and may change the rules to unbind all Trump delegates, which would cause a massive riot and make the GOP seem like a banana republic party on the brink of implosion. All Hillary has to do is continue looking vaguely normal and keep chipping away at Trump's gaffs.

If the Republican party needs to implode, so be it.
It'll be hard to unbind the delegates now. Since Cruz and Kasich dropped out there's been no counterweight to Drumpf in choosing delegates to the convention. If Paul Manafort has been remotely competent, the Cheeto Jesus will have enough loyalists to block any such move from passing the rule committee.

That said, if there's anything Donny has showed us this cycle, it's how incompetent he's in conventional campaigning, so there might just be a chance.
It'll be hard to unbind the delegates now. Since Cruz and Kasich dropped out there's been no counterweight to Drumpf in choosing delegates to the convention. If Paul Manafort has been remotely competent, the Cheeto Jesus will have enough loyalists to block any such move from passing the rule committee.

That said, if there's anything Donny has showed us this cycle, it's how incompetent he's in conventional campaigning, so there might just be a chance.

The beauty of it all is they don't need to actually depose Trump at the convention. He can still be the nominee - its the actual spectacle of an insurrection and war within the GOP that will siphon off enough support to strangle them from July through November.
Young voters are notoriously unreliable. Clinton takes a lot of flak for triangulating, but if you can't count on one demographic to vote reliably then you need to make up the deficit somewhere else. Sanders's 'revolution' needs to prove that they are not a flash in the pan like OWS but actually get organized to be the left's version of the conservative movement.

Sounds like you're advocating for the left's version of the Tea Party, perhaps we shall name it the Latte Party. :)

If memory serves, the TP was heavily influenced and financed by a handful wealthy individuals aiming to implement extreme policies but hidden within a so called conservative belief.
Sounds like you're advocating for the left's version of the Tea Party, perhaps we shall name it the Latte Party. :)

If memory serves, the TP was heavily influenced and financed by a handful wealthy individuals aiming to implement extreme policies but hidden within a so called conservative belief.

No, the conservative movement, misguided as it was, was extremely persistent and organized. They've been around since the 50s, rose to prominence within the Republican Party in '64 with Goldwater nomination and eventually Reagan in 80.

In contrast, the leftist/youth wing of the Democratic Party have always been there, Eugene McCarthy, Jackson/Brown, Kucinich, Dean, Warren/Sanders, but they were/are too busy fighting themselves or sitting out to keep their moral highground to actually get organized, take over the party from the bottom up and build a platform powerful enough to shape the landscape of American politics over the next decades like Reagan and his ilks did.

Frankly, the Sanders's Bernie or Bust crowd at the moment does look like Green Tea Party. Blinded ideological purists who want to bern it all down and would rather be beautiful losers rather than getting into the nitty gritty tasks of grassroots politics. Seems a commonality of left wing politics everywhere, much the same as I experienced here with the SAA.
Frankly, the Sanders's Bernie or Bust crowd at the moment does look like Green Tea Party. Blinded ideological purists who want to bern it all down and would rather be beautiful losers rather than getting into the nitty gritty tasks of grassroots politics. Seems a commonality of left wing politics everywhere, much the same as I experienced here with the SAA.

Although I understand where they are coming from and them not liking Hillary, personally I think they are cutting their noses off to spite their faces and many of them are just exceptionally arrogant and taking the moral high ground. They could, in theory, bring Trump to the White House, possibly not now with his huge unfavourable ratings, but that doesn't matter to them, they would feel the same if his favourability was high. The statement they aim to make doesn't involve Trump at all, it wouldn't matter if it was Mickey Mouse running, they would take the same stance, and I feel it is completely counter productive and actually exceedingly destructive. I'm glad Bernie has sat down with Hillary and agreed to work with her to take down Trump, but a fair few of his supporters need taking down a proverbial peg or two as well.
Although I understand where they are coming from and them not liking Hillary, personally I think they are cutting their noses off to spite their faces and many of them are just exceptionally arrogant and taking the moral high ground. They could, in theory, bring Trump to the White House, possibly not now with his huge unfavourable ratings, but that doesn't matter to them, they would feel the same if his favourability was high. The statement they aim to make doesn't involve Trump at all, it wouldn't matter if it was Mickey Mouse running, they would take the same stance, and I feel it is completely counter productive and actually exceedingly destructive. I'm glad Bernie has sat down with Hillary and agreed to work with her to take down Trump, but a fair few of his supporters need taking down a proverbial peg or two as well.
There are some friends of mine who have taken the Bernie or bust stance and I just can't understand how they think the "or bust" being Trump is going to be anything but bad for our country... I mean, I get it, they don't like Hillary. I don't particularly care for her either, but when faced with her or Trump, I cannot in good conscience do something to help Trump. They view that as "selling out". At least in South Carolina it is more of a moot point than in other states. Our electoral college votes might as well already have (R) stamped on them.
There are some friends of mine who have taken the Bernie or bust stance and I just can't understand how they think the "or bust" being Trump is going to be anything but bad for our country... I mean, I get it, they don't like Hillary. I don't particularly care for her either, but when faced with her or Trump, I cannot in good conscience do something to help Trump. They view that as "selling out".

That's exactly my point too mate, I get it, I really do, but it's completely counter productive, and the so called selling out isn't really, it's called common sense. In all walks of life you have to sometimes do things you don't always agree with, but it's the lesser of two evils. I can't understand how anyone could ever conceive of helping the Orange one get in to the White House. It's beyond my comprehension. There are so many reasons why it should just not be allowed, we have listed them all before, and everyone with any tiny cell inside their head should realise that.

It's already well known that the vast majority of Trump supporters are of poor education and low IQ, the fact that these guys are knowingly and willingly helping him just makes me think they are no better than those who know no better. If that makes any sense?
It's already well known that the vast majority of Trump supporters are of poor education and low IQ, the fact that these guys are knowingly and willingly helping him just makes me think they are no better than those who know no better. If that makes any sense?
It absolutely makes sense. The phrase "educated idiot" comes to mind with those "or bust" types that I know.
It's already well known that the vast majority of Trump supporters are of poor education and low IQ, the fact that these guys are knowingly and willingly helping him just makes me think they are no better than those who know no better. If that makes any sense?

Not that I disagree with your overall sentiment, but this is still at best, unsubstantiated btw.
I think it's one of those "I can't prove it, but I know it's true' statements.

Yea I know what you mean, but nowadays I'm very hesitant in chalking the opposition's beliefs to inferior education or mental faculties. It's also one of the archetypal liberal trope of being 'intellectual elites'.
Yea I know what you mean, but nowadays I'm very hesitant in chalking the opposition's beliefs to inferior education or mental faculties. It's also one of the archetypal liberal trope of being 'intellectual elites'.

Personally I'm happy to be labelled intellectual over stupid.
Sounds like you're advocating for the left's version of the Tea Party, perhaps we shall name it the Latte Party. :)

If memory serves, the TP was heavily influenced and financed by a handful wealthy individuals aiming to implement extreme policies but hidden within a so called conservative belief.

TP started as a grassroots revolt against Obama, within months it was taken over and financed by Kochs. I think with their emphasis on campaign finance it would be tougher (but not impossible) for the progressive wing of the Dems to be taken over like that.
Clinton really should win this, as long as she just keeps being "normal" and chips away.

She has lead Trump in pretty much every poll and in recent polls Trump is barely even getting 40%. McCain and Romney were well into the 40s by this time in their races.

Trump has only ever lead in polls from Rasmussen and Fox and eventhough the race tightened after Trump clinched the nomination, Clinton has always managed to stay ahead and now it looks like she is pulling away again.

While people will consolidate more after the conventions, I really think Trump could have difficulty getting to 45%.
Either would be a soft pitch to Hillary. Repubs clearly don't think the female vote is important.

Replace female with any minority.

They didn't learn their lesson from 2012 and nominated someone even more unappealing to minorities.
Either would be a soft pitch to Hillary. Repubs clearly don't think the female vote is important.

More like no one else wants to sink alongside Drumpf. Grinch is 72 and Fatty's favorable rating in his own state is 26%, plus he's in heavy debt from his primary campaign.
Yea I know what you mean, but nowadays I'm very hesitant in chalking the opposition's beliefs to inferior education or mental faculties. It's also one of the archetypal liberal trope of being 'intellectual elites'.

Yeah, but it´s hard to be hesitant when the opposition votes in record numbers for a clown like Trump. I mean, wtf? It´s not even being an intellectual elitist; more like having half way normal intelligence. These people deny science, they watch Fox News, they elected Bush twice. I could go on and on.
They are already drafting up an amendment to allow delegates to slither out of voting for Trump if any of the following apply:

“Allowable personal reasons shall include the public disclosure of one or more grievous acts of personal conduct by a nominee candidate, including but not limited to, criminally actionable acts, acts of moral turpitude or extreme prejudice, and/or notorious public statements of support for positions that clearly oppose or contradict the policies embodied in the Republican Party’s platform as established at the national convention,” the amendment says.

Still doubling down.

I'll have to admit, if this clown gets into office, I'll have lost all hope in humanity.
What is most disturbing is that when he says things like this, many people who have brought up the Constitution every chance they got during Obama's time in office conveniently forget to apply the document to him and end up stating that they're voting for him.


I mean, this man definitely knows his onions, but it's quite contrary to what most of the chattering class think. Makes you wonder what sort of numbers/methods they utilize to get that sort of conclusion.
“Allowable personal reasons shall include the public disclosure of one or more grievous acts of personal conduct by a nominee candidate, including but not limited to, criminally actionable acts, acts of moral Trumptitude or extreme prejudice, and/or notorious public statements of support for positions that clearly oppose or contradict the policies embodied in the Republican Party’s platform as established at the national convention,” the amendment says.

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