2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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What if all of this has been a giant hoax and Donald John Trump is an unsung hero, a true Northern liberal who had taken upon himself to sabotage the Republican Party and finish them off once and for all?

Or so goes a future Hollywood production.
Doesn't really excuse them though. The Trump U case is maturing now, but all of those other things you said above have been in his murky past for years and could have decimated him in the primaries if they'd been used from the start.

I agree completely. That and much more. Even Trump U was there for the taking. John Oliver did a decent piece on it on Last Week Tonight. As usual he had me in stitches, but you could tell he was only skimming the surface because it's an ongoing lawsuit.

He lost his third comma?! :(

Depending on who you believe, yes, apparently so.
I did, I love it when he tears in to Drumpf, just a shame he's mostly preaching to the choir.

It's priceless isn't it? He really does destroy him and as you say, it's just a shame he's preaching to the converted. I'd love to see a video of Trump watching it, that would be the best thing ever. You can just imagine his chubby face getting redder and redder the more angry and embarrassed he got. :lol:

What if all of this has been a giant hoax and Donald John Trump is an unsung hero, a true Northern liberal who had taken upon himself to sabotage the Republican Party and finish them off once and for all?

Or so goes a future Hollywood production.

Daniel Day Lewis has been waiting his entire life for this role.
What if all of this has been a giant hoax and Donald John Trump is an unsung hero, a true Northern liberal who had taken upon himself to sabotage the Republican Party and finish them off once and for all?

Or so goes a future Hollywood production.

I've had this discussion with colleagues of mine who work in politics. There are only two plausible theories of Donald Trump:

The first is that Trump really is an utter fool, who got into the race to build up his "brand" and had no intention of actually winning this thing. But the higher raised the bar with his insanity ("McCain is no hero because was captured"), the more he endeared himself to Republicans. And that he never expected to become the nominee and here he is, five fingers away from the White House. We'll see, but in any event that he's a moronic clown who had no intention of actually winning the nomination when he got into the race, but now that he's gotten this far he's not going to stop now.

The second is that Trump is no fool at all and that he got into the race to finish off the Republicans once and for all. There is strong circumstantial evidence for this, though as of yet there is no smoking gun. Trump had been a Dem for most of his life, he had bankrolled the Clintons for two decades and gave heavily to the Clinton Foundation, and was repeatedly quoted as saying that the Clintons were fantastic public servants. (More is coming out on this today, in anticipation of Trump's speech blasting Clinton next Monday.) Nearly every position he embraces now is the opposite of the position (trade, abortion, etc.) for most of his adult life. It's also widely understood that Clinton is such a weak candidate that the only Rep should she knew could beat in November 2016. It's also widely known that Bill Clinton and Donald Trump had extensive conversations about politics and in particular Bill's urging Donald to run for potus in the months prior to June 16, 2015 announcement. Circumstantial? Yes. Highly suggestive? Yes.

I'm actually not concerned about Trump beating Hillary. It's not going to happen. Hillary will win (depending on how the FBI and DOJ handle the server matter) and the country and the world will be fine. But what Trump has done is exposed the racism and ignorance of Republican voters, at least a large swath of them, and this party party deserves the fate it's going to suffer in November. We just had a primary election in California this week and I spent the day yesterday crunching the numbers and I can tell you right now that Republicans are going to get crushed at least here in California in November, a fate this party richly deserves. I have no idea how things will turn out for Reps in other states as I just don't have the time to go through their data, but my sense Reps are going to lose seats in the US Senate and that their majority in the House will shrink somewhat. And that Trump will be taken apart, limb by limb. It will be interesting to see how Trump fares over the next month -- if more details of how he raped his first wife, his mob connections, his bribing of elected officials, his business practices, his Trump U scam and more come out before Cleveland Trump may say no mas. I doubt it, but you never know.
@Spock I don't buy into conspiracy theories, usually, but everything he's done since clinching the nomination is just mind boggling. He's actually hiring pollster for fecking New York and hired Dick bloody Morris for his campaign :lol:. If he's just a chancer, or a 2016 Forrest Gump, he should be deferring to the RNC for the fall campaign right now. Instead, he's dragging their names through the mud with his now blatant racism.

The catch here, of course, is that his businesses will suffer considerable, if not lasting damages, from such gambit, and his current behaviours fall right in line with his shady past, be it personal or public.

There is a third plausible theory, one that I personally think is correct, and that is that he is a complete and utter moron. Thick as hell, and a total conman with a serious narcissistic personality disorder and a serious ego that cannot under any circumstances stand to be told no, or any different than he thinks. He has exceedingly thin skin and cannot handle any attack against him and his only response is to fight back. The same goes for any praise, he is so insecure that he laps any praise up and will side with whoever gives it to him regardless of their standing or who they are (see Putin and Kim Jon Un). He sincerely believes his own hype and thinks he is the smartest person on the planet and believes he can con anyone. He is so used to people blowing smoke up his arse, he really cannot understand when someone doesn't do it to him.

Just watch The Apprentice to see how he is treated on there. It's sickening, all these stars, many with actual talent who deserve respect treat him like some kind of fecking god. It's pathetic. It's all "yes Sir" "no Sir" "whatever you say Sir" Just because he has (or apparently has) money, money that he inherited btw, he should be treated like this? It's insane bollocks and completely demeaning. He has done nothing to deserve being treated in any way but with disdain because if you actually look at his life everything is a sham and a scam. He's a compulsive, pathological liar who will say anything to get what he wants and he treats everyone as if they are as stupid as he is. As the rape, wife beating, poor treatment of workers accusations and the way he scams the poor and needy out of their life savings, and then the daughter fecking comments, mob ties, disgusting treatment of people who own land near his golf courses, the racist comments and the way he speaks to people like the Judge in the Trump U case and The Pope and The President show, he is actually not a very nice person at all, and in fact should probably be in jail. He's just very lucky that nothing so far has stuck, and he's just got good lawyers who scare people or pay them off to not say anything.

I actually believe he got in to this race because he does believe his own hype and does believe he can run the most powerful country in the world. He craves the power! and the adulation that comes with the job, and he of course thinks he can make a few quid out of the job while he's at it. The trouble is, he's actually doing the opposite and it's bringing unwanted attention to him, he's losing sponsors and donors by the minute, and it hopefully will end up backfiring spectacularly. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Trump should have stuck to being a reality TV star with a few golf courses and hotels, because he cannot expect to continue upsetting powerful people and the press without any consequences.
@Spock I don't buy into conspiracy theories, usually, but everything he's done since clinching the nomination is just mind boggling. He's actually hiring pollster for fecking New York and hired Dick bloody Morris for his campaign :lol:. If he's just a chancer, or a 2016 Forrest Gump, he should be deferring to the RNC for the fall campaign right now. Instead, he's dragging their names through the mud with his now blatant racism.

The catch here, of course, is that his businesses will suffer considerable, if not lasting damages, from such gambit, and his current behaviours fall right in line with his shady past, be it personal or public.

Your last point is interesting. Its a risky move from a financial point of view, because this could be the end of him. I don't know how leveraged he is, but if he is a subsequent downturn in business could be ruinous.
Your last point is interesting. Its a risky move from a financial point of view, because this could be the end of him. I don't know how leveraged he is, but if he is a subsequent downturn in business could be ruinous.

Exactly. The Washington Post did a great piece this week on how much trouble he could be in because he now needs to raise lots of money to fight Hillary. He thinks he doesn't and thinks he can carry on as he has done. They reported that he is becoming a toxic brand who is deterring any potential donors from backing him. They also called his fortune in to question and raised the point that he earns less than $500k a year, and said he can't afford to finance the campaign himself, hence his reluctance to put any of his own cash in (because he actually can't afford it)

Whatever, he's certainly not worth the $10 Billion he says he is, and as all the press have been saying, something is seriously fishy about his finances hence his reluctance to release his tax returns (the first Presidential candidate to not do so) and the more they keep digging, the more they are finding out about him, and at the same time the more he is hanging himself with his moronic comments and attacks on people, or his outright lies like the Japan nukes comments.

The only thing he has in his favour is the fact he is running against Hillary who is obviously crooked, dishonest and a liar. It's a damn shame really because against anyone else Trump would be done by now. Although the longer this goes on, the worse it looks like getting for him.

Maybe he's figured out a way to use a campaign to make a lot of money. Is he getting lots of donations?

Well he's also lied about that as he said he didn't want or need any, yet his website clearly had donate buttons on it. The only good thing about donations is, any he receives have to be made public and if he's caught scamming donations, well, then he will be in a world of shit that I doubt he would ever be able to get away from.

There is a third plausible theory, one that I personally think is correct, and that is that he is a complete and utter moron. Thick as hell, and a total conman with a serious narcissistic personality disorder and a serious ego that cannot under any circumstances stand to be told no, or any different than he thinks. He has exceedingly thin skin and cannot handle any attack against him and his only response is to fight back. The same goes for any praise, he is so insecure that he laps any praise up and will side with whoever gives it to him regardless of their standing or who they are (see Putin and Kim Jon Un). He sincerely believes his own hype and thinks he is the smartest person on the planet and believes he can con anyone. He is so used to people blowing smoke up his arse, he really cannot understand when someone doesn't do it to him.

Just watch The Apprentice to see how he is treated on there. It's sickening, all these stars, many with actual talent who deserve respect treat him like some kind of fecking god. It's pathetic. It's all "yes Sir" "no Sir" "whatever you say Sir" Just because he has (or apparently has) money, money that he inherited btw, he should be treated like this? It's insane bollocks and completely demeaning. He has done nothing to deserve being treated in any way but with disdain because if you actually look at his life everything is a sham and a scam. He's a compulsive, pathological liar who will say anything to get what he wants and he treats everyone as if they are as stupid as he is. As the rape, wife beating, poor treatment of workers accusations and the way he scams the poor and needy out of their life savings, and then the daughter fecking comments, mob ties, disgusting treatment of people who own land near his golf courses, the racist comments and the way he speaks to people like the Judge in the Trump U case and The Pope and The President show, he is actually not a very nice person at all, and in fact should probably be in jail. He's just very lucky that nothing so far has stuck, and he's just got good lawyers who scare people or pay them off to not say anything.

I actually believe he got in to this race because he does believe his own hype and does believe he can run the most powerful country in the world. He craves the power! and the adulation that comes with the job, and he of course thinks he can make a few quid out of the job while he's at it. The trouble is, he's actually doing the opposite and it's bringing unwanted attention to him, he's losing sponsors and donors by the minute, and it hopefully will end up backfiring spectacularly. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Trump should have stuck to being a reality TV star with a few golf courses and hotels, because he cannot expect to continue upsetting powerful people and the press without any consequences.

These are my sentiments exactly, great post!
I think when the dust has settled Trump will really regret his foray into politics, it just will not be worth it to him.
Maybe he's figured out a way to use a campaign to make a lot of money. Is he getting lots of donations?

He received about $7m in donations throughout the primaries at last count, and have put into his campaign about $30m from his own wealth, as loans.

Now he's looking to raise $1 bn. for the general, but most GOP operatives are saying that they may only make 1/3 of that. I don't think he'll make enough to reimburse himself, bad optics aside, let alone making profits.
Exactly. The Washington Post did a great piece this week on how much trouble he could be in because he now needs to raise lots of money to fight Hillary. He thinks he doesn't and thinks he can carry on as he has done. They reported that he is becoming a toxic brand who is deterring any potential donors from backing him. They also called his fortune in to question and raised the point that he earns less than $500k a year, and said he can't afford to finance the campaign himself, hence his reluctance to put any of his own cash in (because he actually can't afford it)

Whatever, he's certainly not worth the $10 Billion he says he is, and as all the press have been saying, something is seriously fishy about his finances hence his reluctance to release his tax returns (the first Presidential candidate to not do so) and the more they keep digging, the more they are finding out about him, and at the same time the more he is hanging himself with his moronic comments and attacks on people, or his outright lies like the Japan nukes comments.

The only thing he has in his favour is the fact he is running against Hillary who is obviously crooked, dishonest and a liar. It's a damn shame really because against anyone else Trump would be done by now. Although the longer this goes on, the worse it looks like getting for him.

Well he's also lied about that as he said he didn't want or need any, yet his website clearly had donate buttons on it. The only good thing about donations is, any he receives have to be made public and if he's caught scamming donations, well, then he will be in a world of shit that I doubt he would ever be able to get away from.

Any other candidate would have completely wiped the floor with Trump by now, but Hillary isnt doing herself any favours.
They both have the largest unfavorability ratings of any presidential candidate on either side ever I believe.
Any other candidate would have completely wiped the floor with Trump by now, but Hillary isnt doing herself any favours.
They both have the largest unfavorability ratings of any presidential candidate on either side ever I believe.

Yup, they have. Hillary however has a couple of aces up her sleeve (as long as she doesn't go to jail over the emails) and that is Obama will campaign for her, and in theory, her relentless media machine will be able to financially crush anything The Donald puts up against her. If he is skimping on the campaign and with him becoming more and more toxic to donors, well, there will only be one outcome as all the press he is getting now is seriously negative. When even the staunchest of his supporters have come out against him and said he should apologise and change his approach, well you know he's seriously pissing people off behind the scenes. He will become harder and harder to defend soon and many supporters or voters will feel they have no option but to also turn their back on him.
Yup, they have. Hillary however has a couple of aces up her sleeve (as long as she doesn't go to jail over the emails) and that is Obama will campaign for her, and in theory, her relentless media machine will be able to financially crush anything The Donald puts up against her. If he is skimping on the campaign and with him becoming more and more toxic to donors, well, there will only be one outcome as all the press he is getting now is seriously negative. When even the staunchest of his supporters have come out against him and said he should apologise and change his approach, well you know he's seriously pissing people off behind the scenes. He will become harder and harder to defend soon and many supporters or voters will feel they have no option but to also turn their back on him.

Trump has zero chance of winning IMO, he really shot himself in the foot with the continued minority bashing. You cannot win a national election without minority support and it pretty much ends there for him and the GOP base knows it. He is catering to a vocal but ever diminishing subset of that party and while it will win him the battle, it will lose him the war.

He could have made this race interesting as Hillary is beatable but he is his own worst enemy.
What happens if the email gate doesn't get resolved before the general elections and she wins. Does it get swept under the cover? Or would the investigations still continue against Hillary?

What I want to understand is how much control would Hillary Administration would have over any enquiry/investigation over this after she becomes the President?
What happens if the email gate doesn't get resolved before the general elections and she wins. Does it get swept under the cover? Or would the investigations still continue against Hillary?

What I want to understand is how much control would Hillary Administration would have over any enquiry/investigation over this after she becomes the President?

I think it does. Not the ideal way to run a railroad, not fair, bud I don't think you go after a recently elected President over that (and I'm not one who thinks its a small issue, just doesn't cross the threshold to go after a sitting President).
The FBI will want to conclude the case one way or the other before the conventions, to avoid looking like they are interfering in the electoral process, especially with James Comey being a Republican.
What numbers to bow out with:

PA: Trump v Clinton
RCP Average 4/4 - 6/5 -- -- 46.3 42.3 Clinton +4.0
Newest poll: PPP (D) 6/3 - 6/5 1106 RV 3.0 44 44 Tie

PA: Trump v Sanders
RCP Average 3/1 - 5/8 -- -- 51.0 38.3 Sanders +12.7

FL: T v C
RCP Average 4/27 - 6/5 -- -- 44.2 42.6 Clinton + 1.6
Newest: PPP (D) 6/2 - 6/5 737 RV 3.6 44 45 Trump + 1

FL: T v S :eek: (this is the swing state I had thought there's no way he can win)
RCP Average 3/4 - 6/5 -- -- 46.0 42.8 Sanders +3.2
Newest: PPP (D) 6/2 - 6/5 737 RV 3.6 46 43 Sanders +3

T v C
Latest: Quinnipiac 6/1 - 6/5 1330 RV 2.7 45 38 Clinton +7
T v S
Latest: Quinnipiac 6/1 - 6/5 1330 RV 54 35 Sanders +19

There is a third plausible theory, one that I personally think is correct, and that is that he is a complete and utter moron. Thick as hell, and a total conman with a serious narcissistic personality disorder and a serious ego that cannot under any circumstances stand to be told no, or any different than he thinks. He has exceedingly thin skin and cannot handle any attack against him and his only response is to fight back. The same goes for any praise, he is so insecure that he laps any praise up and will side with whoever gives it to him regardless of their standing or who they are (see Putin and Kim Jon Un). He sincerely believes his own hype and thinks he is the smartest person on the planet and believes he can con anyone. He is so used to people blowing smoke up his arse, he really cannot understand when someone doesn't do it to him.

Just watch The Apprentice to see how he is treated on there. It's sickening, all these stars, many with actual talent who deserve respect treat him like some kind of fecking god. It's pathetic. It's all "yes Sir" "no Sir" "whatever you say Sir" Just because he has (or apparently has) money, money that he inherited btw, he should be treated like this? It's insane bollocks and completely demeaning. He has done nothing to deserve being treated in any way but with disdain because if you actually look at his life everything is a sham and a scam. He's a compulsive, pathological liar who will say anything to get what he wants and he treats everyone as if they are as stupid as he is. As the rape, wife beating, poor treatment of workers accusations and the way he scams the poor and needy out of their life savings, and then the daughter fecking comments, mob ties, disgusting treatment of people who own land near his golf courses, the racist comments and the way he speaks to people like the Judge in the Trump U case and The Pope and The President show, he is actually not a very nice person at all, and in fact should probably be in jail. He's just very lucky that nothing so far has stuck, and he's just got good lawyers who scare people or pay them off to not say anything.

I actually believe he got in to this race because he does believe his own hype and does believe he can run the most powerful country in the world. He craves the power! and the adulation that comes with the job, and he of course thinks he can make a few quid out of the job while he's at it. The trouble is, he's actually doing the opposite and it's bringing unwanted attention to him, he's losing sponsors and donors by the minute, and it hopefully will end up backfiring spectacularly. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. Trump should have stuck to being a reality TV star with a few golf courses and hotels, because he cannot expect to continue upsetting powerful people and the press without any consequences.

That's what I was trying to say in my first "theory" that Trump is a complete and utter moron, but that it was a business venture for him and not a serious run to win the White House. We see quite a few guys like Herman Cain, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, who know they have no chance of actually winning, running for potus so that they can leverage that new fame for books, speaking fees or whatever else. Certainly for Trump, building up his "brand" through a potus run was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

I've known of Trump since the early 80s, when his notoriety as a property developer in New York City became something of daily tabloid fodder. Then the marriages. Then the TV shows. It was disgusting, but disgusting is par for the course in American popular culture these days (Kardashian, the various "housewives" shows, etc.) and I couldn't give a shit about all that.

But Trump as a serious candidate for potus? I could get my head around that had he run on serious issues in a serious way. But he hasn't done that, has he? I can't possibly describe the depth of my anger and disappointment with Republicans for supporting him. And I look forward to Hillary kicking his ass back into the Stone Age, even though she's a terrible candidate in her own right. God would do us all a massive favor if he could make it possible for Biden to get out of this fine mess.
They've removed the homeopathy references from the platform and there's nothing about vaccines either way, but they've retained the anti-nuclear and anti-GMO stuff.

She still wouldn't state scientific fact even though she's a doctor. There's no link between vaccines and autism. She also talks about the need to trust science but she fails this with the GMO/nuclear opposition.
I weep for the world when the two choices to lead the most powerful country in the world are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.
I would too, until I realize the citizens of the 2nd most powerful country in the world have no choice at all.
The thing with Stein and Johnson is that they are fringe candidates, therefore have to pander to their respective fringe base.

If more mainstream voters come in and vote Green/Libertarian, eventually those parties would move closer in their platforms to the current Dem/GOP.
That's what I was trying to say in my first "theory" that Trump is a complete and utter moron, but that it was a business venture for him and not a serious run to win the White House. We see quite a few guys like Herman Cain, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee, who know they have no chance of actually winning, running for potus so that they can leverage that new fame for books, speaking fees or whatever else. Certainly for Trump, building up his "brand" through a potus run was an opportunity he couldn't pass up.

I've known of Trump since the early 80s, when his notoriety as a property developer in New York City became something of daily tabloid fodder. Then the marriages. Then the TV shows. It was disgusting, but disgusting is par for the course in American popular culture these days (Kardashian, the various "housewives" shows, etc.) and I couldn't give a shit about all that.

But Trump as a serious candidate for potus? I could get my head around that had he run on serious issues in a serious way. But he hasn't done that, has he? I can't possibly describe the depth of my anger and disappointment with Republicans for supporting him. And I look forward to Hillary kicking his ass back into the Stone Age, even though she's a terrible candidate in her own right. God would do us all a massive favor if he could make it possible for Biden to get out of this fine mess.

Yeah, I've known about Trump for a fair few years also, maybe not as far back as the 80's, but certainly early 90's onwards. Like you, I find him a despicable human being (if that isn't obvious from my posts :lol:) an odious gimp and akin to the lowest form of pond scum on the planet. Also, like yourself I am quite angry about the whole situation, although I think it's also mixed with sadness. I can understand people having a different opinion, I can understand protest votes, I can understand opposing political ideologies, but I cannot understand the defence of someone who is so blatantly full of shit. Someone who contradicts himself three or four times in one sentence, someone who lies uncontrollably and is so arrogant and nasty and dismissive about it, and someone who looks down at everyone else when ironically he is the one who everyone should be looking down upon.

I feel sad that education is so bad and the way the world is that people feel the need to look up to a feckwit like that. However, nothing surprises me anymore, but, it does sadden me greatly as I fear for what kind of world my (and my friends and everyone else's) beautiful children will be brought up in. I am ashamed of a world that would vote for someone as obnoxious and hateful as Donald Trump, and tbh I feel sorry for most of his supporters as they have to be very scared and very naïve as well as full of unnecessary hatred. At first I found it very funny, but the more you look at it, the less funny it becomes. I could almost understand it if it were a third world country used to dictators or a population that is used to being run through fear, but this is the United States of America we are talking about here, not Syria or Afghanistan or Somalia for fecks sake.
The thing with Stein and Johnson is that they are fringe candidates, therefore have to pander to their respective fringe base.

If more mainstream voters come in and vote Green/Libertarian, eventually those parties would move closer in their platforms to the current Dem/GOP.

Johnson doesn´t pander to the base of the libertarian party at all (which is a good thing, but that is not the point). He is as mainstream as a libertarian can get without losing all the support from his base.
Johnson doesn´t pander to the base of the libertarian party at all (which is a good thing, but that is not the point). He is as mainstream as a libertarian can get without losing all the support from his base.

Abolishing Department of Education, off the top of my head.

He's not bad, said himself that his base consists of well-meaning as well as 'batshit crazy' people, but did pander all the same.
That has nothing to do with pandering to the base. He was only nominated because of his name/brand/electability. He didn´t pander to the libertarian base or you would have seen a completly different program.
The thing with Stein and Johnson is that they are fringe candidates, therefore have to pander to their respective fringe base.

If more mainstream voters come in and vote Green/Libertarian, eventually those parties would move closer in their platforms to the current Dem/GOP.

Probably. Like in all countries, fringe parties can afford to make more outlandish claims/promises when they have no chance of power, but it'd still undoubtedly be a good thing to have more parties in the mainstream American discourse. All parties will ultimately make compromises if they want to be near power, but it'd still be good to have a system where people can vote for them and feel like that vote has some worth.
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