2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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For years?

Character assassinate? That would imply people were spreading lies about him. Except there is no need to lie about him....every time the cnut opens his mouth he says something bigoted or racist.

Then again, you probably think he's a hero for not being 'PC'.

He's a Chavski fan. You know what they think about racists.
For years?

Character assassinate? That would imply people were spreading lies about him. Except there is no need to lie about him....every time the cnut opens his mouth he says something bigoted or racist.

Then again, you probably think he's a hero for not being 'PC'.
Years. Obama constantly made fun of him, most liberals were taking the piss out of him all of the time and any claims he could be president were laughed down all the time by liberals. Now that he is in with a chance more and more liberals are panicing and resorting to hypocritical name calling and intolerance.

I have seen about 5 different liberals in high offices and positions of power talking about how shit he is and how horrible he is. It seems to be the main argument of Clinton. It's a shitty way to win presidency, besmirching your opponent rather than putting your own argument for why you should be president.

I'm not a republican. Fact is I couldnt give less of a shit about American politics because it has almost zero affect on me, no matter who is in charge. I'm just enjoying this whole fiasco. Especially considering Trump is the worst person alive to be running for presidency and yet he is still giving the liberals a challenge. It makes the whole thing even more hilarious.

Fact is, I hate liberals and I hate republicans. I think both are arrogant as shit, just republicans are more open about their arrogance, rather then hiding behind the guise of innocence.
I like it when the people who use 'liberals' as a pejorative do it early in their posts, saves time bothering with reading the rest of it.
Years. Obama constantly made fun of him, most liberals were taking the piss out of him all of the time and any claims he could be president were laughed down all the time by liberals. Now that he is in with a chance more and more liberals are panicing and resorting to hypocritical name calling and intolerance.

I have seen about 5 different liberals in high offices and positions of power talking about how shit he is and how horrible he is. It seems to be the main argument of Clinton. It's a shitty way to win presidency, besmirching your opponent rather than putting your own argument for why you should be president.

I'm not a republican. Fact is I couldnt give less of a shit about American politics because it has almost zero affect on me, no matter who is in charge. I'm just enjoying this whole fiasco. Especially considering Trump is the worst person alive to be running for presidency and yet he is still giving the liberals a challenge. It makes the whole thing even more hilarious.

Fact is, I hate liberals and I hate republicans. I think both are arrogant as shit, just republicans are more open about their arrogance, rather then hiding behind the guise of innocence.

Erm, wasn´t it Donald on a Birther jihad? Unbelievable someone is defending poor Donald Trump from character assassination. It´s surreal.
Erm, wasn´t it Donald on a Birther jihad? Unbelievable someone is defending poor Donald Trump from character assassination. It´s surreal.
I'm not defending him. I'm laughing at you all. He is a joke. The guy has made a whole campaign out of sensationalist comments and taking advantage of the insecurities of the nation. I just find it funny how everybody is panicing now that he is close to coming into power.

I also say "liberals" loosely as a term. It's more the Democrats that I find unbearable, rather then liberalism (Especially considering I would call myself a liberal anyway). They seem to have this god given right that they are the morally superior and self righteons party. When in truth, both parties have good and also have bad in them.
I like it when the people who use 'liberals' as a pejorative do it early in their posts, saves time bothering with reading the rest of it.

Oooh nice word, and nice post. ;) I guess you didn't miss the irony either. :lol:

So ONE WEEK! to the day after Drumpf's comments about the Trump University Judge and he finally backtracks, kind of.

“It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical attack against people of Mexican heritage,” Trump said. “I am friends with and employ thousands of people of Mexican and Hispanic descent.”

He's actually claiming everyone else is at fault for not understanding what he meant and getting the wrong end of the stick regarding his comments, the comments that definitely were not racist, and you can tell that because he is friends with and employs lots of Mexican people.

He's got to be on the wum hasn't he? Surely? He really is a feckwit and thinks he can just blag his way out of everything because everyone is as thick as he is. :lol:

I like it when the people who use 'liberals' as a pejorative do it early in their posts, saves time bothering with reading the rest of it.
I'm glad you are showing such great tolerance for a view that may be opposing yours. You know, with all of that talk about equality and everything. This is the type of looking down type of post that makes me dislike Democrats. Your not really a liberal then are you, if you completely dismiss the view point of somebody because you don't like it.

Again, people are misconstrued what I said because of their hatred (And dare I say it fear) of Trump running for presidency. I'm not advocating him or bigotry, racism or inequality. Far from it. I'm just laughing at the whole situation that's happening at the moment.
I'm glad you are showing such great tolerance for a view that may be opposing yours. You know, with all of that talk about equality and everything. This is the type of looking down type of post that makes me dislike Democrats. Your not really a liberal then are you, if you completely dismiss the view point of somebody because you don't like it.

Again, people are misconstrued what I said because of their hatred (And dare I say it fear) of Trump running for presidency. I'm not advocating him or bigotry, racism or inequality. Far from it. I'm just laughing at the whole situation that's happening at the moment.
I have no problem with opposing views, but using liberals as a pejorative shows a certain something that strongly suggests someone isn't worth listening to.
I have no problem with opposing views, but using liberals as a pejorative shows a certain something that strongly suggests someone isn't worth listening to.
I did say I used the term loosely. I meant Democratsomething who like to classify themselves as liberals. In my opinion, I think they are hypocrites in their dismission of other viewpoints in life whilst also stating moral superiority due to being "liberal". It reeks of arrogance in my opinion and it's why I like watching them fall further into hypocrisy as they panic about Trump running for president.

I consider myself a liberal, which is why although I am strongly against Trump being in any position of power, I don't believe he has any less right to run and don't laugh down his opinions with utter disdain. I also don't believe that anyou party is better or worse thenow the other. In truth both have things to offer that the other don't. But of course I would usually get labelled as Republicanew because I don't go around insulting them at every opportunity and don't fit this black and white image that people seem to like to paint about peoples political views.
I'm not defending him. I'm laughing at you all. He is a joke. The guy has made a whole campaign out of sensationalist comments and taking advantage of the insecurities of the nation. I just find it funny how everybody is panicing now that he is close to coming into power.

I also say "liberals" loosely as a term. It's more the Democrats that I find unbearable, rather then liberalism (Especially considering I would call myself a liberal anyway). They seem to have this god given right that they are the morally superior and self righteons party. When in truth, both parties have good and also have bad in them.

You seriously have to be joking. Do you ever listen to Republicans talking about being the party of family values, the moral majority, christian values, the christian right, the patriotism?

Aren´t the Republicans always bitching about the lack of morals of the secular progressives who are waging war against christmas and god and prayer in school and are baby killers.

Unbelievable. And democrats seem to have the god given right?

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You seriously have to be joking. Do you ever listen to Republicans talking about being the party of family values, the moral majority, christian values, the christian right, the patriotism?

Aren´t the Republicans always bitching about the lack of morals of the secular progressives who are waging war against christmas and god and prayer in school and are baby killers.

Unbelievable. And democrats seem to have the god given right?
I don't like Republicans either. Don't mistake this for a pro Republicand viewpoint.
I don't like Republicans either. Don't mistake this for a pro Republicand viewpoint.

Don´t worry, I get what you´re saying . . .

I consider myself a liberal

I think they are hypocrites in their dismission of other viewpoints in life whilst also stating moral superiority due to being "liberal"
I was so outraged and put off by what that cnut was saying that I started watching Copa America FFS

Yeah, I watched it a bit later after what you said about it. I couldn't believe it, it was pure insanity and he was trying so hard to justify something that couldn't be justified. It was awful. CNN rightly deserve the shit they are getting for having the moron on. I can't believe the argument went on for 22 minutes, and I also can't believe that they only had him on because Trump advised them to have him on. FFS! :wenger:
I'm not defending him. I'm laughing at you all. He is a joke. The guy has made a whole campaign out of sensationalist comments and taking advantage of the insecurities of the nation. I just find it funny how everybody is panicing now that he is close to coming into power.

I also say "liberals" loosely as a term. It's more the Democrats that I find unbearable, rather then liberalism (Especially considering I would call myself a liberal anyway). They seem to have this god given right that they are the morally superior and self righteons party. When in truth, both parties have good and also have bad in them.

He's not really a joke, he's an actual criminal. It'd be wise to do a bit of googling if you really don't know the stuff he's done. He deserves all of this and more, even before he started saying utterly ridiculous thinks on a minute-by-minute basis.
Ah, Jeffrey Lord. They've had him on numerous times before. This week though he was doing the most. His arguments have been disagreeable before but he just sounded downright crazy this week in his Trump defence.
No you don't. ...

I think I do.

Let me see . . . You´re a liberal, but a special one. You´re somehow a superior one cause you don´t suffer from the holier than thou afflictions that the rest of us do. And that us fecked up liberals and Obama should leave Donald alone cause we´re being hard on the poor guy, assassinating his character. It is just not fair and we bad liberals are being a bunch of hypocrites.

Did I get it right now?
I think the best think to happen is for Hillary to pick a very good VP, and then Hillary would then do what she does best, put this country at risk, which would lead to her inevitable impeachment and the VP being put into office.

Problem solved.
I think I do.

Let me see . . . You´re a liberal, but a special one. You´re somehow a superior one cause you don´t suffer from the holier than thou afflictions that the rest of us do. And that us fecked up liberals and Obama should leave Donald alone cause we´re being hard on the poor guy, assassinating his character. It is just not fair and we bad liberals are being a bunch of hypocrites.

Did I get it right now?
No. I'm saying that Democrats that like to act all liberal and 0s are very arrogant and hypocritical. That .ostrich people are like me and are liberal but not self righteous about it. Most of the people in power seem to look down on people with differing views to them which goes against this holier then thou appearance they like to make out that they have. It's arrogance and I am enjoying their panic as a degenerate idiot is actually threatening their position. I don't care what they do in regards to insulting Trump, I just chuckle at the irony of it all.

Then again, I am a hateful man who likes to see peoples principles and beliefs get destroyed by the world.
The way he shapes his mouth is truly a thing of wonder. He looks like a shady mechanic who's about to give you a quote for some urgent work that doesn't actually need doing.
No. I'm saying that Democrats that like to act all liberal and 0s are very arrogant and hypocritical. That .ostrich people are like me and are liberal but not self righteous about it. Most of the people in power seem to look down on people with differing views to them which goes against this holier then thou appearance they like to make out that they have. It's arrogance and I am enjoying their panic as a degenerate idiot is actually threatening their position. I don't care what they do in regards to insulting Trump, I just chuckle at the irony of it all.

Then again, I am a hateful man who likes to see peoples principles and beliefs get destroyed by the world.

You could argue that some of the positions taken by the republican party about Climate change and Gun control make even centrists look like a bunch of Che Gueveras on a rage with their superior moral crusades. There's nothing to enjoy about a degenerate idiot threatening some lofty arrogant douchebag in some party as it's not just about democrats and liberals, as it will have a profound effect on the entire world, considering the unique nature of US in today's world stage.

That's all.
No. I'm saying that Democrats that like to act all liberal and 0s are very arrogant and hypocritical. That .ostrich people are like me and are liberal but not self righteous about it. Most of the people in power seem to look down on people with differing views to them which goes against this holier then thou appearance they like to make out that they have. It's arrogance and I am enjoying their panic as a degenerate idiot is actually threatening their position. I don't care what they do in regards to insulting Trump,

Then again, I am a hateful man who likes to see peoples principles and beliefs get destroyed by the world.

Yeah, as I said, I get it. You cool, detached ostrich liberals are the business cause your not self righteous. You are how one should be. Nothing self righteous about you at all. And you get off on that "degenerate idiot" Trump threatening those panicky, inferior, self righteous liberals . . . I´m just a bit cloudy on whether your boasts of not being self righteous above the pompous riff raffy liberal . . . sounds sort of self righteous.

I just chuckle at the irony of it all

So who are all these liberals who are in dire panic of the master Donald. Do you have any links or whatnot?
Can you imagine the poor Secret Service guys who have to protect Trump now on the campaign trail or if he should become President? Now I know they are professionals and supposed to be above politics, but can you imagine any of them really being willing to take a bullet for him?
Can you imagine the poor Secret Service guys who have to protect Trump now on the campaign trail or if he should become President? Now I know they are professionals and supposed to be above politics, but can you imagine any of them really being willing to take a bullet for him?

Can you imagine the poor Secret Service guys who have to protect Trump now on the campaign trail or if he should become President? Now I know they are professionals and supposed to be above politics, but can you imagine any of them really being willing to take a bullet for him?

There are likely some that support his beliefs and will vote for him. Just like I see some of my fellow military stating they will as well.
The trouble with Liz is she completely outclasses Hillary, which could be a bit of an issue down the road in terms of VP.
Soon or later they will bring the "Indian" claims she had/has - which was the only reason she got good positions at the uni, one is crooked, the other just a liar, to be fair trump is a liar too and I see on him the second hand car salesman.
You seriously have to be joking. Do you ever listen to Republicans talking about being the party of family values, the moral majority, christian values, the christian right, the patriotism?

Aren´t the Republicans always bitching about the lack of morals of the secular progressives who are waging war against christmas and god and prayer in school and are baby killers.

Unbelievable. And democrats seem to have the god given right?

If you go south the democrats talk the same way.
Soon or later they will bring the "Indian" claims she had/has - which was the only reason she got good positions at the uni, one is crooked, the other just a liar, to be fair trump is a liar too and I see on him the second hand car salesman.

The 'Fauxcahontas' smear was cooked up by the right, especially Scott Brown camp in their 2012 Senate run. There's been zero evidence that she cooked it up to profit academically from the claim. Drumpf has brought it up for weeks now and no one gave a shit. It was debunked.

Seriously, this is even more absurd than your 'Hillary is a racist because she was a Goldwater girl'. Do some actual research before buying hook line and sinker into everything you heard on talk radio.
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