2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Probably. Like in all countries, fringe parties can afford to make more outlandish claims/promises when they have no chance of power, but it'd still undoubtedly be a good thing to have more parties in the mainstream American discourse. All parties will ultimately make compromises if they want to be near power, but it'd still be good to have a system where people can vote for them and feel like that vote has some worth.

As long as the Electoral College still exists, the two party system will continue to persist.

It's undemocratic, yes, but it's exactly what the founders wanted. They are supposed to be a check against the rise of demagogues, but will never exercise that power.
As long as the Electoral College still exists, the two party system will continue to persist.

It's undemocratic, yes, but it's exactly what the founders wanted. They are supposed to be a check against the rise of demagogues, but will never exercise that power.

Yeah, I have no doubts it'll be around for a considerable time. Probably sometime after the UK goes PR, whenever that is.

Pelosi mocking the shit out of Ryan! When we all look back at this election, the one thing we will never accuse it of being, is boring. It's hilarious at times. :lol:
Strange tweet.

Not really, I don't know why it doesn't show the exact tweet properly? She is actually replying to Trump's nasty comments about Obama endorsing her, so her "Delete your account" reply makes perfect sense in that context, especially as she has been telling him to delete his account and stop tweeting at all hours.
I think it does. Not the ideal way to run a railroad, not fair, bud I don't think you go after a recently elected President over that (and I'm not one who thinks its a small issue, just doesn't cross the threshold to go after a sitting President).

Or she gets nailed and her VP takes over (i.e. Warren). Pipedream, eh?

Even Drumpf's slogan isn't original for fecks sake.
I do like seeing liberals panic over Trump. For years they have looked down on him with a British snobbery and now they are sitting it because he actually has a chance. Seeing them all shamelessly trying to character assassinate him is hilariously hypocritical
It's a good pick if Clinton takes Warren for VP, as it gets a lot of Bernie supporters on side. It'll go some way toward mending bridges, I think. A solid endorsement from Bernie would seal it.

I completely agree mate (this is becoming a rather worrying trend) I don't like Hillary very much, but anyone is better than Trump. Warren would be an amazing VP choice and as you say, hopefully would placate many of the Bernie supporters who refuse to support Hillary. I get why they don't like Hillary, and of course I understand them not wanting to vote for her, or not liking it, but actually not voting and possibly giving the Moron the Presidency is ridiculous and completely counter productive. Principles are one thing, but that's like cutting off your nose to spite your face, it's idiotic to the extreme.
I completely agree mate (this is becoming a rather worrying trend) I don't like Hillary very much, but anyone is better than Trump. Warren would be an amazing VP choice and as you say, hopefully would placate many of the Bernie supporters who refuse to support Hillary. I get why they don't like Hillary, and of course I understand them not wanting to vote for her, or not liking it, but actually not voting and possibly giving the Moron the Presidency is ridiculous and completely counter productive. Principles are one thing, but that's like cutting off your nose to spite your face, it's idiotic to the extreme.

Yep. Clinton wasn't the first choice of many, but is certainly the lesser of two evils. No doubt about that at all.

"If you were asked to be Secretary Clinton's running mate, do you believe you could do it? And by that I mean the most important job of being a vice president is to be ready to be president if, God forbid, something happened to the commander in chief. I know you don't want the job, but do you believe you would be capable of stepping into that job and doing that job if you were ever called to do it?" Maddow asked.

"Yes, I do," Warren confidently replied.

It's on like Donkey Kong! :drool:
he is just a lot better at twitter than Clinton - sadly I fear he is going to make it a pretty close run thing mainly due to using social media to set the agenda

The only thing to say about that is I don't know if there's a democracy in the world yet where social media has predicted an election result. The last UK GE is a prime case to show it can be very wrong, in fact. Not sure if how people relate to social media is different in the States, but I would be very wary still of taking them as an indicator.
The only thing to say about that is I don't know if there's a democracy in the world yet where social media has predicted an election result. The last UK GE is a prime case to show it can be very wrong, in fact. Not sure if how people relate to social media is different in the States, but I would be very wary still of taking them as an indicator.
My point is he has used social media to dominate the media cycle and set the agenda and tone for the debate throughout the process so far - and if he can continue that through to november then its a huge advantage to have - I hope he looses but I think its going to be closer than some are predicting
I do like seeing liberals panic over Trump. For years they have looked down on him with a British snobbery and now they are sitting it because he actually has a chance. Seeing them all shamelessly trying to character assassinate him is hilariously hypocritical

I don´t know what liberals you´re seeing in a panic. A fairer description would be we´re laughing and cringing at what a pathetic, megalomaniac fraud he is, as more and more details come out, and the way he´s made the joke of a Republican party eat each other and kiss his ring. We´ll be laughing our way to the presidency. If anything, we didn´t quite expect what an absolute douche marriage made in hell the Donald and the Republican party would become. Maybe they can get Denny Hastert to officiate the wedding, ha ha. What did Little Marco say . . . he can´t be trusted with the nuclear code, but he still supports him for president. If he somehow did get elected, the "best country in the world" would get exactly what they deserve.

And the little political whores of Republican politicians trying to save face (and their generous government tit) and whining about his racism, just don´t get it. It´s precisely why he´s gotten a record amount primary votes. No filter, no problem.
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I do like seeing liberals panic over Trump. For years they have looked down on him with a British snobbery and now they are sitting it because he actually has a chance. Seeing them all shamelessly trying to character assassinate him is hilariously hypocritical
For years?

Character assassinate? That would imply people were spreading lies about him. Except there is no need to lie about him....every time the cnut opens his mouth he says something bigoted or racist.

Then again, you probably think he's a hero for not being 'PC'.
The trouble with Liz is she completely outclasses Hillary, which could be a bit of an issue down the road in terms of VP.
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