2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Is there any suitable presidential election for comparison, in terms of two nominees that the party base doesn't like?

The party base adores her - her biggest strength was closed primaries where independents weren't allowed to vote. On the other hand, Trump (like Bernie) was stronger in open states, so you can level that at him.
The party base adores her - her biggest strength was closed primaries where independents weren't allowed to vote. On the other hand, Trump (like Bernie) was stronger in open states, so you can level that at him.
I suppose I used the wrong term. I mean, the traditional left isn't fond of her and the traditional right isn't fond of Trump.
I suppose I used the wrong term. I mean, the traditional left isn't fond of her and the traditional right isn't fond of Trump.

I'm not 100% sure. They're not fond of her but they're not her strongest opponents - according to polls the most reliable indicator of a Bernie voter is age. He won by huge margins among under-30s across most states (he even came close in the south where he lost overall 70-30). From what I remember he was level counting under-45s. The situation was reversed above that.
No other indicator-ideology (in the US that's noted as liberal or conservative), race, income- was as strong as age to divide Hillary and Bernie. Self-identified "very liberal" voters tended to infact go for Hillary, and there's been a ton of analysis on why.

Edit: and all but 1 national union endorsed her too...I guess it's tough to define what the left is in such a right-wing country.
I suppose I used the wrong term. I mean, the traditional left isn't fond of her and the traditional right isn't fond of Trump.
The Democratic "base" is actually quite varied, as is the Republican "base".

There are also more than just "left" and "centrist" factions in the Democratic party - there's progressive (Sanders would be here if he was a democrat), liberal, centrist (Clinton would probably be here), (left-)libertarian and even conservative factions (like Jim Webb) in the Democratic party.

The Republican party has factions like Christian conservatives (including evangelicals) (Huckerbee probably fits here), traditionalists (Ted Cruz?), (right-)libertarian (Rand Paul), neoconservatives (Cheney) and moderate (Jeb Bush, Rubio, etc.) factions. And Trump.

We should remember that online, Bernie Sanders is massive and if, say, Reddit decided the general election, Clinton would be in prison and Sanders would have won 99% of the vote. Most Democrats don't hate Clinton - she won the nomination. And I think most Sanders supporters would vote for her over Trump, if push came to shove.
But how many would not turn out to vote?
That may be the big factor?
Hopefully for the Democrats trump says so much crazy stuff it motivates Bernies supporters to ensure they turn out?
75% of Sanders supporters said they'd vote for Clinton in the general election, and that was a week ago. Once the dust settles, and Sanders (eventually) drops out and endorses Clinton, I expect that number to go up quite a bit. He could also disavow Trump in his concession speech.
We should remember that online, Bernie Sanders is massive and if, say, Reddit decided the general election, Clinton would be in prison and Sanders would have won 99% of the vote. Most Democrats don't hate Clinton - she won the nomination. And I think most Sanders supporters would vote for her over Trump, if push came to shove.
I read the Sanders subreddit for the first time in months today - those people are genuinely insane, and that's said by someone who would definitely vote Bernie if I lived in the US.
I'd be amazed if that is below 90 in the actual election. Surely there aren't a significant number of people who vote in the primaries, but not the general?
I think they'll vote if they have to. They don't want to but if we get close to the election and the polls aren't looking like an easy Clinton victory they'll vote the (much) lesser evil.
But how many would not turn out to vote?
That may be the big factor?
Hopefully for the Democrats trump says so much crazy stuff it motivates Bernies supporters to ensure they turn out?

Obama has 80% approval rating with Bernie supporters and he's expected to endorse Clinton. Seems Bernie is also meeting Obama shortly. Once Obama endorses, I presume it's be unified to an extent....At least far more than GOP could expect. I expect many to vote for Clinton over Trump.
Bernie or bust is like PUMA group 8 years ago. When the election time comes, they'll rally around. There will be the militant base who may not vote, but see how quickly Republicans rallied around Trump. Hillary is a much easier candidate to rally around than him.
Bernie or bust is like PUMA group 8 years ago. When the election time comes, they'll rally around. There will be the militant base who may not vote, but see how quickly Republicans rallied around Trump. Hillary is a much easier candidate to rally around than him.

Yeah, I expect it'll be a very minimal number who don't go Hilary in November. The vast majority will vote for her, especially with the added threat of knowing Trump's the alternative. Out of the ones who don't switch to Hilary, they'll be split between independent candidates, not voting at all, and some going for Trump. In the end, it'll be a minuscule number of them who actually vote Trump.
I wasn't aware, until very recently, how very bad the US TV news is. I unwittingly clicked on a Fox News link and... wow! Incredible. Such shite! I looked a bit deeper and found some really rather disturbing demographics. I fear a new Nazism.
I wasn't aware, until very recently, how very bad the US TV news is. I unwittingly clicked on a Fox News link and... wow! Incredible. Such shite! I looked a bit deeper and found some really rather disturbing demographics. I fear a new Nazism.

Oh my. You have no idea. You really are better off not knowing any different.
Found this gem on FB today. The comments are insane.I have no idea what Radical Mslm is, perhaps a new type of boy band.

Oh dear, the comments are extremely worrying too. Don't these people read? Don't they research shit? It must be awful being so frightened of stuff all the time, especially when it's not fecking true.

The UK is experiencing the same type of thing at the moment with the EU Referendum and it scares me. There are just so many people who just hear or read one thing and recite it verbatim without doing any research. They just spout lies and spread fear and it scares me, but for a very different reason.
What's the population of America? Wasn't Michael Moore saying that people should take charge of their own destiny by engaging in politics themselves? And the very best you can come up with is Hillary and Donald? So sad!
Thanks. I could have looked it up. The point though... Ah, never mind.

I understood your point. However, imho, they did come up with someone better than Hillary and Drumpf, they came up with probably one of the best political candidates I have seen in my lifetime. Bernie is a great option, it's just unfortunate many don't see it that way or share his beliefs/ideals or vision. Of course that is just my opinion, but I truly mean it. It's a shame he didn't win the nomination, and it's also a shame he wont get another chance.
What's the population of America? Wasn't Michael Moore saying that people should take charge of their own destiny by engaging in politics themselves? And the very best you can come up with is Hillary and Donald? So sad!

Most people are too lazy and it takes a lot of work to run for political office even at the lowest of levels. Many don't have that kind of time or desire to do such. But there are plenty that do get into politics, mostly at lower levels. Unfortunately, many get in for selfish reasons. There's also your power obsessed types, whom often rise to high levels.
These are our elected officials. Logical extremes indeed. Might want to look up that word 'logical' to gain a better understanding of its meaning, Mr. Hunter...
GOP congressman compares Judge Curiel to an Iraqi-American judging Chris Kyle

“What I like to do is take these arguments out to there logical extremes,” Hunter said on Sean Hannity’s radio program. “So let’s say that Chris Kyle, the American sniper, is still alive and he was on trial for something, and his judge was a Muslim-American of Iraqi descent. Here you have Chris Kyle, who’s killed a whole bunch of bad guys in Iraq. Would that be a fair trial for Chris Kyle? If you had that judge there? Probably not. And Chris Kyle could probably say, ‘this guy’s not gonna like me.’”
These are our elected officials. Logical extremes indeed. Might want to look up that word 'logical' to gain a better understanding of its meaning, Mr. Hunter...
GOP congressman compares Judge Curiel to an Iraqi-American judging Chris Kyle

“What I like to do is take these arguments out to there logical extremes,” Hunter said on Sean Hannity’s radio program. “So let’s say that Chris Kyle, the American sniper, is still alive and he was on trial for something, and his judge was a Muslim-American of Iraqi descent. Here you have Chris Kyle, who’s killed a whole bunch of bad guys in Iraq. Would that be a fair trial for Chris Kyle? If you had that judge there? Probably not. And Chris Kyle could probably say, ‘this guy’s not gonna like me.’”

It's really not funny how fecking moronic these fecktards are. I mean, do they really think that people will fall for all this? Accuse your accuser is 12 year old type stuff isn't it? They had a 20 minute argument about it on CNN last night that was as hilarious and is was cringe-worthy. It's pure desperation now and after being hammered even by the likes of McConnell, Ryan and Newt, surely it's time for this charade to come to an end? This Trump University thing will not go away, it's clear he is in big trouble over it for many reasons, and also now for bribery too. Then you have the racist comments and complete disrespect to the Judge involved, the double down with the Muslim Judge comment, and on top of that his refusal to release his tax returns and now even proof that he claims benefits on his earnings that can only be awarded to people who earn $500k or LESS PER YEAR! So many saying he's not worth even a fraction of his estimations and many now questioning if he can even be called a billionaire. They are also not letting go over his lies about how much the fundraiser for the vets raised and his promise to donate $1 million of his own money that he still hasn't done. The rape of his ex wife story still wont go away and is resurfacing again, as are his ties to mob and his illegal building practices.

The stories are all building up against him and It's all coming down hard on him and he only has himself to blame. His desperation for the spotlight and to be seen as successful, rich and powerful is fast becoming his downfall and the old adage of giving someone enough rope could well be proven true because he keeps providing everyone with more ammunition. Added to all of that you now have the press who have worked out how to deal with him and that is call him on his lies and bullshit, like CNN did over his recent denials of saying Japan should have nukes. He doesn't like it at all, and I think the only question now is how long this is going to go on for and how hard he is going to fall. He's like the gift that keeps on giving as far as the press are concerned at the moment, and the funny thing is that he is so fecking thick and arrogant and full of himself he can't see it. One thing for sure is that it is becoming hilarious and tremendous to watch and he deserves every single bit of it.

Edit, just as I post that, he yet again proves his arrogance knows no bounds.

And he's also just said that NATO are creating a new special powerful intelligence post to help deal with terrorism and Trump said it was all because of him. :lol:
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What's the population of America? Wasn't Michael Moore saying that people should take charge of their own destiny by engaging in politics themselves? And the very best you can come up with is Hillary and Donald? So sad!

Deference to authority is built into our DNAs. People gravitate towards those with power, or perceived to be powerful.

The mass rising up towards a truly egalitarian society, therefore, is a pipedream. As long as people have cheap beer and cheap porn, they don't give a feck.
Bizarre strategy by Trump to desperately court Bernie supporters. If they don't like Hillary they are no more likely to like his race baiting ways.
Bizarre strategy by Trump to desperately court Bernie supporters. If they don't like Hillary they are no more likely to like his race baiting ways.

It really is insane, but are you surprised, really? He has no clue and really isn't in touch with the real world. In his own little mind, of course everyone who doesn't like Hillary will flock to him. He probably sees himself like some modern day Moses, guiding people to a new land. He really is that deluded.

Surely you can see all this coming to a head now though @Raoul? Finally, your prediction of him imploding appears to be coming true, it's just taken a lot longer than both you and I felt it would. I'm not ashamed to admit I got scared for a while and didn't think it would happen, but it seems that it has started and I think a shitstorm of biblical proportions is on its way for The Donald, and of course it will be unfair and like the pathetic giant baby he is, of course he will be the victim, but this time people aren't going to be listening or feeling any sympathy because a lot will have had the wool removed from their eyes.
It really is insane, but are you surprised, really? He has no clue and really isn't in touch with the real world. In his own little mind, of course everyone who doesn't like Hillary will flock to him. He probably sees himself like some modern day Moses, guiding people to a new land. He really is that deluded.

Surely you can see all this coming to a head now though @Raoul? Finally, your prediction of him imploding appears to be coming true, it's just taken a lot longer than both you and I felt it would. I'm not ashamed to admit I got scared for a while and didn't think it would happen, but it seems that it has started and I think a shitstorm of biblical proportions is on its way for The Donald, and of course it will be unfair and like the pathetic giant baby he is, of course he will be the victim, but this time people aren't going to be listening or feeling any sympathy because a lot will have had the wool removed from their eyes.

I suppose in a way, though it sounds daft, the media had to get its ducks in a row. While there were still a range of candidates, they could play it for laughs a bit and run with all of the daftness of it, especially because it was ratings gold. Now that he's confirmed and there is a chance of him actually being president, perhaps the horror of that is settling in and now they're going for him properly.

Doesn't really excuse them though. The Trump U case is maturing now, but all of those other things you said above have been in his murky past for years and could have decimated him in the primaries if they'd been used from the start.
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