2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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She will simply refuse to engage in his antics, talks policies and acts presidential.

If Horsey Fiorina got the better of Trump 1v1, there's no reason Hillary can't do the same.
He only has to mention her support for the Iraq war, Libya and her shadowing FBI indictment amongst dozens of other things.

Doesn't even have to play nasty, just nastier than Sanders was (which wasn't very much, testamenting his class).
She will simply refuse to engage in his antics, talks policies and acts presidential.

If Horsey Fiorina got the better of Trump 1v1, there's no reason Hillary can't do the same.

That will be the key, if she keeps control of the message (something the Clinton White House was very good at and according to Carvelle something they learned from Reagan) then she will have no problem beating Trump.
Hillary has to maintain her composure - she has thing she does where she starts to yell. It's not a case of her being 'rattled' or being 'shrill' - she just gets very LOUD.

Trump with his absurd mannerisms which will become quite patronizing come the debates - she ABSOLUTELY has to remain cool.
They fought the good fight, and they are bitter right now about Trump being the nominee, but the majority of the conservatives will eventually fall into line and support the nominee. They have no other choice, this is a watershed election for conservatives, it is their line in the sand.

This election is about control of the Supreme Court for the next 25 to 30 years. There could be as many as 4 appointments to the Supreme Court over the next President's term of office. If the Democrats win in November and they follow Obama's lead and appoint younger progressives, we will have a liberal court for a generation. Under a Clinton presidency we will continue to see an attack on family values, religious freedoms and individual liberties will be curtailed and there will be an attempt to repeal the Second Amendment.

Conservatives may not find Trump conservative enough for them, but they can't sit this election out. If they lose in November, their way of live is finished.

Family values is such a bullshit term.
That will be the key, if she keeps control of the message (something the Clinton White House was very good at and according to Carvelle something they learned from Reagan) then she will have no problem beating Trump.

Trump does have a way to get under the skin of his opponents, mind, but I think during this primary season he's never had the upper hand in a kerfuffle with a woman, whether Kelly or Fiorina. He's a raging misogynist and he just can't control it.
Trump does have a way to get under the skin of his opponents, mind, but I think during this primary season he's never had the upper hand in a kerfuffle with a woman, whether Kelly or Fiorina. He's a raging misogynist and he just can't control it.

Plus Hillary can beat the shit out of him and his tiny hands
Trump does have a way to get under the skin of his opponents, mind, but I think during this primary season he's never had the upper hand in a kerfuffle with a woman, whether Kelly or Fiorina. He's a raging misogynist and he just can't control it.

He's gotten hit by a few people in the primaries pretty well and he's not great at debates.

But problem for republicans was a) that they started too late and by then he had cultivated a loyal base, and the angry crowd had decided and b) nobody else could make a good alternative case. All looked desperate stuff by the end even if it was a good argument.

Hillary doesn't have the same crowd to deal with and is actually the other way round and the frontrunner. She also could probably easily get him to say something misogynist and then garner bit of sympathy.
The Presidential debates will also be far different affairs from the republican primary debates. You won't have the baying mob that Trump feeds off and there may even be one with no audience.
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If your username reflects your state of mind, I'd suggest an immediate change of location.

(At least warn the tourists)

I have just changed my location

(I don't work for a tourist agency)
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They fought the good fight, and they are bitter right now about Trump being the nominee, but the majority of the conservatives will eventually fall into line and support the nominee. They have no other choice, this is a watershed election for conservatives, it is their line in the sand.

This election is about control of the Supreme Court for the next 25 to 30 years. There could be as many as 4 appointments to the Supreme Court over the next President's term of office. If the Democrats win in November and they follow Obama's lead and appoint younger progressives, we will have a liberal court for a generation. Under a Clinton presidency we will continue to see an attack on family values, religious freedoms and individual liberties will be curtailed and there will be an attempt to repeal the Second Amendment.

Conservatives may not find Trump conservative enough for them, but they can't sit this election out. If they lose in November, their way of live is finished.

Let's be honest, the way of live of the core republican is already dead. Not only history is against them, but also demographics. This feels like the last hurrah of a losing country in a war, do something crazy at the end and see if it works. It's a lose-lose situation for the GOP, they will either win or die, or lose and be irrelevant for quite some time.
The republicans will either adapt or vanish.
History repeats itself.

Hillary Clinton is already the next US President.

Then, I expect Bush Super Junior to be the following Republican US President.
History repeats itself.

Hillary Clinton is already the next US President.

Then, I expect Bush Super Junior to be the following Republican US President.

A black president -> Woman president -> black woman president, it'll be Michelle Obama come 2024.

A black president -> Woman president -> black woman president, it'll be Michelle Obama come 2024.


Lets say then: A black president -> Woman president -> black woman president, it'll be Michelle Obama come 2024. -> Bush Super Junior

It makes sense mate
Let's be honest, the way of live of the core republican is already dead. Not only history is against them, but also demographics. This feels like the last hurrah of a losing country in a war, do something crazy at the end and see if it works. It's a lose-lose situation for the GOP, they will either win or die, or lose and be irrelevant for quite some time.
The republicans will either adapt or vanish.

I agree, if not dead it is dying. That is why I can't see the majority of conservative republicans sitting this election out. It is their last stand, they have to hold their noses at support Trump.
Kamala Harris is next in line.

Never heard of her? You will, soon.
Actually seen her mentioned as an outside choice for VP. Fairly unlikely though given she's running for the Senate.
Let's be honest, the way of live of the core republican is already dead


I don't know about you, but my way of life has absolutely nothing to do with the political leadership of my country.

Yonder a maid and her wight
Come whispering by:
War's annals will cloud into night
Ere their story die.
Gavin Newsome will be in the line ahead of Kamala Harris. She is very polished though so I can see her competing. She has an easy run to the Senate.
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