2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I'd say Gavin for Gov. Kamala Harris and Eric Garcetti for the Boxer and Feinstein's Senate jobs.

Yeah, that sounds about right, and then Gav with presidential aspirations if all goes well as gov. Funny to think he was married for a while to that hottie Kimberley Guilfoyle from Fox, although I´m sure she was a bit more politically sane before being very handsomely rewarded for her role in Roger Ailes´ harem.

Yet again the internet wins!

:lol: :lol:
Re-read Obama's foreign policy essay in the Atlantic. The bits concerning Hillary's eager hawkishness with regards to Syria and Libya, along with her disgusting pandering to Israel at the AIPAC summit this year, are concerning.

I don't know about you, but my way of life has absolutely nothing to do with the political leadership of my country.

Yonder a maid and her wight
Come whispering by:
War's annals will cloud into night
Ere their story die.

Ah Will, couldn't let the thread go on with your lovely poem sitting there unacknowledged.

This thread would be all the poorer without ya :D
Bill Kristol is apparently trying to convince Romney to take on an Independent run. That would wreck Drumpf's chances instantly if it happened.
After that Chelsea Clinton? :drool:

Indeed, not so ugly for a political woman :)

I don't know why but she seems to made for the job in the long-term.:wenger:

Chelsea Victoria Clinton (born February 27, 1980) is the only child of former U.S. President Bill Clinton and former U.S. Secretary of State and 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. She was a special correspondent for NBC News (2011–14) and now works with the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Since 2011, she has taken on a prominent role at the foundation, and has a seat on its board.[1]

Clinton was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, during her father's first term as governor. She attended public schools there until he was elected President and the family moved to Washington, D.C., where she began attending the private Sidwell Friends School. She received an undergraduate degree at Stanford University and later earned master's degrees from Oxford University and Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and a Doctor of Philosophy in international relations from the University of Oxford in 2014.

Clinton has worked for NBC, McKinsey & Company, Avenue Capital Group, and New York University and serves on several boards, including those of the School of American Ballet, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, Common Sense Media, Weill Cornell Medical College and IAC/InterActiveCorp.

In 2007 and 2008, Clinton campaigned extensively on American college campuses for her mother's unsuccessful Democratic presidential nomination bid, introducing her at the August 2008 Democratic National Convention. Clinton married investment banker Marc Mezvinsky in 2010. They have a daughter and are expecting their second child in 2016.
Why the feck would anybody vote for Romney now? I think he overestimates his popularity.

He's not running to win though, only to provide an acceptable top ticket option for the NeverTrump crowd so they get out to vote for the down ballot races as well.

A lot of similarity this one has with the 1964 cycle. Demagogic candidate on the right, uninspiring candidate on the left, racial tension and a Governor Romney who refuse to endorse and instead bash the shit out of the GOP nominee.
Indeed, not so ugly for a political woman :)

I don't know why but she seems to made for the job in the long-term.:wenger:

So there's a Dr. Clinton? I haven't taken any notice of whether she's been involved or not so far, but surely she's a bigger asset than Drumpf's endangered animal shooting kids.
That's a bit harsh on LBJ. He was a very good candidate.

He was a very good president, domestic policies wise. Yet, never loved by the Democratic base the way Kennedy was. In fact, he lost half of them in 1964 despite the landslide win due to his embrace of the Civil Rights act, and lost most of the remaining half in 1968 that he couldn't run for re-election.

1964 LBJ basically fear-mongered the country to the presidency. Just have a look at the famous ads at the time, East Coast being sawed off, 'Daisy' and 'Confession of a Republican'.
He was a very good president, domestic policies wise. Yet, never loved by the Democratic base the way Kennedy was. In fact, he lost half of them in 1964 despite the landslide win due to his embrace of the Civil Rights act, and lost most of the remaining half in 1968 that he couldn't run for re-election.

1964 LBJ basically fear-mongered the country to the presidency. Just have a look at the famous ads at the time, East Coast being sawed off, 'Daisy' and 'Confession of a Republican'.

Losing dixiecrats is something to be proud of. As for fear-mongering, it was somewhat justified. Goldwater would have been a disaster.

The Daisy ad was only shown once.

1968 was an election on Vietnam with a country that had been torn apart.
Not disputing any of that, just saying that Johnson wasn't a popular candidate. The choices then were basically the same now. Lesser of the two evils in most people' mind.
LBJ shits all over Hillary. He was a man of principles who genuinely wanted to to do well for the less-fortunate. He was also a skilled politician and deal-maker. I wish he hadn't fecked up Vietnam so badly and we'd had four more years of his Great Society.

To say he was an evil in 1964 is wrong.
:confused:, I said in people's mind. What does the strength of his character have to do with his perceived popularity?

Kennedy only won a very narrow win against Tricky Dick 4 years prior. Goldwater was a godsend for LBJ much the same way Trump is for Hillary now. There was every chance LBJ would lose against a moderate Republican back in the day, especially with Wallace splitting the Dixiecrats. That's not a strong candidate.
I've read a few Thomas Hardy books, should we be mates? :D:eek::nervous:

Why not?

There's the inspiring story of the KKK supporter and the black civil rights activist who were childhood friends and always provided each other with emotional support in times of trouble..

No wait!...that's apocryphal... never happened.

Even so. Believe.

Though Bernie Sanders online supporters have been cited as aggressive online in media reports, even earning the name “Bernie Bros”, only 16 percent of those surveyed said Sanders supporters were “aggressive and/or threatening,” compared to 30 percent who found Hillary Clinton supporters aggressive and/or threatening online.

Even 35 percent of self-identified Trump supporters said Trump supporters are very aggressive and/or threatening online.

I saw the poll and am not convinced of their numbers but the wide discrepancy is interesting
Why not?

There's the inspiring story of the KKK supporter and the black civil rights activist who were childhood friends and always provided each other with emotional support in times of trouble..

No wait!...that's apocryphal... never happened.

Even so. Believe.

And like that, in the blink of an eye, worlds apart again :D
Yeah, that sounds about right, and then Gav with presidential aspirations if all goes well as gov. Funny to think he was married for a while to that hottie Kimberley Guilfoyle from Fox, although I´m sure she was a bit more politically sane before being very handsomely rewarded for her role in Roger Ailes´ harem.
Damn it, got in trouble with wife when I was googling Kimberley Guilfoyle.
Bill Kristol is apparently trying to convince Romney to take on an Independent run. That would wreck Drumpf's chances instantly if it happened.

The same Mitt Romney who's famous for buying companies and selling them off piece by piece, putting thousands of hard working Americans out of work?

The Donald would have a field day.
The same Mitt Romney who's famous for buying companies and selling them off piece by piece, putting thousands of hard working Americans out of work?

The Donald would have a field day.

He would, but it would siphon away enough votes where Trump wouldn't stand a realistic chance of winning.
LBJ shits all over Hillary. He was a man of principles who genuinely wanted to to do well for the less-fortunate. He was also a skilled politician and deal-maker. I wish he hadn't fecked up Vietnam so badly and we'd had four more years of his Great Society.

To say he was an evil in 1964 is wrong.

LBJ did the Lord's work in securing the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, at least in my judgment, Medicare, but to dismiss LBJ's horror character as a human is what's wrong.
Damn it, got in trouble with wife when I was googling Kimberley Guilfoyle.

Kimberley modeled lingerie when she was an undergrad at UC Davis. The body is fukking white hot. The mind, not so much. She's drunk the Trump kool aid, but she had gone batshit crazy before Trump.

There's not much I can do to put Trump in a political body bag, but I can tell you reprobates here on the caf that the folks I'm talking to in states like Texas, Tennesseee and even Georgia are seeing a catastrophic collapse for Republicans there. Utah, even Utah, may go up in smoke.

This gives me no pleasure, but what I'm seeing out there tells me the Republican Party deserves the execution that's coming in November. If death of this party is what's necessary, so be it.
Re-read Obama's foreign policy essay in the Atlantic. The bits concerning Hillary's eager hawkishness with regards to Syria and Libya, along with her disgusting pandering to Israel at the AIPAC summit this year, are concerning.

Obama's definitely got some serious intellectual depth, whether one agrees with his methodology or not. But in the same vein, the results of his actions (or inaction) are open to debate.

She came across as a hawk, that's for sure.
Bill Kristol is apparently trying to convince Romney to take on an Independent run. That would wreck Drumpf's chances instantly if it happened.

Is that even possible? Is there enough time to get him on the ballot in 50 states? Do you think he'd get more than 2-3%? All these coalitions have had the opposite effect so far.
Is that even possible? Is there enough time to get him on the ballot in 50 states? Do you think he'd get more than 2-3%? All these coalitions have had the opposite effect so far.

Probably not in all 50, but in enough to skew the results in various key states. There is faction of the GOP that believe they would rather fail with Trump and go with 4 years of Hillary since she is more predictable with her polices, whereas 4 years of a reality show Presidency under Trump may do irreparable damage to the GOP brand. At least with Hillary, they could spend most of her time disrupting her and preparing for 2020.
Probably not in all 50, but in enough to skew the results in various key states. There is faction of the GOP that believe they would rather fail with Trump and go with 4 years of Hillary since she is more predictable with her polices, whereas 4 years of a reality show Presidency under Trump may do irreparable damage to the GOP brand. At least with Hillary, they could spend most of her time disrupting her and preparing for 2020.
Wouldnt it be better for them to vote for Hillary in that case?
Romney has no chance. None.
If they are so anti Trump and want to hand it over to Hillary, voting for her would be a much more effective way than voting for Romney, which would be a vote wasted... might as well stay at home and not vote if that is the case.
Wouldnt it be better for them to vote for Hillary in that case?
Romney has no chance. None.
If they are so anti Trump and want to hand it over to Hillary, voting for her would be a much more effective way.

Yes it would make more sense to vote for Hillary, but they are still jockying for power within the GOP in the new Trump era, and this would be one way to go about it.
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