2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He is desperately trying to get Bernie voters. Considering that a large part of them are quite young, he may succeed on doing so.

I wouldn't worry about it. 15-25% of Bernie voters depends on what poll you believe in say they won't vote for Hillary now. He has 45% of the Democratic primary vote so far, so it translates to anywhere between 5-10% of the Democratic vote overall. That's the standard cross voting percentage, assuming they follow through with their current sentiment.

Barring an indictment, Hillary will have to literally shoot someone in the face to ball this up.
I wouldn't worry about it. 15-25% of Bernie voters depends on what poll you believe in say they won't vote for Hillary now. He has 45% of the Democratic primary vote so far, so it translates to anywhere between 5-10% of the Democratic vote overall. That's the standard cross voting percentage, assuming they follow through with their current sentiment.

Barring an indictment, Hillary will have to literally shoot someone in the face to ball this up.
5-10% of the Democratic vote might be too much in some states.

But on the other side, I would expect some Republicans to not vote for Trump. And Hillary will get most of those who are in center.
5-10% of the Democratic vote might be too much in some states.

But on the other side, I would expect some Republicans to not vote for Trump. And Hillary will get most of those who are in center.

Cross voting is similar on both sides, they tend to even out. Plus,

Obama vs Romney 2012:
White: 39% - 59%
Black: 93% - 6%
Hispanics: 71% - 27%

Hillary vs Trump, currently:
White: 41% - 47%
Black: 86% - 9%
Hispanics: 70% - 22%

Even if 80% of the undecideds break for Trump, he'd still lose.
Yep, I think that Hillary should easily win, but Trump has been winning against any bet so far, so who knows.
Mary Matalin, who is pretty well known in GOP circles, just announced she is switching the Libertarian today. I'd imagine the never trump people will gradually do the same since the Lib party is the only one with a chance of getting on to the ballot in each/most states.
So will the Republicans stop having primaries now?

Not until each state votes. There are still about 8 or so states that have to do their primaries, including mine. Obviously, Trump as the only guy on the ballot will win all the delegates so its a bit of a moot point.
Mary Matalin, who is pretty well known in GOP circles, just announced she is switching the Libertarian today. I'd imagine the never trump people will gradually do the same since the Lib party is the only one with a chance of getting on to the ballot in each/most states.

OG Gary Johnson.
I think Johnson would get pushed aside if a lot of Conservatives flocked to the Lib party. They'd need someone a bit more high profile to do any serious damage to the race.

He's been getting a ton of good press lately, a nice spike in google trends as well and it might be too late for the Republicans to push an alternative to the Libertarian nomination. My issue is that Johnson might deviate from his lean fiscal roots and dabble in social conservatism to placate the new support like Rand.
He's been getting a ton of good press lately, a nice spike in google trends as well and it might be too late for the Republicans to push an alternative to the Libertarian nomination. My issue is that Johnson might deviate from his lean fiscal roots and dabble in social conservatism to placate the new support like Rand.

He was on TV yesterday saying his politics are closer to Bernie Sanders than anyone else running this cycle, which wouldn't really work for the Republicans seeking to flee Trump. They would need a Ron Paul type, who is actually grounded in Libertarianism and elements of the Republican platform, to move forward.
I´m sure it won´t be long till Paul Ryan and all the other little rebels, including Ted Cruz, will flock back to The Donald and it will kiss n makin´up time in the Republican party and it will be back to business as usual to take on Hills. Can´t wait to see that principled conservative, Teddy Cwuz, back behind the Donald after that whiny final rant.
Not until each state votes. There are still about 8 or so states that have to do their primaries, including mine. Obviously, Trump as the only guy on the ballot will win all the delegates so its a bit of a moot point.

Do you think in some states the other recent drop outs might still show on the ballot depending on whether they can get the voting machines/ballots updated in time?
Do you think in some states the other recent drop outs might still show on the ballot depending on whether they can get the voting machines/ballots updated in time?

I'd imagine it depends on whether as you say they have time to remove Cruz and Kasich.

Does this guy know the consequences of America defaulting on it's debt?

Does this guy know the consequences of America defaulting on it's debt?

His tax plan relies on exploding the deficit by several hundred billion, so it's probably a key plank of his economic policy.
I´m sure it won´t be long till Paul Ryan and all the other little rebels, including Ted Cruz, will flock back to The Donald and it will kiss n makin´up time in the Republican party and it will be back to business as usual to take on Hills. Can´t wait to see that principled conservative, Teddy Cwuz, back behind the Donald after that whiny final rant.

They fought the good fight, and they are bitter right now about Trump being the nominee, but the majority of the conservatives will eventually fall into line and support the nominee. They have no other choice, this is a watershed election for conservatives, it is their line in the sand.

This election is about control of the Supreme Court for the next 25 to 30 years. There could be as many as 4 appointments to the Supreme Court over the next President's term of office. If the Democrats win in November and they follow Obama's lead and appoint younger progressives, we will have a liberal court for a generation. Under a Clinton presidency we will continue to see an attack on family values, religious freedoms and individual liberties will be curtailed and there will be an attempt to repeal the Second Amendment.

Conservatives may not find Trump conservative enough for them, but they can't sit this election out. If they lose in November, their way of live is finished.
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