2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Take the https://www.isidewith.com/ quiz of who you should vote for based on your policy preferences.

My results....

Probably not in all 50, but in enough to skew the results in various key states. There is faction of the GOP that believe they would rather fail with Trump and go with 4 years of Hillary since she is more predictable with her polices, whereas 4 years of a reality show Presidency under Trump may do irreparable damage to the GOP brand. At least with Hillary, they could spend most of her time disrupting her and preparing for 2020.

Many neocons are probably in that camp, yes
What's up with Clinton pointing and fake grinning whenever she gets up on the podium? Is she seeing some long lost friend or something?



When did this happen?

Early on in the season, Fiorina was surging in the polls after an impressive debate and Drumpf took a shot at her, saying she's too ugly to be president. At the next debate, she shot back at him and he tried to defuse it ("she has a beautiful face")
What's up with Clinton pointing and fake grinning whenever she gets up on the podium? Is she seeing some long lost friend or something?




Hillary isn't entirely comfortable in her own skin; or her advisers don't believe she's warm enough for popular consumption and needs to be reheated to room temperature.
I did that compass, and got 93% similarity with Clinton, 90% with Sanders, 89 with Stein and somehow 27% with Trump.

I am a pacifist and an environmentalist. Unsurprisingly, a left wing libertarian.

Feck me, that's surprisingly close to me as well. :lol: I think most Brits who take the test will be the same. Although it is difficult answering questions about things that are already available to you (National Health Care) or already pretty much set in stone (abortion, gun laws, gay marriage) etc.
me apparently agreeing mostly with Cruz on Science :lol:

Read what that says mate, it's only because (at a guess) you support NASA, and surprisingly so does Ted Cruz, I had the same shock when I read that result as well. Unsurprisingly Trump DOESN'T support NASA or any government funded space exploration. The same as he doesn't believe in Climate Change because he's a fecking moron.
Feck me, that's surprisingly close to me as well. :lol: I think most Brits who take the test will be the same. Although it is difficult answering questions about things that are already available to you (National Health Care) or already pretty much set in stone (abortion, gun laws, gay marriage) etc.
We're feelin the Bern :cool:
Read what that says mate, it's only because (at a guess) you support NASA, and surprisingly so does Ted Cruz, I had the same shock when I read that result as well. Unsurprisingly Trump DOESN'T support NASA or any government funded space exploration. The same as he doesn't believe in Climate Change because he's a fecking moron.

Yeah you're right, out of context it was scary though and not fake scary like that pseudo science theory climate change.
It's interesting that despite the perceived differences between the two, most results seem to be very similar between Sanders/Clinton.

I like Bernie. But I didn't realise how much until now. I'm feeling more than the Bern right now.
What's most interesting about the results is that Hillary is nearly in line with Bernie on most issues, which sort of goes against this narrative that she's a corporate friendly, foreign policy interventionist.
Its surprising to me that some of you guys can align with a politician on 95% of policy issues. I have taken this several times and this was the first time I even crossed 80%. I used to get around 77% with Clinton as my top result.
What's most interesting about the results is that Hillary is nearly in line with Bernie on most issues, which sort of goes against this narrative that she's a corporate friendly, foreign policy interventionist.

Her talk is better than her walk, that's the difference.
Her talk is better than her walk, that's the difference.

Her walk is Obama's walk which can't be tied to anything other than his own policies. For the 19th time, the SecState position doesn't invent its own policies, it follows those of the President.
Her walk is Obama's walk which can't be tied to anything other than his own policies. For the 19th time, the SecState position doesn't invent its own policies, it follows those of the President.

She's got a record independent of Obama's policies, and she clearly paints herself as more progressive than she really is.
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