2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Wait... You scoff at the idea of Bernie diehards not voting for Clinton come election time, yet buy the notion that Republicans will vote for Hillary? Help me reconcile that
I've looked at exit poll data, where there's standard acceptance for Hillary compared to previous nominees and drastically reduced numbers for Trump. I've seen numerous Republican members of Congress repeatedly attack Trump in the strongest terms, and now say they won't vote for him, with McCain's former chief of staff saying he'll vote for Hillary. I think it's fairly assured that there are middle ground moderate Repubs that are far happier to go with a candidate to their left that is clearly capable of being Commander in Chief, whilst I'm skeptical of liberal Bernie voters shunning a candidate a bit to their right for Donald Trump.

Really not that outrageous.
I've looked at exit poll data, where there's standard acceptance for Hillary compared to previous nominees and drastically reduced numbers for Trump. I've seen numerous Republican members of Congress repeatedly attack Trump in the strongest terms, and now say they won't vote for him, with McCain's former chief of staff saying he'll vote for Hillary. I think it's fairly assured that there are middle ground moderate Repubs that are far happier to go with a candidate to their left that is clearly capable of being Commander in Chief, whilst I'm skeptical of liberal Bernie voters shunning a candidate a bit to their right for Donald Trump.

Really not that outrageous.

Those members of Congress will change their tune when their constituents tell them they'll be voting for whomever supports The Donald.
I've looked at exit poll data, where there's standard acceptance for Hillary compared to previous nominees and drastically reduced numbers for Trump. I've seen numerous Republican members of Congress repeatedly attack Trump in the strongest terms, and now say they won't vote for him, with McCain's former chief of staff saying he'll vote for Hillary. I think it's fairly assured that there are middle ground moderate Repubs that are far happier to go with a candidate to their left that is clearly capable of being Commander in Chief, whilst I'm skeptical of liberal Bernie voters shunning a candidate a bit to their right for Donald Trump.

Really not that outrageous.

Dude. You have a Supreme Court appointment (and more in the next 4 yrs) hanging in the balance, potential repeal of several executive actions, etc hanging in the balance, and you think a significant amount of Republicans are gonna ignore that and switch over to Hillary fecking Clinton because Trump is a bit of a nutter?
Dude. You have a Supreme Court appointment (and more in the next 4 yrs) hanging in the balance, potential repeal of several executive actions, etc hanging in the balance, and you think a significant amount of Republicans are gonna ignore that and switch over to Hillary fecking Clinton because Trump is a bit of a nutter?
What's "significant"? As IB said, it only takes a few percent to swing things massively. Can I see a few percent doing it? Yeah, because I think they might be severely put off by a "nutter" holding executive power.
That's a brilliant line of attack from Trump. He is basically saying that Hillary is weak and can't put away Bernie despite being supported by a rigged, corrupt system.
So as the nominee Trump is now going to be getting classified briefings on foreign policy and other matters.

Oh shit...
What's "significant"? As IB said, it only takes a few percent to swing things massively. Can I see a few percent doing it? Yeah, because I think they might be severely put off by a "nutter" holding executive power.

A few percent is a massive swing. Still don't see it, especially once Drumpf starts lobbing attacks on Hillary. Stranger things have happened (that's my disclaimer)
A few percent is a massive swing. Still don't see it, especially once Drumpf starts lobbing attacks on Hillary. Stranger things have happened (that's my disclaimer)
I think we'll be hearing a lot of that for the next 6 months :lol:

It's true, we are living in a world where Leicester are champions of England.
That's a brilliant line of attack from Trump. He is basically saying that Hillary is weak and can't put away Bernie despite being supported by a rigged, corrupt system.
Are you kidding me? Trump isnt that smart.
He's smart enough to con the GOP into voting for him. Now who is kidding who.

Nonsense. He was as surprised by this as anybody else. This was no masterplan by a genius. He ran for the hell of it and has been successful because of luck, dumbass voters and shite establishment candidates who had no idea how to take him on.
Nonsense. He was as surprised by this as anybody else. This was no masterplan by a genius. He ran for the hell of it and has been successful because of luck, dumbass voters and shite establishment candidates who had no idea how to take him on.

He was surprised by the reaction he received given the anti-establishment anger in the country. His decision to do things his way instead of capitulate or dilute himself into ordinary political discourse was his decision and a stroke of genius. Had he listened to his advisors, he wouldn't be where he is today.
Trump replied by saying that he’d respond to Russian military flexing of the sort currently occurring by telling Putin, “Don’t do that, don’t do that — Vladimir, don’t do it, we’re going to have a good relationship, don’t do it.”

Gandhi would have a more muscular foreign policy.
Best reply ever!

Trump is eating Mexican food out of a bowl with a fork because his tiny little hands can't hold a full sized taco" :lol: :lol:

Those dishes are very popular in these parts! Mostly because you don't have to wash any plates or bowls afterwards!

* I realize that Trump has both a plate and bowl under his taco, nullifying my attestation. :(
For those who haven't been keeping up lately, has anything interesting happened in the Clinton/Bernie race (race being optimistic term, here)?
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