2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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That was meant tongue firmly in cheeks, but if he really gets elected then there's a high chance the GOP will have a supermajority in the Senate as well, alongside the current historic majority in the House. Anything goes from there.

that only helps him, if this majority is actually cooperating with him. He pissed of a lot of the GOP leadership and they´ll only cooperate, if he is willing to push their agenda. That itself is worrisome, because GOP policies are often terrible, but it would result in fairly "normal" GOP policy. Obviously if you are fecked if you are an illegal migrant or a muslim.
Cheesy said:
But will he pay taxes on his book profits when he releases one? The big question here.

:lol: The article titled 'Trump: America's Nightmare' is next to one criticising Frozen for not having a lesbian heroine.
Just realised that we aren't going to have the long-awaited contested convention of insanity :(

No Bernie, that doesn't count.
Trump's victory speech last night was hilarious - giving mad props to Cruz despite 12 hours earlier accusing his dad of assassinating JFK. :lol:
Just realised that we aren't going to have the long-awaited contested convention of insanity :(

No Bernie, that doesn't count.

It will when his only demand will be a new DNC anthem

Comeon Bernie, forget the people and go for drama!
How will he try and win minority votes? He can't win a GE without them so it will be interesting to see what he does about this.
How will he try and win minority votes? He can't win a GE without them so it will be interesting to see what he does about this.

One of the ways is the massive Republican undertaking of voter suppression aimed directly at minorities and youth under the guise of non existent voting fraud. Seems like there is starting to be some signs of voting problems in the primaries, and when the general election kicks in, there could be a big nasty surprise.
How will he try and win minority votes? He can't win a GE without them so it will be interesting to see what he does about this.

He will pivot to being nice to them and tell them he will bring jobs to the US. Hillary will in turn run loads of ads repeating his previous comments about Mexicans, women, special needs people etc. but no one will care because Trump isn't judged by the same standards others are. That said, the Demographic gulf between where the country is and what it takes to elect a Republican is just a bit too wide imo.
How will he try and win minority votes? He can't win a GE without them so it will be interesting to see what he does about this.
I'm not sure what you can do to turn around the worst unfavourables with black and hispanic voters of recent times.
What's astonishing is the Trump Muslim ban being almost like a side-note in this whole rhetoric. Whatever the issues people have with Hillary, the guy opposite is a literal fascist who wants to ban 25% of the world from entering the country, collectivising blame and deeming them all as potential criminals. That's not just a mere "policy decision". Its one thing advocating for morally dubious realpolitik, completely another to out and out advocate for warcrimes. Which is what Trump is doing. Anybody who considers voting for him, or says they understand those who vote for him are not just moronic, but cnuts of the highest order.

Damn is a lot of people and I'm not sure if we have enough space for all of them.
What's astonishing is the Trump Muslim ban being almost like a side-note in this whole rhetoric. Whatever the issues people have with Hillary, the guy opposite is a literal fascist who wants to ban 25% of the world from entering the country, collectivising blame and deeming them all as potential criminals. That's not just a mere "policy decision". Its one thing advocating for morally dubious realpolitik, completely another to out and out advocate for warcrimes. Which is what Trump is doing. Anybody who considers voting for him, or says they understand those who vote for him are not just moronic, but cnuts of the highest order.

I don't think he's a fascist at all - he simply says things to certain groups as a tactical ploy to gain votes, then quickly pivots elsewhere. For the Republican primaries, Trump knew he couldn't win by simply pushing his normal policies since they were too liberal for Republicans, so he invented a character that assuaged their biggest angers - this idea that jobs are being sent overseas by establishment politicians and that illegal aliens and middle eastern militants are a threat to society. Now that he has all the necessary votes, I wouldn't be surprised to see him revise his character to be distinctly more centrist to regain the votes he needs. So basically, he isn't a fascist, but he did create a fascistic character to win the GOP primaries, which will now be reinvented as a centrist so he can win the election.
How will he try and win minority votes? He can't win a GE without them so it will be interesting to see what he does about this.

I think he will have a greater appeal for the blue collar workers which makes up a large portion of the voting minority demographic by strongly opposing illegal immigration and outsourcing, I also expect him to place prison reform high on his list of priorities and promise to work towards abolishing mandatory minimum sentences. That will go a long way to claiming at least a fraction of the minority votes.
This is a story in itself, both for the Bernie-Trump crossover, and for the relative success of a genuine outsider

This is a story in itself, both for the Bernie-Trump crossover, and for the relative success of a genuine outsider


While PoliticalCompass is quite interesting, I'm not sure it's entirely reliable. It seems to put politicians a lot more on the upper right than they actually are, especially in UK politics where basically everyone except from out and out socialists tends to be somewhere along the upper right.
While PoliticalCompass is quite interesting, I'm not sure it's entirely reliable. It seems to put politicians a lot more on the upper right than they actually are, especially in UK politics where basically everyone except from out and out socialists tends to be somewhere along the upper right.

They addressed that - they use older definitions of left and right. http://www.politicalcompass.org/faq#faq22
They addressed that - they use older definitions of left and right. http://www.politicalcompass.org/faq#faq22

I'm not buying their explanation. You have to analyze the system as a whole. The US is clearly geo-politically to the right of the world median, so political compass needs a standard for the US, and not how US politicians compare to political figures in other states.
Back the Bern Lizzie! You know it's the right thing to do :angel:

At a minimum, I'm pretty sure she'll be campaigning for Hillary despite 'that video'. She will be a very effective voice on the Prog side and if Bernie does the same, it would be massive for a Hillary victory, as there are already murmurings of a few Republicans getting behind her as well.....

How will he try and win minority votes? He can't win a GE without them so it will be interesting to see what he does about this.

Go after the political establishment and regressive left. Ultimately Trump hasn't fueled his own campaign, his opponents in the media have. There are so many great reasons not to vote for Trump, yet the media and anti-Trump campaign have focused on sensationalism and trying to make people feel stupid or racist etc for considering Trump. But it isn't Trump that appeals to them in my opinion, it's distrust of the establishment and the media etc. If you follow youtube etc more and more minorities are commenting on how they are are being mislead over Trump and that is where Trump should focus. If he or his opponents focus on the actual issues, then he stands no chance in my opinion. But as long as there is this intolerant anti Trump campaign, he stands a slight chance, as it just highlights why people, minorities included, distrust the political establishment.

Basically if Trump is able to highlight how political elite manipulate minorities and further fuel their distrust, things could start to change. It's a long shot, but the only way I can see him winning favor with minorities.
I'm not buying their explanation. You have to analyze the system as a whole. The US is clearly geo-politically to the right of the world median, so political compass needs a standard for the US, and not how US politicians compare to political figures in other states.

People are social animals, natural sponges for the ideas around them, and to draw conclusions about their 'character' from their values, those values have to be 'normalized' relative to their social context.

Even if his innate character, whatever that may be, might have made him a natural Sanders supporter had he grown up in Greenwich Village, a head-hunting New Guinea tribesman is bound to have opinions which Bernie, or even Hillary, would find unacceptable.
Go after the political establishment and regressive left. Ultimately Trump hasn't fueled his own campaign, his opponents in the media have. There are so many great reasons not to vote for Trump, yet the media and anti-Trump campaign have focused on sensationalism and trying to make people feel stupid or racist etc for considering Trump. But it isn't Trump that appeals to them in my opinion, it's distrust of the establishment and the media etc. If you follow youtube etc more and more minorities are commenting on how they are are being mislead over Trump and that is where Trump should focus. If he or his opponents focus on the actual issues, then he stands no chance in my opinion. But as long as there is this intolerant anti Trump campaign, he stands a slight chance, as it just highlights why people, minorities included, distrust the political establishment.

Basically if Trump is able to highlight how political elite manipulate minorities and further fuel their distrust, things could start to change. It's a long shot, but the only way I can see him winning favor with minorities.
I wouldn't rule it out after this campaign, anything can happen.
Old deleted Trump tweet apparently...... :lol:

Funny thing is, his supporters will probably like stuff like that in a really weirdly masochistic way since it's him being honest or something like that.:lol:
Liz :drool:

At a minimum, I'm pretty sure she'll be campaigning for Hillary despite 'that video'. She will be a very effective voice on the Prog side and if Bernie does the same, it would be massive for a Hillary victory, as there are already murmurings of a few Republicans getting behind her as well.....

Wonder what McCain will do. And Dubya for that matter, can't imagine there's much love lost there.
TBF the overlap in the messages of Bernie and Trump is overstated. I did the isidewith.com and got Bernie 96% (I disagreed on farm subsidies and national education standards), Jill Stein 95% and Hillary 90%. A few libertarians at 25-45 and the actual GOP at <10%. Trump at 5% and Cruz at 1% (I wonder what it was).

But outside their promised policies, the overlap between Bernie and Hillary isn't that high. Outsider, anti-trade, anti-war...and even though Trump is none of those things he can make those claims too. And that's where the (IMO idiotic) Bernie/Trump voters come in.
Just did this and I'm 91% Bernie, 89% Hillary and Trump is at 61%.
Hillbilly - 95
Bernard - 92
Stein - 88
Trump - 37

This was one of their published responses to equal marriage legalisation :lol:

“No, because gay people can't procreate. So this will cause a demand for children of couples who can. Kids will be kidnapped from good families in order to meet that demand and so states can profit off of federal incentives.”

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